
David Lammy MP DOES Favour Moving Out Of N17 – When He Can Get Away With It

Image for David Lammy MP DOES Favour Moving Out Of N17 – When He Can Get Away With It

The gloves are off.

I don’t like bullies and I feel Mr Lammy like most MP’s is boxing above his pay grade.

You champion the services of a West Ham affiliated Intellectual Property solicitor to wheel out some theoretical hogwash about Spurs being ‘sued’ if they moved don’t change the name? Masterstroke.

By the same logic you could take legal action against numerous individuals passing themselves off as Santa Claus – whilst balancing small children on their laps – in department stores globally every December.

Lammy you’re precisely the sort of guy I wouldn’t want to be stuck in a lift with you self promoting schmuck.

Lots of people waxing lyrical about the past. This little gem isn’t a cherished memory though, is it Dave?

You’re a London MP, with a constituency only 28 minutes away by Tube from Parliament, yet you claimed £12,041 for a second home. Sounds a straight-forward case in the long line of London MPs who had their expense claims widely publicised and heavily criticised during earlier this year? Except this time, there was  one difference.

Wasn’t there, Dave?

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The expense claim was published back in October 2004, got a bit of local media coverage and that was that.

Lucky man, that David Lammy, Labour MP for Tottenham.

From the Haringey Advertiser, 27 October 2004:

HARINGEY taxpayers have been forking out for Tottenham MP David Lammy to rent a second home in south London.

Mr Lammy admitted the expense in the first published account of MPs’ spending, and is among 32 outer London MPs claiming the second home allowance, worth up to £20,333 a year…

Mr Lammy said he stayed at the second home for three nights a week when he was working at Westminster, spending the rest of his week at his main home on the Harringay Ladder, 28 minutes from Westminster by tube.

He claimed £12,041 for the home between April 2003 and March 2004.

28 minutes away. You absolute rotter, Dave.

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  • c_vaughn says:

    What does staying at WHL offer us?

    – Inadequte transport links;
    – A highroad that has to be closed for 20 minutes after kick off due to the volume of traffic;
    – An MP who has done nothing for the football club yet demands the world;and
    – An extra £200 million in construction costs.

    It’s a no brainer. If we want to progress we need to move.

    • DaveYid says:

      Move? Yes MAYBE.
      To somewhere which is nowhere near Tottenham/North London??? NOT IN OUR LIFETIME!

      The idea of the Northumberland Project (a.k.a. North-Fumble-end Project) was to SORT OUT the transport issue amongst other things.

      I think the transport links are ok. I go by bus and train to The Lane all the time. It sounds like you’re only complaining because the roads get busy. It’s like that every matchday. Why break the habit of a lifetime lol.

  • david says:

    On another Spurs blog, there are over 500 articles where the pro/ anti N17 camapaigners have been calling each other every obscenitity under the sun and where 2 of the protagonists were arranging a fight at a local pub prior to our last home game.
    I would prefer to stay in N17, but realise that may be difficult if we are to remain competitive.
    On the other blog, anyone not agreeing with the pro N17 is either a gooner or being paid by Levy/ Enic.
    It seems some of them have found there way onto this article.
    Those N17 who are so interested in protecting our history might care to reflect that we started life as Hotspur FC playing on Tottenham marshes.

  • frtheyid says:

    I used to have alot of respect for David Lammy, but not anymore, I see him trying to use our plans to redevlop WHL as a way to boost the community he works in ‘for free’ he’s a bit of a toe-rag! (imo)…

    I was dead against moving to Stratford, now I’m all for it, why should we be bound to the Tottenham area through guilt, why should we paper over the councils cracks, we shouldn’t have to.

    I understand the hurt this will cause many Spurs fans ( I say will, becuase I really see it happening and think we all need to just get on board now!!) there is NO progression (true Progression) without sacrifice!

    The council are not in a position to bank roll any of the development at WHL, none of it, thats clear! do you know what saving £200m could mean to the future of our club?… I’d rather be playing in Stratford, In the premiership and Champions League, than to be where Portsmouth are, Or worse! it could easily, easily happen if we stay and Redevelop WHL! we have to Move -Levy Knows this, HE IS A FAN for flip sakes, but he is also a business man and has always looked after this club well!,… Lammy will say he’s try’na sell our club and put in the best position to get top dollar, I don’t believe that and anything else he says, he’s a bloddy MP, he lies for a living!

  • Dan says:

    Lammy has had plenty of opportunity to sort this out and he and this council have made it so difficult and expensive for us to redevelop WHL that Levy has got fed up, seen an opportunity and gone for it.

    It is a bit rich for Lammy to now be trying to claim the moral high ground and I cannot believe that so many spurs fans are falling for it. He couldn’t give a shit about our club and those that think otherwise are berks.

    Tottenham as an area means nothing to me. As a team it means everything. All of our history will not disappear if we move 5 miles away, this is just a new chapter.

    Cherish the past, that will not change, but let’s look to the future? We have not won the league since 1961. it is high time we dared to do.

    This proposed protest on the afternoon of our biggest match of the season is ill advised and will only adversely affect the team’s performance. If it carries on in the stadium, we will be a laughing stock. Don’t do it!

    • Fatfish says:

      Dan: Tottenham as an area means nothing to me. As a team it means everything. All of our history will not disappear if we move 5 miles away, this is just a new chapter.

      Cherish the past, that will not change, but let’s look to the future? We have not won the league since 1961. it is high time we dared to do.

      Wise words.

      • Essexian76 says:

        Saved me a whole lot of typing ,cheers mate, but it seems there are are those who want us to stay in a crap-hole and pay for the privilege and those who want us to continue onwards and upwards, me a love light and really dont want a return to mediocrity and our best players going to places like OT and the Goons. I want our kids to wear Spurs shirts and not a bunch of Northerners that they’ve nothing in common with except Euston station and if anyone hear the whole session of garbled rhetoric and couldn’t see through it, then you really are the idiots!

    • Spurs1961 says:

      Well said Dan. Where was Mr Lammy when England Heritage delayed the plans over a poxy listed building! Surely he could have said something then…but oh no he was on the side of the do gooders!! Listen I don’t want us to leave WHL any more than anyone else. But let’s have a reality check here. Do we want our club in so much debt that we won’t be able toinvest in new players, or do we want to generate enough revenue to continue investing in top class players that willkeep us challenging for chanpions league football year in year out. I know which one I want. Please Please Please do not protest against Man U as it willgo againast the team.

  • c_vaughn says:

    It’s hard not to be cynical. Does Lammy really care? Or is it simply he is doing what he believes is right for his constituents, or rather, wants to be seen as doing right by them in putting up a fight..

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