
Gareth Bale’s Drug Test

Image for Gareth Bale’s Drug Test

What a game and what a fantastic one-linerĀ  from Arry after the game. ‘E’s being drug tested as we speak’ a naturally in form Arry told Sky Sports ….

The Boy Bale actually drew ‘Taxi for Maicon’ chants from Spurs fans. What a truly sensational performance from the Boy and indeed the Boy From White Hart Lane.

Time for Spurs fans to tough it up and stop adopting the ‘victim’ mentality. He’s Tottenham. We are winners. Poached …turned gamekeeper…


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  • Steveo1987 says:

    Are we saying Gallas is ok now?

  • kenny says:

    Great game, great win. If ye were at the lane last night give yourself a pat on the back as well because the place was BOUNCING
    ……hearing ‘oh when the spurs’ sung like it was in the first 5 minutes actually brought a tear to my eye, and i was only in the front room watching it.
    Gallas still winds me up!

    Gotta crack on now and pick up 3 points at the weekend! weve got a taste of what this tin pot is like, and wanna qualify for it next year!!

  • grinning cheshire cat says:

    He is so fast!!
    perhaps we ought to change the cockeral to Road Runner BEEP BEEP

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