
Would You Adam & Eve It?

Image for Would You Adam & Eve It?

Good afternoon.

Boy is it quiet out there. Quiet as the grave. Unless you’re Jimmy Savile of course. In which case you probably found yourself shouting,‘What’s all this then?! Goodness gracious!’ as the marker to your fetid, child molesting bones was unceremoniously ripped from the ground above you late last night/early this morning.

But one snippet emerged courtesy of Tom Collomosse in the Standard as he tantalisingly dropped a new name into the mix…

…and AZ Alkmaar midfielder Adam Maher …also thought to be firmly on the radar at White Hart Lane.

Maher’s name has turned up in relation to the Premier League before today. Back in September he was allegedly scouted by Cheatski, Sunderland, Manchester City and Newcastle. Farther afield he has allegedly attracted the interest of Barcelona and AC Milan. This may all smack a little too much of his agent having put a good shift in, but this needn’t detract from his actual talent.

Hailed as the AK Alkmaar wonderkid this 19 year old won the Eredivisie Young Player of the Year award last season, which of course rings a small bell delicately engraved, ‘Jan Vertonghen.’

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  • Hardcore says:

    I’ve changed my name in appreciation of those wise words Ron….. :daumen:

    • Hardcore says:

      Saying that, I’m pretty pissed…..stag do, I know on a Wednesday…..apparently it’s cheaper to get married during the week…

    • Ronnie Wolman says:

      if you didnt boo then please change your name back.If you did boo please also change your name back so we know who you are :ninja:

    • Ronnie Wolman says:

      If you got pissed because of a weekday stag and also booed you are forgiven for beng pissed.If you got pissed but didnt boo but wanted to despite never having accepted a Tottenham manager since George Graham,I suggest you keep your new name,wear a disguise and not mention a word of it to any of these yobbos around here.
      If you didnt get pissed even though the beer was free,you would get little sympathy here from the angry mob.
      Its not pretty is it.
      But you can find solace through a new plan we have.All you have to do is send me ten quid.

      • philmccrackin says:

        I hate with a passion these BOO PEOPLE,I long for the days of beating the s**t out of one another,getting rid of the old darts taken from the nearest boozer on the way to the game, by firing them at the nearest official, or attacking the nearest opposition fan with a stanley,seat,glass bottle etc.Ball Bearings rolled under the cops horses was awesome,F**K these prawn cocktail BOO People who have the game ruined,LIFETIME BAN I SAY :angry: :blink: :dizzy2: :shocked: :shocked2: :finn:

  • nobby nobbs says:

    Emotionally its still a head wrecker..driank yawebastard driank.

  • Boy Charioteer says:

    It’s official then, diving is endemic in football according to Michael Owen. The said player being shown on film blatantly throwing himself on the floor in the penalty area against Argentina.

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