
Join The SAS

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Good morning.

Ten games in and the mood in the camp is best described an eclectic mix. Players on Twitter have been abused before they’ve even finished playing games and fans attending home games are reportedly setting up their own union SAS (Supporters Against Support). 

This group, spearheaded by 3 fat blokes in the Coach & Horses public house who describe their association as, ‘Somewhere staunch fans can inflict their contempt for all they hold sacred about Spurs without being interrupted. Divorced and separated welcome.’

Ringleader Teddy Wind told me, ‘We’ve had enough mate. Levy’s only it for the money he sold Modric and bought himself an aeroplane I bet you didn’t know that? And don’t even get me started on that ginger ponce. Taking off that Defoe was a liberty. No wonder we’re squaring up to a relegation scrap. We predicted the dark days of Santini were coming back and this is straw that broke the thing.’

For more details on joining the SAS.

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  • Razspur says:

    5th and only 10 games in, another 10 and the window opens, early dealings and we’ll be holding back the Gooners from 4th spot, injury crisis over and we will comfortably clinch a Champions League spot, oh and last seasons scenario cannot happen again as the only teams who can inflict such pain are factored in the top 3 Premier League places.

  • gav rees says:

    Think avb is being too nice to some of the old guard at spurs after this was deemed his failing at chelsea. Lloris should be handed the no1 shirt, gallas should be replaced with vertonghen at center back with naughton filling in at left back until bae is back and finally defoe should be replaced with Adebyor a player who can play the lone strikers role which would allow dempsey to get more involved and feed off ade.

  • Henry Percy says:

    I won’t boo them. But I’m not clapping them either.

    This started before AVB. We’ve played crap for about a year now.

    I’ll say this though, winning is about confidence. The difference between the Yaniteds and the Tottenhams are that they believe they’ll win, and they do, we’re certain we’ll screw it up and it happens.

    We’re as much to blame as the players, you can’t moan at AVB, the players or anyone for being disinterested and not bothered if you’re calling them all the names under the sun.

    There isn’t a single book on management that says someone will be motivated by 35,000 people calling you a useless “C”…

  • Henry Percy says:

    And for those people saying “I pay my money for entertainment”….. Do one.

    If I want to be entertained I’ll hire a stripper. I go to the football because it’s part of my DNA.

  • TriniSpurs says:

    We really are a rotten lot. Do we hate AVB so much that we rather boo the team and have them anxious at home? Tell me when has booing ever had the desired effect of raising the team’s spirits and “spurring them on to glory”.

    Since when have we become so impatient that a new manager cannot even get one season under his belt before he his judged (what about SAF?).

    This guy is implementing a new system, has lost the 2 most creative forces Harry has had at his disposal (VDV, Modders), etc. Newbees Sigs and Dempsey played out of their skins last season and have not settled yet. Best newbee injured since international break.

    I may hail from a small 2 x 4 Caribbean island but have been watching / supporting Spurs since 1978 and really cannot understand the behaviour of our fans at home.

    Yes, we may have been spoilt in the last 3 or 4 years but is that enough to demand instant success from AVB not even half-way through his first season (considering all said above).

    Come on lads, if our team is to grow in confidence and unity then the fans must get behind them and support through thick and thin. COYS!!

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