
Bentley To Brum Beckham To Come

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David Bentley’s having a medical.  Ang on, we’ve been here before…

Clearly the impending arrival of Sir David Of Beckham has triggered Levy & Co to give the green light for someone else to give the boy Bentley a go.

The Beckham signing will be a charm. No two ways about it. Unless he gets caught doing something despicable then Mickey Hazard’s replacement will be a runaway success. All the bleating about ‘the Beckham circus’ and supposed threat to the squad’s harmony will be proved to be the clucking of wet hens.

That Bentley off is a not a pity. He has failed to achieve all what was threatened. It remains a pity that he didn’t succeed but his ‘Friday morning injuries’ are no longer our concern.

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  • Mr_Spiggott says:

    Rumours abound about the board wanting to go to Stratford and Becks being part of that plan ?!?

    We might as well sign Barbara Windsor if thats the case :blush:

  • Yachtsman says:

    Said it before and here it is again, I’ve come over these last years to trust ‘Arry’s judgement. Beckham will get the ball onto Crouch’s head or at Suarez’s/Defoe’s feet, whatever.

    Unfortunately, whether he will be able to make Lennon the finished article is another matter; I suspect ‘Arry is in two minds, despite what he says in public (hence the rumours re. Ashley Young, the interest in Bellamy, etc.) How many managers/coaches have worked with Lennon these last years – and still one has to admit, if one’s honest, with at best only streaky results. In his glory years Beckham crossed, cornered, free kicked etc. at a rate of near 80% accuracy. That’s not happened with Lennon. Will Beckham being on his shoulder for 8 weeks make a permanent difference. I wonder.

    Don’t get me wrong. Lennon excites me; he can scintillate, and his speed and control can be exhilarating. One waits for the final ball…and the lottery starts. I keep saying to myself, he’s young, there’s still time. Is there? Will Beckham make a difference. Is it too much to hope that, after 8 weeks, Lennon will be the finished article, with his speed and Beck’s consistency? That’s what ‘Arry is going for.

    And I trust ‘Arry’s judgement. So, I’m keeping my fingers, well, ‘um crossed.

    • melcyid says:

      very interesting take on lennon and his attributes and shortcomings etc. I would like to see him given a go upfront as a striker as he would turn them inside out in the penalty area and either place it in the net or get a pen when they hack him down for a penalty.he has scored some great goals when he has come inside from the right. look what happened when bale got moved to the wing.lennons crossing is like ralph coates used to be.

  • Mr_Spiggott says:

    I’m in two minds about Becks – he will no doubt be good for business and help “boost the global brand” and he’ll no doubt have a positive impact on players but whether he actually brings more footballing quality to the team ? The team is functioning as a unit better than I can remember and introducing Becks could help that or could be the worst thing Harry has ever done.

    Lennon has seen off Bentley as a challenge – there is no-one quicker and he knows it. But I agree the final ball is dissapointing. I don;t think even arry can change him. He’s a bit full of himself at times and I can;t see him knuckling down. Is Lennon really going to want tom improve under the guy who is still the top man for his england slot ? I think Lennons ego is his downfall.

    On his day he is sparkling. But he never excites me at the moment he crosses the ball. He seems to have done better cutting the ball back to a late running striker but crossing in the air ? No.

  • TMWNN says:

    Yachtsman:Beckham will get the ball onto Crouch’s head or at Suarez’s/Defoe’s feet, whatever.

    I’ve no doubt he’ll get it onto the beanpole’s bonce, but that’s usually where our possession ends.

    After the initial fanfaronade, ticker tape parade and media worship-in brouhaha, I actually don’t think he’ll have much of an impact and will be restricted to late cameos.

    As for magically enabling Lennon to cross, what a load of bollocks!

    • Mr_Spiggott says:

      I don;t think he actually said that but yes, you’re right about it being a load of danglies.

      Crouch out ! Stop the hoofing !

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