
Karim Benzema Loan Deal Done

Image for Karim Benzema Loan Deal Done

This is a good thing. HH understands that a loan deal with an option to buy has been agreed with Real Madrid.

Benzema has been inked tentatively with many other clubs under the slowly reemerging sun including Le Arsenal, Chelsea, Villa and Manchester City of course.

Arry made a typical Arry style denial about the player last month. Loving the ‘at the moment’ bit. He’d swear not guilty in the Old Bailey and add, ‘probably’ afterwards.

‘There’s nothing in that,’ he said. ‘He’s a good player, I like him, he looks a real talent. But certainly we haven’t made any enquiries at all for him. There’s definitely nothing going on there at the moment.’

Frenchman Benzema 23, was on fire at Lyon but his stint so far at Real has not been accompanied by quite so many flames. His goal tally is relatively poor and he was dropped from the last French World Cup squad.

This may have had more to do with the state of that country’s entry or even his alleged entry into 17 year old hooker Zahia Dehar.

At this stage I am unable to confirm if West Ham are set to mount an audacious swoop and wreck this deal with a megabid, but do assure readers I will keep a close eye on the situation.

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  • ANtiOnan says:

    Hanging should be brought back as punishment for posting false rumours. So I hope to find you alive and well one season from now.

  • Anthony In That Number says:

    Brilliant news and if we could get Lassana Diarra and Pienaar as well we are absolutely good to go. Remember that Benzema is still very young and has lots to proove. Our set up would improve himno end.Looking like a real tilt at the EPL with the squad we would have . We will be very difficult to stop , the English Barca …. just imagine….


    Hutton Daws Kaboooooom Ben

    Len L Diarra Modders WonderBoy



    Looks like it will mean out for PSB, O`Hara, Gio,
    Krankie, Bentley possibly Sarge but we would have incredible strength in depth in all positions.
    In reserve we would still have 3MP, Pav, Bassssooooon, Gallas, Pienaar, JJ, Charlie, King,
    and Thud coming back in Feb. No better squad in the EPL imo. COYS.. IT IS ALL ABOUT THE GLORY!!!!!

    Off topic but looks like Taxi for Roy at Liverpool. To be honest he looks like he would be relieved to get out, he is a decent bloke but has inherited a terrible situation. Feel a bit sorry for him actually but thank goodness that Levy made the right call when he got rid of Ramos and got Harry or we could have been in the same position.

    • Astromesmo says:

      Nice line-up, almost made a little sweat break out on my normally stiff top lip.

      Poor old Woy, he weally did bite off more than he could chew there. To think, there were many on this said forum that were calling for the appointment of Uncle Woy to THFC Towers as (And I quote) ‘Redknapp is ruining this club’.

      Don’t hear much from them these days. Wonder why?

  • Edi says:

    Obviously not true, but I still couldn’t help clicking on a link entitled “Karim Benzema Loan Deal Done”. It would be great for us if it happened of course. If it does I’ll eat my hat.

  • Name says:

    I still can’t tell if you’re a 70 year old with a poor sense of humour or a 13 year old trying to be funny.either way it’s really poor, and quite boring really, please stop spewing your shit into the Internet, remember once it’s there it’s there forever.

  • A_felching says:

    You have them going on coys this morning you whore

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