
Enquiries Made? Eeek.

Image for Enquiries Made? Eeek.

Good afternoon.

There is a discernible mumble doing the rounds it would appear that we have made serious enquiries about Arsenal’s Theo Walcott. Sure this suggestion has surfaced before. Every rag from the Wall St Journal to War Cry has a run at some stage this year.

Another Arsenal contract running down so there’s a fortnight left on it. But in this instance this guy won’t be heading to United or City. He won’t be linked with a move to Barcelona. But does that mean we should look down our noses at him? I wouldn’t be in hurry to dismiss the idea.

Walcott isn’t the world’s greatest player. I’m not selling him to you as some panacea. Rather I’m thinking we could play him where we played Rafa and add a much needed zap of creativity to a midfield that has been left decimated. The conventional arguments against him joining are worthless. We have Gallas and Adebayor on our books.

He knows the league, he’s motivated and he wants a career. The question is would you ship him in? I would.

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  • Ronnie Wolman says:

    The begin of the end of the early sixties team was when Billy nick bought Laurie Brown from the arse for 40,000.

    A fucking disaster.

    • johnnyboy says:

      Ronnie what about when bill nick swapped jimmy robertson for david jenkins from arse that also was
      a disaster,remember hearing it on the radio in our flat in south tottenham ,when me and the old man use to walk to lane every home game, 53 years on still get a buzz when the old arse game turns up

    • Ronnie Wolman says:

      Robertson was my favourite player at that time.I think he had a bout of anemia though

  • Ronnie Wolman says:

    From the Guardian

    Tottenham Hotspur

    Football quiz: Tottenham’s golden era

    A Tottenham toughie of a quiz, of a simpler time when men were men and footballers had drinking problems

    Share 3

    Alex Smith, Friday 16 November 2012 03.38 GMT

    Bill Nicholson

    Bill Nicholson with the League Cup in 1973 during the trophy’s pre-Milk, Littlewoods, Rumbelows, Coca-Cola, Worthington, Capital One days. Photograph: PA

    1. Then-manager Bill Nicholson presided over Tottenham’s most successful period in their history, what was the scoreline of his first winning game in charge?

    2. Tottenham secured a league and FA Cup double in 1961, what team did they defeat in the FA Cup final to secure this outstanding achievement?
    Leicester City
    Aston Villa

    3. In what year did Spurs become the first British team to win a European trophy – the Cup Winners’ Cup?

    4. The Times ranked which key Spurs player from that era as Tottenham’s greatest ever in 2009?
    Danny Blanchflower
    Jimmy Greaves
    Alan Mullery
    Cliff Jones

    5. Tottenham won a total of how many trophies in 16 years during Nicholson’s reign?

    6. In their first European trophy win, Tottenham secured the Cup Winners’ Cup with a 5-1 win over which Spanish side?
    Atletico Madrid

    7. Nicholson originally joined the club as an apprentice in what year?

    8. Which manager – originally signed by Nicholson as a player – guided Spurs to an FA Cup success in 1991?
    Glenn Hoddle
    Terry Venables
    Joe Kinnear
    Ossie Ardiles

    9. Jimmy Greaves was signed by Tottenham for £99,999. Why was this?
    The Treasury at the time did not approve of the steep transfer fee
    Tottenham couldn’t afford the extra pound to make £100,000
    To remove the pressure of being the first six-figure player
    9 was Greaves’s lucky number

    10. After Nicholson left the club in 1974, in what year did Spurs then get relegated from Division One?

  • Spurstacus says:

    I cant believe I missed that Jermaine character yesterday. Come back please.

  • Spurstacus says:

    Who’da known LLL was a Saturnist? Cor it takes all sorts.

  • East Stand says:

    How can you even entertain the idea? I think he’s the most overrated player in the league personally and the idea that he would add ‘creativity’ is just laughable. What on earth does he have in common with VDV by the way?

    It’s got people talking but after the signings of Dempsey and Siggy, signing this muppet would indicate just how much we’ve lost our way. We are playing boring football and now we are looking to sign a reject Goon? This is just utter pants… can we move on?

    Oh yeah, i want my Tottenham back!!

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