
A Rather Sad & Naive Opportunist

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The Society of Black lawyers as I predicted, have excelled themselves.

The Mark Clattennurk investigation has been abandoned by the cops. The Metroploitan Police were investigating this complaint as it was made by Peter Herbert of the Society of Black Lawyers. It is of note that nobody else reported this to old bill. Nobody. 

The cops issued a statement saying:

No victims have come forward’ and ‘without a victim and/or any evidence that any offence has been committed, the matter cannot currently be investigated.

But of course Peter Herbert isn’t happy with this and he told BBC Radio 5 live:

It sounds remarkably like a football cover-up. It sounds remarkably like the football industry wanted to have this issue swept under the carpet.

No Peter, it sounds remarkably like you’re an attention seeker. You suffer from the same disorder as our old friend David Baddiel. The pair of you are so up your own politically correct bottoms that your take on the world no longer includes common sense or reason.

Piara Powar, former head of Kick It Out and current Executive Director of Football Against Racism in Europe, said:

“I think Peter Herbert and the Society of Black Lawyers are naive. They perhaps don’t  know football.”

Chelsea Football Club was a hotbed of racism for decades. Not my words, but I those of a  Mr Ken Bates. Thing is, Ken perhaps doesn’t realise it is still is. Hissing, coin throwing, the most vicious abuse and by this please don’t get distracted with this ‘Yid Army’ nonsense. I’m talking about ‘Spurs Are On Their Way To Auschwitz’ being sung – amongst other toe tapping ditties.

But tackling significant numbers of mindless cretins doesn’t fit in with the way the pair of pontificate your way through life, does it? The reality is that THFC who are shall a rather stringent business, left Herbert’s crusade against the use of the word ‘Yid’ completely marooned when they replied to a threat of zero tolerance: 

Our position on this topic is very clear. The club does not tolerate any form of racist or abusive chanting. Our guiding principle in respect of the ‘Y-word’ is based on the point of law itself – the distinguishing factor is the intent with which it is used i.e. if it is used with the deliberate intention to cause offence. This has been the basis of prosecutions of fans of other teams to date.

Our fans adopted the chant as a defence mechanism in order to own the term and thereby deflect anti-Semitic abuse. They do not use the term to others to cause any offence, they use it a chant amongst themselves.

The club believes that real anti-Semitic abuse such as hissing to simulate the noise of gas chambers is the real evil and the real offence. We believe this is the area that requires a determined and concerted effort from all parties and where we seek greater support to eradicate.

Brian Reade in the Mirror also chose his words wisely on who Mr Herbert was:

A man with no known connection to football, who speaks for a society which exists solely of black members, is accusing a mass of multi-cultural people who embrace the word Yid to disempower rivals chanting anti-Semitic slurs, of being racist.

Football doesn’t want the episode swept under the carpet – it was Chelsea that lodged a complaint with the FA. Mr Herbert got wind of this involving a black player and screamed ‘bingo!’ But this wasn’t an opportunity of a lifetime. It was actually a rather tawdry stunt being pulled by some disreputable footballers who wanted revenge on a referee who didn’t do them any favours.

They made it all up. And so the Society Of Black Lawyers have heavily a backed a horse that went to moral knackers yard some considerable time ago.

Peter Herbert’s next mission is rumoured to be demanding that sweet manufacturer Barratts explain their sinister subliminal plot of manufacturing of both banana shaped foam candies and black jack chews. The world’s breath is baited.

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  • Vic says:

    Peter Herbert. long ago realised that he could make a career out of being black. This was on the crest of an establishment self flagellation wave after the Steven Lawrence case.
    So desperate were the police and the establishment to make amends for their ineptitude that a plethora of committees sprung up to right the wrongs – or at least appear to do so. Pete made sure he was on them all. He demanded more black representation in the judiciary and, voila!, he’s made a part time judge and they threw in an OBE to boot. Human rights was another cash cow which Mr Herbert threw himself into with gusto, visiting shoe bomber Richard Reid in prison in the US to make sure he was being treated well.
    There’s money in football so it’s no wonder that this has become his latest sphere of interest. The curious Society of Black Lawyers being his chosen vehicle. if you have a spare moment or two try logging on to their website, it seems no links work so I can’t check their mission statement. I could write one for them though.
    The last thing Herbert wants is racial harmony since his raison d’etre would disappear and, hopefully, so would he.

    • Ronnie Wolman says:

      The last sentence is right on.
      This is the problem with most extremism of an type.It becomes an end to itself

      • Boy Charioteer says:

        Yes, it’s like saying the last thing the police need is a crime-free society. The same logic would apply to that argument.

        • Ronnie Wolman says:

          I once read an article about Ireland and it said the extremists on both sides basically have the same agenda.To keep it going. (Ok they both lost)
          but it makes sense.
          When things are smooth people dont support such organization.When a bomb goes off money and support go through the roof.

          its also true that radicals can become more moderate and help the society/societies….I just wonder how many do or dont

  • david says:

    If it transpires there was no truth in these allegations, the players and club should be penalised.
    Chelsea have previous for this involving Graham Poll and a match with us in 2006.

    Love black jacks and fruit salads. Not good for the teeth though.

  • the man from room five says:

    His surname sums it up HERBERT.
    If I remember from my youthful reading (Tiger, Eagle, Victor and of course “Hotspur”) if someone was described as a “Herbert”, it was usually that they had a deficit of some sort. (apologies to any other Herbert that may be reading- but if you want to sue, I would suggest a company of solicitors called the society of Black Herberts)

    • Boy Charioteer says:

      George Herbert, fabulous 17th Century poet.
      “No sooner is a temple built to God,
      but the Devil builds a chapel hard by”.

        • Boy Charioteer says:

          Yes, I think the name Dylan or Dillon assumed the same sort of connotations a few years ago but to a lesser extent. I had the Eagle and my cousin had “Hotspur”, but my memory is failing me now, I don’t remember the Tiger.

        • Ronnie Wolman says:

          they all couldnt spell Tottenley until Ardilles came along of course

        • essexian76 says:

          There used to be a football only comic called Jag-which had Billy’s Boots,Football Family Robinson and Jimmy of Utd-and Billy of City or some-such-it amalgamated with the Tiger after a while, but I’d lost interest by then as I was then buying Big Tits and even Bigger Tits-which is an ornithologist’s mag

      • essexian76 says:

        Yes BC I like that-always resonates.. my own favourites are two sayings found on the walls on Pompeii- Loosely translated one reads ‘We’re all in the shit-it’s only the depth that matter’s’ and the other was ‘Ah, well,blame it all on the Jews’.. 2000 years on?

      • the man from room five says:

        The Tiger had “Roy of the Rovers” and “Billy’s Boots”- two classic strips of the time.
        However, my favorite, was the Wizard’s “Wolf of Kabul” and a chap called Chung who used to knock seven bails of shite out of the occupants of the Northwest Frontier with a cricket bat.
        Life was a lot simpler then!

        • Ronnie Wolman says:

          Wolf of Kaboul is injured ,please hold the press

        • Bruxie says:

          Chung’s Clicky bar = Cricket bat.

          Blimey, you are bringing back some good Mondays.

          Thanks for that!

        • Boy Charioteer says:

          One of them had “Gorgeous Gus”, an elite member of the aristocracy who showed us plebs how the beautiful game was supposed to be played as exemplified by our betters. There was one episode where His Lordship had to go in goal and every save was made with the minimal effort by merely sticking a hand up, or out, as the shot dictated. Diving for a shot was completely beneath him of course as m’lud could ill afford to come off the pitch with muddy attire. As shots rained in on him he would comment; “the ball will strike the adjoining left upright” as the ball struck the post and rebounded harmlessly into play. Or, he would casually stroll away as the ball dropped menacingly to dip underneath the bar only to catch the rebound off the bar while expounding elementary physics as to why this was the case. He also had an unstoppable shot from the half way line and while the lower echelons tucked in to oranges at half time, M’lud’s butler came on with a tray with a bottle of wine uncorked at His lordship’s pleasure.

        • Bruxie says:

          Sorry BC – great minds and all that.

          I remember him scoring whilst tying his bootlace!


  • Paul9inch says:

    Wern’t Chelsea themselves to first bring this Clattenburg fiasco to the public’s attention?

    Herbert may be a nothing nob head but imo the true villain here is Abravonich.

    This sinister little head wobbling shit is back to his old ways of buying up players to prevent other teams getting them and Im 100% sure the allegation against Clattenburg is pure character assasination because, for once, Chelsea didnt get the decisions oing their way against Man U the other week.

    • essexian76 says:

      Wasn’t Descamps a former Chelsea player and mate of Roman’s?…There’s a thought?

      • Paul9inch says:

        we’re building a nice conspiracy theory here – I like it!

        • essexian76 says:

          All joking aside-then you look at the way CFC went about getting Arnesen, the Mail’s influence over Modric, the really dodgy linesmen’s calls at the Bridge and many other things Chelsea related, you have to wonder if RA’s really got in for us?

        • Ronnie Wolman says:

          I agree they snapped up Eden Hazard right before our eyes :shocked2:

        • Alspur says:

          I think the Modric rebuff might have been what kicked it off…

          In the same way that we seem to be linked to all Liverpool’s targets after they nabbed Keane off us, putting us right in the sh!t, at the time…

          Just a thought… ;)

        • essexian76 says:

          I’m still thinking on the lines that RA got a rebuff from DL-after all RA may well have considered buying us solely because of Jewish connection, and has now decided to run us into the ground out of spite. We did way back when have a pretty good relationship with CFC on very similar lines as we have with WHU- We buy your best players and we sell you our shitty ones-you know, that sort of thing-but since they’ve won lottery-they think they’re oh so very special, but we all know the truth- 12k crowds, electric fences and scummy fans may have been in the past..oh, wait up-well, 2 out of 3 anyway!

  • Vic says:

    Just listened to Herbert on Five Live spouting his venomous nonsense. He claims the FA is institutionally racist (there’s an old phrase being dredged up). Those poor 200lb, £150k per week downtroden black players are too afraid to speak up for themselves so he has appointed himself to do so.
    I have family members who are black, we talk quite often about the issue of racism and they just don’t understand how the self appointed campaigners like PH get so much publicity when they speak for so few people.
    PH has now upgraded the racism issue to “hate crime” and cited the anti-semitic chanting by Spurs fans every week – give me strength.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      The only hate around here is for him and it’s no crime.

      I see John Barnes is the latest to join in telling this fraud to ‘do one’.

      Perhaps Mr Herbert will claim he’s being victimised because he’s not as black as Mr Barnes.

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