Levy flew to Croatia to do the deal with Modders. Good man, Mr L. About time we got on a plane to do something decent and not tap up someone else’s manager etc etc.
Word is that Citizen Levy’s travels are far from over and his next destination was/is/could be Italy. I wouldn’t read to much into it. If I had his lolly, I’d nip over there to pick up shoes if I felt like it.
Surprise, surprise there was no surprise that we were never really in for Joe Cole and he’s going to Yanited. Other targets appear thin on the ground. The latest being some bloke called Albert Crusat. I know nuffink about him. Well, he’s a left winger. And he’s probably about £3Million nicker. Er and he’s got dark hair. Look, I wouldn’t know him if he sat opposite me on the bus. So just back off, right?
Elsewhere Theo Walnutt appears to be causing a right tizz since he was dumped by Fabio. Who was shocked by this? Not chuffing me. Too many Gooners on the net whining on and on and on about a handful of good appearances. Carrick’s inclusion is unrelated of course, but it at least could be argued that without Hargreaves, who else could realistically do the job?