

Image for Autopsy

Good afternoon.

This could easily degenerate into an interminable ramble so to spare you and to spare me I’ve opted for player ratings. No width, no plan, no nuffink. Modders threatened to elevate us but he was outnumbered by people who didn’t share his vision.

Most footballers are thick. If they couldn’t excite people with a football,  most of them would be working in the fast food industry or at best ‘larking about’ to some capacity in a warehouse.

There is a pattern at Tottenham whereby they perform brilliantly and then immediately afterwards they act like hungover chimpanzees that have saucepans stuck on their heads.

I’m sick of it and so are you.

Bitter, refusing to give credit to Blackpool? Look, you watched the same game as me. They looked like Colchester United on a good day. What do they want for that?  A Ballon D’or?

Gomes – 5 Can pick a ball out of his own net like no other.

Gallas – 4 Was more comfortable going forward.

Dawson – 4 Not absolutely invisible. But really quite close.

Bassong – 3 A donkey on roller-skates.

A&E – 4 Some tremendous hoofs to nobody in particular.

Azza – 6.37 Glimpses of guile and gormlessness in equal measure.

Sarge – 5.8 Seemed to be doing a lot. But wasn’t really.

Modders – 7 He’ll like it at Man Utd. They have lobster on Thursdays.

Peanut – 5 Marginally faster than time lapse photography.

Pav – 7 I’m amazed he kept trying. Iwould’ve gone home at half time.

Defoe – 5 Tedious, greedy little man.

Krankie – 6 Introduced too late and achieved zip.

Jenas – 5 Pansy.

Crouch – 4 At this point the gas and air kicked in and I was going under…

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  • AFelching says:


  • melcyid says:

    when I saw that squitterarsie had scored at the hemorrhoids I thought he had scored for stoke

  • Finn says:

    Got to agree with a lot of that TonySpursano, and not just the left flank: bear in mind that we have just put bounty of Modders at 50mill and Bale at 100mill and right now DVD would be somewhere between the two! That we have Pienaar, Kranc, Lennon, Palacios and an emerging Sandro to choose from, plus Huddlestone in the wings and JJ as a last resort: we arguably have the best midfield selection anywhere in the world, certainly the best attacking midfield selecton.

    We all know the problems we have up front and 500 posts will not change the lack of capability to put a ball between just two. However, the profligacy in front of goal is hiding the other obvious truth; that successful, consistent top 4 teams do not ship 2-3 each outing hoping to win 4-3 or 3-2!

    Yes we need a forward who can pass a ball past another player within the margins of one goal post and the other, but we also need a defensive leader. Daws may get there but not yet, Gallas is there but only as a patch on the hole till we can get the real thing. Frankly our hearts rule our heads and we should have made the tough choice a year ago, to let Ledders and Wooders go and get a defensive team leader.

    Clearly Gallas not playing where he should have was a mistake, hey no-one’s perfect not even our ‘arry, but we will need to look longer term. If we can stop shipping so many, we can rely on Pav to pop in a deflection of rely on our midfield to get the points, but we are exacerbating the problem if we require our midfield to get 2 or 3 a game when 1 goal should do.

    Short term we must keep Daws and Gallas together meanwhile we need a defensive giant and we I am starting to believe we need that more than we need a forward!

    • MysteriousStranger says:

      Sorry Finn, but players that are good for an hour or so then miss the next game are never worth £75 million. Perhaps £7.5 million? We paid £8 million I believe. :freu

      He upsets the applecart by his absence as much as he adds to its balance by his presence.

      Don’t misunderstand me, I like watching him play. When he plays. But your valuation of a player who isn’t that far removed from being the attacking midfield/striker equivalent of Ledders is a tad rich. He’s even got the “knee” for the comparatives, and throughout his career his appearance numbers have been restricted accordingly.

      And as great as Ledders can be when he plays, he ain’t worth a tommy tank in the marketplace for the bit-part appearances he now makes. He’ll be taking to the field on a Segway soon I expect!

      Provided you can sell him for your valuation, I recommend you find an interested party to take VdV off our hands. In fact, feel free to reduce your price by 2/3 if you can still do the deal! I’m just thankful you aren’t in charge of the pursestrings at WHL :-D

      • Finn says:

        No disagreement with your point, however that’s not what I said!

        I said that VDV would be somewhere between “bounty” put on Modders and Bale (at least according to the concensus of the tabloids) by HR & DL.

        You’ll also notice I advocate letting Ledders go.

        …..and I’m glad you are not in charge of reading (that’s ‘reeding’ not ‘redding’) :shocked2:

  • anon says:

    Hi. Can somebody tell me who are the following players:

    A&E: BAE?


  • perrymann says:

    VdV with a muscular problem,Kings knee and Huttons drinkee poos AWOL we are not destined for a top 4 finish.

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