
Levy’s Dream Signing

Image for Levy’s Dream Signing

Just imagine the scene. Him all there, with his wife. I mean you expect that. Well you’d need that. That is what is known as your actual package, isn’t. Your brand.

He’s like Cliff Richard in many ways. Been on the same journey. ‘Course everyone’s on a journey nowdays. Unless you’re trying to get from Colchester to Liverpool Street on a Sunday in which case you’re on a replacement bus next to some bloke eating an egg sandwich.

But like Cliff he was a much raved about star. Raved about to an excessive extent in some eyes, but then his popularity sort of leveled out in this country. We don’t like our celebs ‘up there’ for too long. We like to keep ’em on their toes. No matter how big you might think you are, disaster is but an expose in the News Of  The Screws away.

So like Cliff, his fame mellowed over here as it increased over there. Like when Cliff was discovered, so to speak in Japan around about the same time released Carrie.

But now it looks like he’s making a return. You know, like Cliff did. We hadn’t seen sight nor sound him for what seemed like decades and then one day at CentreCourt, a spot of rain and a BBC sound engineer with a live mic and one acapella blast of Summer Holiday and suddenly – a legend is reborn.

And our man is experiencing a similar rejuvenation. Courtesy of the recent and failed World Cup bid.

That gormless tube Capello basically retired him or as good as tried to when making smalltalk on his way to a free lunch. But what the insolent Italian didn’t factor into his casual jibe was that the boy Beckham still had some fuel in the tank. That and most of the new generation of footballers were pretty rubbish, truth be told.

So once we negotiate the frankly confusing timings of the close of the MLS season and his loan deals and what have you, it transpires that David Beckham maybe gracing the Premiership. A swansong, if you like.

West Ham are purported to have declared an interest. No surprise there, at this stage Gold & Sullivan are submitting applications to X Factor on behalf of their players in the vain hope that something might be salvaged before the inevitable winding up order lands on their mat.

But word is that Beckham could indulge Spurs with a season. That’s the word. What say you?

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  • Ste says:

    Why is this rubbish on newsnow. Riddles doesn’t do the shit you write justice, seriously, that made no’s nothing to do with IQ it’s to do with understanding your ridiculous references. Give me half an hour and I could whip up a blog better than this drivel

    • MysteriousStranger says:

      Hurry up then. I’m bored of hearing about clowns who “could whip up a better blog” then don’t.

      Actions speak louder than words, so please come back before tomorrow with the link.

      If half an hour is as long as you need, you should have it done before lunch. And I can’t wait to read it, as I’m sure it will be far more interesting than 50 or so words you strung together above. :whistle:

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      I have a picture of me looking vaguely interested in the opinion of an arsehole somewhere, Ste. See If I dig it out for you.

      • bdog4037 says:

        if they don’t fxxxxxx like it move on .there not paying for it . don’t like the sun don’t buy it dont like the mirror don’t read it.don’t like your boyfriends cooking get a wife

  • MysteriousStranger says:

    To Beckham. No thanks, this isn’t 2007 you know. You had your chance and you blew it. People talk about how you still have your good looks but you know it isn’t quite true. Your good looks are in fact fading in line with your abilities as a football player. It still makes you a bit above average, but I demand more now.

    To Posh. If you’re reading this, tell your husband not to bother. :gaehn:

  • Azzabrows says:

    I’d take Beckham on loan any day. But to be fair I’d much rather little Luka, especially at the moment, he’s made a habit of putting chavs to pieces.

  • you know far too much about Cliff Richard HH.

  • lecoqhardi says:

    Dear Mr Hotspur,
    Can I use your esteemed organ (ooh, matron!) to point out a couple of things to Spursman79 and his ilk?
    1 Don’t add your IQ to your name.
    2 Try the Daily Star Quick Crossword if you prefer something simple. Or just pick up that mirror (that’s a glass reflecting object, not a newspaper).
    3 Read the articles on News Now and decide whether that mediocre, obvious, banal style of writing is to your taste. If it is, you’re in luck. TV channels 1 and 3 on a Saturday night were made for you.

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