
Enquiries Made? Eeek.

Image for Enquiries Made? Eeek.

Good afternoon.

There is a discernible mumble doing the rounds it would appear that we have made serious enquiries about Arsenal’s Theo Walcott. Sure this suggestion has surfaced before. Every rag from the Wall St Journal to War Cry has a run at some stage this year.

Another Arsenal contract running down so there’s a fortnight left on it. But in this instance this guy won’t be heading to United or City. He won’t be linked with a move to Barcelona. But does that mean we should look down our noses at him? I wouldn’t be in hurry to dismiss the idea.

Walcott isn’t the world’s greatest player. I’m not selling him to you as some panacea. Rather I’m thinking we could play him where we played Rafa and add a much needed zap of creativity to a midfield that has been left decimated. The conventional arguments against him joining are worthless. We have Gallas and Adebayor on our books.

He knows the league, he’s motivated and he wants a career. The question is would you ship him in? I would.

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  • TMWNN says:

    We need to replace Lennon with someone who can actually kick a football in a straight line and score his share of goals, but this gimp isn’t the answer.

  • Rupert says:

    Would he come to Spurs?

    Would we be able to afford his wages?

  • Bruxie says:

    He’s been buggered about.

    He’s miffed. Wants out. We hold the PL ticket – all others either don’t need him or cannot afford him.

    If we negotiate a contract in January. He’ll be free in June. But we’ll pay more.

    He might negotiate £15m if we don’t buy him in January.

    Trea hm like an investment.

  • LosLorenzo says:

    I certainly don’t see him signing a pre-contract with us in January, with a transfer in the summer. Not even he is stupid enough to think that being an Arse players who has already signed for the Mighty Mighty Hotspur of the Lane would be a tenable situation.

    As for the rest of it, it’s probably unlikely, even if there are few other obvious destinations for him. If nothing else, I think he sees himself as a nailed on CL player, and probably wouldn’t join us unless qualification was already nailed on (ie, not before the summer).

    I don’t hate the idea of signing him certainly. I’ve criticised him many times before, for being a one trick pony/flat track bully. And he is that. But that can be useful. We could use one more winger with pace. As it stands, the thought of losing Bale or Azza to injury scares the bujeezus out of me.

  • ELELEL says:

    I didn’t realize there was a whole ‘nother thread. I got stuck on the last one with the nutcase.

    By the way guys, I’ve been meaning to let you all in on something. I drink blood, I am Lucifer, I worship Saturn. I was trying to drop some hints with the whole LLL thing – LLL – EL EL EL – Saturn – Satan worshipping, evil, blood drinking, power, fire and all that kind of crap. But anyway, it’s out there now. Don’t worry though, it’s just something I do in my spare time. Otherwise I’m pretty normal, just like you.

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