
Locker Room Gossip

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An interesting snippet or two has came my way and so here is what I have. The Alan ‘Generalissimo Franco Begbie’ Hutton rumours doing the rounds of late have not only been libelous in nature but inaccurate.

I’m told that the absence of the Scottish supremo has been down to an almighty bust up between himself and Redschnapps. Over what, or why I don’t know. But my understanding is that the player isn’t injured.

The second is probably just a case of natural frustration but there was friction aplenty amongst our glorious strike force that went to Blackpool. What began at half time as bickering got worse as the players  hit the Bloomfield Road dressing rooms at full time. Pav was sick of hearing Defoe’s niggles and couldn’t get away from him fast enough.

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  • Anthony In That Number says:

    In the medium term the Right Back situation is a worry. Assuming Hutton is frozen out and Kaboooom and Charlie are apparently out for a while yet, it
    leaves Gallas to cover or Sarge. Either option weakens us and imbalances the side. From a veriatble buffet of Right Backs we now have a famine.

    The forward problem will not be solved with our current crop and it is obvious why Harry has gone with 451 so often. With Crouch and VdV we look more likely to get results than with any combo in a 442. It is criminal that we have let 3 transfer windows pass by without addressing the forward issue. Having said all that if we can get VdV, King, Thud, Bale and Woody all back we can still give anyone a run for their money.

    Perhaps a week away in Dubai might get Harry and Hutton to patch things up, we badly need a specialist RB as I assume Kaboom and Charlie will still be out for the Wolves and Meeeelan games at least.

    As for the race for 3rd/4th place, all is not lost by a long chalk, but we need to get some of the sick list back in action for the run in.

    • toddspur says:

      good points

      I dont see why A&E cant play RB and Bassoon at LB. At least they know the role. We need Gallas alongside Daws; of that there is little doubt

      The other bit of good news is we now have a long break which should see a few getting back to fitness

      • lecoqhardi says:

        Jesus H. Corbett. We can’t finish 4th in the PL or make progress in the European Cup whatsit with a right back with no right foot (so no crosses from A&E) and a centre half at left back (not the pace to get down the wing and back. The injured ones are not scheduled to be back for Meeeelan, so we have problems. But then, we’re Tottenham. Wouldn’t want a comfortable ride.

        • toddspur says:

          why cant they cross the ball? has their preferred foot been cut off or something….sure hope not as it will affect their defending too :cwy:

  • perrymann says:

    So this spat is 4 weeks old and no hack got a sniff till now,what has happened to the twittering players?Harry to forfeit points for his ego? I would say their is a pile of porkies out there.

    • Anthony In That Number says:

      I agree that things in the garden are far from rosey. Either way we need Hutton to be available for at least the Wolves and Meelan games. Gallas and Daws need to be the CB pairing, unless we can get Woody and or King fit. Daws imo needs an experienced partner next to him. I would be very concerend about Meelan at home with Daws and Basssoooon as the CB pairing. Cannot believe how the RB and forward situations have been allowed to drift into this mess.

      Hopefully a week away from the UK and media spotlight might allow a bit of old fashioned squad unity to break out. This break will hopefully also get our key people ready for the run in.

      Reflecting on Blackpool just cannot believe how many chances we wasted. fair play to them in that they rode their luck and took the only chances they had but they are not very good. VdV would have dined at the top table against such an open team.

      Our strikers are giving a goal return which is absolutely no better than those of the teams in relegation trouble. Thank goodness for VdV, Bale and to a lesser extent Len and Krankie chipping in . I dread to think where we would be in the EPL without the goals they have delivered.

      No question that in the summer we need to ship at least 2, possibly 3 out. ie.. Pav, PSB, and possibly JD if he does not lively up himself sharpish. At least with Crouch we know that he can work well with VdV so he is worth keeping imo just for that . The other 3 , well they just don`t seem to offer anything much unless they are scoring. Almost sick to death of keep saying it, as I am sure are most posters on this site and most fans who watch Spurs……With a half decent finisher we would be challenging NOW for the EPL

      • Chrispurs says:

        I think you’ll find that our strikers have the lowest strike rate in the prem.

        You are right, if we had a half decent forward we’d be top, we absolutely could have another 10 points +

  • Astromesmo says:

    It’s a little chillier today than yesterday – I blame Harry Redknapp.

    • lecoqhardi says:

      Redknapp out. What’s he ever done for us? Apart from the roads. And the hospitals. And the education system. Public transport, obviously. Pensions. But apart from that?

      • Anthony In That Number says:

        Apart from that he is a very naughty boy and a very good haggler, even though he does not have a beard.

        I absolutely do not blame Harry. The bottom line is that the strikers are just not doing what they are paid to do. I still think JD is the one most likely to get goals and with a bit of luck will go on a good run. The off the line clearance from his effort at Blackpool was just the type of clearance that would divert into the net when luck is with you.

        Regarding Hutton, if he was given a dressing down by Harry then he should be big enough and determined enough to take it on the chin and be absolutely desperate to bounce back and prove Harry wrong. Just hope a week away from the media spotlight may encourage H and H to get over it. We desperately need the RB position sorted for the Wolves and Meeeelan games.

        Amazing that Flamini who caused all this RB trouble got away with just a yellow card. Bar Steward

        • Astromesmo says:

          May the filth that is Flaminoise (I can’t even bring myself to type his name) suffer the shame he deserves at WHL. I don’t even think they’ll play him though to be honest.

        • Spurstacus says:

          Talking of good haggler’s. For me Marvin was the best- and he had a beard.

  • Snap says:

    Went for a guided tour around the Olympic Park yesterday. Because it was the first warm sunny day for yonks a large number of visitors had pre-booked and the blue badge guides appealed for reinforcements from HQ. We ended up in a group guided by a publicity director who was knowledgeable but not normally out in the field. She was however engaging and full of anecdotes, promising not to bore us with statistics available from the web sites. Amongst revealing stories about Seb, Boris and co, she stated at the stadium that she had heard from enough top sources to be convinced, that THFC never had any intention of moving to the site and that it was simply a bargaining move for their manoeuvres in North London.

  • marts2smooth says:

    I hope they were shouting at Jenas…

    Good to see him back to his shite self at “The Sea Siders”.. he nearly looks as Bad as Carrick in a united shirt!

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