

Image for Yentz

Good afternoon.

The Society of Black Lawyers might, just might have their hearts in the right place. But clowns like Peter Herbert belting around unchecked with irrational crusades drag serious efforts against genuine racial equality into a politically correct black hole of Calcutta. Hopefully common sense asphyxiates and crushes his idiocies some time soon. 

Herbert’s latest mandate free publicity stunt is a masterclass that may yet eclipse his last piece of stupidity. But first, let’s have look at Herbert [who unbelievably is a barrister] was on talkSPORT this week. Citing the case of Daniel Alley a footballer who happens to be deaf.

Alley was indeed abused by fans for a grunting noise he made when communicating  with fellow players one specific instance is recorded in decent enough detail here. Yet Herbert insisted this was not primarily about the poor guy’s disability, but because he was, ‘an Afro Caribean player who happened to be deaf.’

Then he went on to tackle the whole Mark Clattenburg fiasco, ‘We’re not commentating on this, it’s a matter for the police to investigate. We’re not going to take part in any trial by the media.’

That was the quote folks! Herbert was then asked, ‘What evidence do you have?’

His reply: ‘I don’t have any evidence… a report …widely reported in the media of racial abuse that appears to have been made and we are entitled to report that to the police… it’s a racial incident…we, on the basis of the information before us, we have the right to report that as a racial incident.’


This ambulance chasing schmuck is putting back the cause of black people faster than Ainsley Harriot’s TV appearances [and no Peter, I’m not singling out Harriot because he’s black. It’s purely on the basis he’s a hateful arsehole].

Thank goodness THFC have stepped in with some sanity in response to the aptly named Herbert’s latest brainwave:

“If neither Tottenham FC nor the FA are willing to take a stand then SBL will report the matter to the Metropolitan Police Service for investigation and, if necessary, prosecution. The report will be made if this behaviour does not cease by 20 November. We will have monitors in attendance to observe what occurs.”

THFC replied:

“Our position on this topic is very clear. The club does not tolerate any form of racist or abusive chanting. Our guiding principle in respect of the ‘Y-word’ is based on the point of law itself – the distinguishing factor is the intent with which it is used i.e. if it is used with the deliberate intention to cause offence. This has been the basis of prosecutions of fans of other teams to date.

“Our fans adopted the chant as a defence mechanism in order to own the term and thereby deflect anti-Semitic abuse. They do not use the term to others to cause any offence, they use it a chant amongst themselves.

“The club believes that real anti-Semitic abuse such as hissing to simulate the noise of gas chambers is the real evil and the real offence. We believe this is the area that requires a determined and concerted effort from all parties and where we seek greater support to eradicate.”

Perhaps if Herbert really cared, I mean really cared, then he could do something about the hissing noises. Perhaps if Herbert really cared, I mean really cared, then he could do something about the coin throwing. Perhaps if Herbert really cared, I mean really cared, then he could do something about the extraordinary Jew hating chants that we are routinely subjected to by Chelsea, a club now routinely referred to as The Blue Racists.

Of course Herbert won’t be remotely interested in this. It requires far deeper issues being investigated opposed to picking and choosing like some witless grandmother mithering over a tin of Quality Street she didn’t even pay for.

Let’s Kick This 100% Herbert Out Of Football.

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  • Harry Hotspur says:

    If the Society of Black lawyers can embrace the word “BLACK” in a positive way, then why can’t Spurs fans embrace the word “YID” in a positive way?

    Very well put :daumen:

  • Matt says:

    Them getting involved with Spurs like this, of course has nothing to do with the fact that Chelsea are currently having them act of their behalf for the Clattenburg situation, probably for a nice hefty fee.

  • Frontwheel 2 says:

    I think we are beating Barca 4-0 in the next gen

  • cyril says:

    one of the concerns the club must have, and no doubt a reason they reacted so quickly, is damage to rteputation. obviousluy north america is a big market with a lot of spending power and enormous growing interest in the premiership. can you imagine the likelihood of someone deciding to follow the lillywhites and even buy a shirt or two if they have seen just the headlines that have come out today. i am sure it is potentially very damaging to the club when most people seem to deal only in headlines.

  • LLL says:

    I would like to say that I agree almost whole-heartedly with HH’s blog today, and I would like this added to the record.

    One small quibble is the use of the term ‘political correctness’. There’s nothing wrong with being politically correct. It basically means not abusing people in a nasty and manner. I know some people believe the concept has ‘gone mad’ but that’s a different matter. I don’t think the guy here is pushing political correctness so much as latching on to whatever issue he can think of to make a bit of noise and get a bit of exposure for his group. Which is pretty stupid and will backfire on him for sure. Especially when the target here with the Y word is so obviously the wrong one.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Tree hugging fuck :freu

    • Boy Charioteer says:

      You only have to look at the people behind the publications “The Politically Incorrect Guides” Regnery Publishing, which are publications by assorted Neocons and Tea Party lunatics to see how the expression “politically correct” has entered the folklore of right wing demonology. By the way I love your posts, they help me retain my sanity and they are very difficult to argue against.

      • Frontwheel 2 says:

        Come on BC,most people moan about PC in the terms of eg,complaining that rubbish bags are black etc don’t try put the average mans use of the term with the Tea Party lunatics

        • LLL says:

          The most common complainers about PC are the Daily Mail. So there you go. Tea Party loons and Daily Mail loons unite.

        • Frontwheel 2 says:

          Your a person of extremes,is there any middle ground in your world?

        • LLL says:

          Please expand.

        • Boy Charioteer says:

          Who on Earth complains that rubbish bags are black?
          What is the average man’s use of the term?

        • Billy Legit says:

          It’s quite clear. If you don’t agree with the ‘victimised’ right-wing shit stirrers who would like to go back to an age when you could call someone a ‘ni**er’ or ‘paki’ and have a jolly good laugh about it, then you are the extremist.

        • Frontwheel 2 says:

          BC,not to long ago in some London boroughs,believe it or believe it not,it was proposed by some looney councilors that rubbish bags should be changed from black to dark green,as not to offend minorities.As I said before I am always weary of people who shout too loud,I think to even think along them lines is racist in itself.
          The average person,IMO has a good sense of fairplay and while attention needs to be drawn to every form of racism,racism should not be seeked when none is there.

        • LLL says:

          Is that really true though? Because a lot of the ‘PC gone mad’ stories often wind up being made up or greatly elaborated by the Daily Mail.

        • Frontwheel 2 says:

          Billy,if that was aimed at me,you’ve got me totally wrong.

        • Frontwheel 2 says:

          Is seeked a word?

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