
We Could Land Brazilian For A Mere £10M Say German Media

Image for We Could Land Brazilian For A Mere £10M Say German Media


This might be something. It might be nothing. You have to have a heightened sense of suspicion during International break, however this comes from the Fatherland and not Fleet Street.

Michel Bastos is the name in the frame and the German edition of is suggesting that a bid of €10m could be on the cards come January.

Again another biwingal winger – although he does favour the left. He’s 29 and has been at Lyon since 2009. I did a small amount of Googling and I’m not sure about the money side of this. It was reported only last year through a few English newspapers and the figure being touted then was of €22m.

Add to this, the knicker twisting of the Lyon chairman over the Hugo Lloris deal and we really could be in for some protracted fun and games.

Will this happen? In a word, dunno. What I do know is that this type of player would be a brilliant addition to shore up Bale having moved into a more central role.

Hotspurs Half Hour – Show 8 by hotspurshalfhour

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  • Ronnie Wolman says:

    ok moutinho

  • LLL says:

    If you think Levy will spend 10 million anythings on a 29 year old, I don’t know where you’ve been the last 10 years.

  • Dublin Yid says:

    We have been linked with him a very long time now, as far as I know he turned us down more than once. I wouldn’t be too keen, although fair point about allowing Bale to move more central. I think there are better options now. On a seperate note there is a viral taking off here in Ireland. Some bloke took a video of a fight between towny scumbags and this auld one started shouting in the commonest of Dublin accents ” Ah Here leave it out ” some genius used the line and put it into different scenarios hilarious

  • Hartley says:

    Striker please!

    • essexian76 says:

      and full backs pretty please

      • essexian76 says:

        Come to think of it, although we’re not desperate right now, It’s probably a good time to look at getting a young potentially gifted keeper, because I can’t see Cuddles-Brad or Cocoa the clown hanging around for very long-and Llrois is going to need cover for next season

        • Bukkake-breath says:

          I’ve heard rumours that jack butland has already agreed to join us. I’m not claiming to be ITK but I do believe it

      • Hartley says:

        We’ve got good cover on both sides now I’m not too worried by that position or that of keeper, but a quality striker is a must……the last thing we need is another midfielder

        • essexian76 says:

          Couldn’t agree more, but was only thinking that it could be a problem solved earlier than later-and will allow the likes of Gormless and Evil Keneval to move while they’ve still got any residual value, which would cover for any fee’s etc for a younger keeper?

  • chiversmetimbers says:


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