
Locker Room Gossip

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An interesting snippet or two has came my way and so here is what I have. The Alan ‘Generalissimo Franco Begbie’ Hutton rumours doing the rounds of late have not only been libelous in nature but inaccurate.

I’m told that the absence of the Scottish supremo has been down to an almighty bust up between himself and Redschnapps. Over what, or why I don’t know. But my understanding is that the player isn’t injured.

The second is probably just a case of natural frustration but there was friction aplenty amongst our glorious strike force that went to Blackpool. What began at half time as bickering got worse as the players  hit the Bloomfield Road dressing rooms at full time. Pav was sick of hearing Defoe’s niggles and couldn’t get away from him fast enough.

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  • Sid Trotter says:

    !st. Inetresting cheers Harry. I heard that Hutton was pissed on the bus and was mooning out the window

  • melcyid says:

    well done inspector closeau,thats cleared up that then.

  • Harry Hotspur says:

    Before anyone asks, it was Karim Benzema that told me…

    • Sid Trotter says:

      Oh no it wasn’t – he’s signed for topshop

      • bob says:

        Topshop had their London fashion week show across the road from my office on Monday and despite the arrival of many a top model across the road I saw no spurs shirts, no Levy (though perhaps his Mrs did the tapping up), and Redknapp don’t set foot in the city for fear of the bailey, so I will have to say the benezema deal is off. Does that constitute being ITK?

  • Astromesmo says:

    I would hope that our strike force are ready to tear chunks out of each other with frustration by now… Hopefully it’ll get them riled up enough to put the ball in the net.

    It was strange how JD getting stressed by ‘The Filth’ last year resulted in him banging 5 past Wigan. Maybe the boy needs to be angry – Somebody go shave his other eyebrow off.

    • daytripper11 says:

      I would just like to see JD actually expend a little energy chasing down a loose ball for the first time this season.

      I have to imagine he cannot be very happy watching the useless 3MP paraded out in the starting lineup every match while he warms the bench.

  • Jima says:

    Loads of sources as usual

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