
Leandro Damião Has Had A Dream

Image for Leandro Damião Has Had A Dream

And so dear reader the pitfalls of consuming cheese prior to turning in.

Longtime Tottingham target Leandro Dime Bar told Sao Paulo radio station UOL: “Every footballer dreams of playing at a club such as Real Madrid, but I am only 23 and there is plenty of time to take that step forward.

“Now is not the moment to be thinking of playing in Europe, I just want to continue improving and scoring goals.

“I have a contract with Porto Alegre, I love it here and do not feel the need to move away right now, although it is obvious that the day will come when I will leave Brazil to go and play in Europe.”

No sour grapes I promise you but I always felt this transfer speculation was botched together by the player’s agent and a media desperate for the next headline. At least we’ll know not to waste our precious time reading further guff on this guy in January I suppose. 

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  • Mark says:

    If you of course believe what a player says and don’t take it for what it is, PR to keep the club and fans happy.

    Such quotes from 99% of players are meaningless.

  • Chirpy says:

    Sure, there’s long way to go season-wise but thus far I have not really enjoyed watching any Spurs performance as much as I did in recent years – and I remain sceptical as to whether I want to watch what I think AVB has in mind long-term.
    I like AVB’s passion and candour (in interview) but his cautious conservative selection and tactics (particularly at home) suggests to me a profound lack of understanding of our club and its footballing tradition (assuming he gives a shit) or, on occasion, what is required to win games in this league with the squad available to him.
    I hope he/we start to win games with a flurry – Emptycrates would be a great place to begin.

    Ultimately his appointment (and Redknapp’s departure) was always a risk, and, for me at least, should the AVB ‘project’ fail it is Levy that must accept responsibility – particularly as his transfer window strategy has yet again been a significant contributory factor to our poor start/s, not to mention failure to secure the required (i.e. first choice) players in good time, if at all.
    The consequences for us (in terms of player retention and attraction) should we not achieve a top-four place, no matter how un/realistic that is with this squad, are potentially dire.

    • jolsgonemental says:

      Instead of booing, maybe renditions of boring boring tottenham.

      Everyones happy. Constructive chanting, no booing.

      • LosLorenzo says:

        Beats the living hell out of booing. Not sure I’m quite there yet myself, but I wouldn’t blame those who are. I’m not sure “constructive” is the right word, but something close to it.

        On par with “Bale, he plays on the left”. Not that it helped back then. In the end we needed to get rid of ‘Arry to fix that problem (more or less).

      • Alspur says:

        When Dembele’s actually played, I think we’ve successfully and generally pretty good to watch…

        Villa (w)
        Panathanaikos (d)
        United (w)
        QPR (w)
        Lazio (d)
        Reading (w)

        • LLL says:

          Call it nit-picking but The QPR game was rotten. The big fat greek draw was dull, so was the Lazio game, and the Utd wine we were simply wretched in the 2nd half.

          Reading was our best game. But it was Reading. Villa was OK. But it was Villa.

        • LLL says:

          Utd wine? I’ve never tasted Ferguson’s much remarked Chateau du Visage Jambon. I meant the win of course.

        • Alspur says:

          QPR first half was rotten; second half, much improved. Greek game we controlled to the extent that it was a walk in the park. Then, they scored…

          Lazio we were awesome, but the ball wouldn’t go in (actually, it did, but was wrongly ruled out – twice, I think..?)

          United was a game of two halves: an awesome display of attacking verve and a tin-hats on, man-the-defences, park-the-bus attempt to overturn a 20 year hoodoo, in the second (actually, just the last 30 mins…)

          We were unbeaten and played some great and some good stuff… IMHO… :)

        • essexian76 says:

          Aaah,that’ll be a Lineker ’89 vintage I’d wager LLL?
          Bloody good year doncha know

      • LLL says:

        I think ‘Come On You Spurs’ with a slightly more disapproving, tut-tut tone might work best.

  • Chirpy says:

    excellent idea JGM

  • xildnparadise says:

    Think injuries are currently killing us as there is no squad rotation besides missing key figures….

    Note that the recent tailspin completely coincides with Dembele going down….

    There is no creative movement from the center of the midfield… Love Hudd’s effort but he scares no one from box to box… Truly believe he’s more suited to a Route 1 team.

    Sandro’s game is all effort so even rested, we need PNB back as cover as Livermore has brought back visions of the J word.

    Besides that, Jan is doing the job of three men without BAE and The Bull!!! He’s knackered….

    Walker has been exposed becuase there is much better balance when BAE is on the other side…

    Speaking of balance, based on current man power, should keep the 442…. Much scarier with Abby and Dafoe up front…. Which in theory should open things up for the wingers…

    Bottom line, we are nothing without more creativity in the center. If no Dembele on Saturday, do we hand the keys to Carroll??

    Agree 100% that I’m conpletely disapointed in Sigi and Dempsey. Sigi has shown the flashes but is he G2S in disguise? Dempsey without Dembele has been nothing short of a waste….

    Can’t wait to see the lineup Saturday if the 3 reported injured are out along with Dembele….

    And in regards to the original post about Leandro wanting Real Madrid,,,,, I just wanna be sedated!! COYS

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Best thing I’ve read in ages.

    • Alspur says:

      Re-posting this here, cos it backs up a lot of what you say:

      When Dembele’s actually played, I think we’ve successfully and generally pretty good to watch…

      Villa (w)
      Panathanaikos (d)
      United (w)
      QPR (w)
      Lazio (d)
      Reading (w)

    • StrappingYoungLad says:

      I find it scary that some are saying all will be well when Dembele returns.
      Great player but come on.

      • Alspur says:

        Things improved hugely when he started playing for us and the stats don’t lie. He and Sandro in MF could be colossal.

        The margins between winning and losing are pretty slim – he, Ade & BAE could be the difference (plus, having Parker in reserve…)

        • StrappingYoungLad says:

          The stats do lie though. Those stats are from a few games, not a full season.
          As I said great player and important but personally I am not pinning all my hopes on him.
          We need more creativity and class in CM to be competitive for top 4.

        • Alspur says:

          Agreed, but they’re the only games he’s played in!!! I can’t give you any more stats, cos there aren’t any… :)

        • Ronnie Wolman says:

          I think we havent played well in one game.
          Very little of any flow.
          Yes lots of injuries and it also takes time to gel but anything else is propa or impropaganda

  • Summerspur says:

    I bags we get Abu qatada in as manager . He’s got a bigger beard

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