
Modders Sold

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That’s it.

All hope is lost. Please go back to into your homes and don your widow’s weaves. It’s all over.

It’s been mumbled before, but to my mind today’s News Of The World back page is the first real warning shot that the indomitable Celt Sluralix is well and truly after Modders.

Our form guide here doesn’t make for a pleasing read.  Michelle Carrick and Baldgarian were out the door like scalded cats the moment a move to Old Trafford was mooted. The impact of Carrick going was softened by what seemed good money at the time for a man on the verge of domestic and International greatness.  It turned out sweeter still of course as all these seasons later …he’s still on the verge.

Montgomery Burns meets Dorian Gray’s departure was hard to take. It destroyed the goal-making end of a Carling Cup winning side and pretty possibly heralded the obscolescence of Pointy Shouty Bloke. Some slight cushioning to these bludgeoning blows came in form of leaked tales of Dimitar refusing to play, and a huge wodge of cash. The salt in the wound being Frasier Campbell.

So now it’s Modders turn.

It’s time that Arry or better still the player stood up and announced he wasn’t for sale. It’s suggested that there is a £35M buy out clause in the Croatian’s contract. But this isn’t a figure at which point the player loses free will. Is it? If it’s represented as such I’ll push what I leave of him there myself in a wheelbarrow.

For the first time in a long time we are trading punches with the big boys. We may not be wandering around like some 1990’s bond trader chucking carrier bags of used notes at people bellowing, ‘Don’t wrap it I’ll ride it!’ But that’s because we don’t have an abyss of debt and bonds lurking over our shoulder.

Our slow but but enviable achievements have put us in a position of strength and it’s vital we don’t drop a testicle in the final furlong.

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  • nick says:

    Just enjoy the great players while we have them. There is a natural food chain and we are not at the top of it. Did ManU want to lose Ronaldo to Madrid? Every player has a price and every player wants to be at the top of the food chain – FACT!
    Get used to it. Not since Le Tiss has there been a player loyal to one club regardless of better offers.

    • Spurstacus says:

      I disagree that there is a ‘natural’ food chain. Chelsea in your opinion are higher up the food chain than us presumably. But they havent always been. They were once considerably lower than us, (and probably will be again), but through investment, planning and winning things they are now a prestige club. Part of that process is believing in themselves. If we believe that we are a middle ranking feeder club, we will be one. If we carry on the way we are going we will climb higher up the food chain until the best players chose us rather than our contemporaries. Theres nothing natural about it. It happens by hard work, investment, planning and winning. I think we are well on our way.

    • Spurstacus says:

      Secondly. Scholes, Giggs, Neville, Gerard, Carragher, Lampard, Terry, Shearer. To name a few. Yes I know that some played for other clubs, but when they find their ‘homes’ they stay for good.

  • controlled.madness says:

    Maybe Tottenham should offer 1 million for Rooney

  • Finn says:

    So why is the red nosed one taking time out to screw with our heads? There’s not a snowball’s that he’ll get Modders and he knows it! But he plays every card, every trick, every banana skin he can throw to get some advantage……why us now?

    Well if we beat Blackpool on Tuesday, we will be third; that is very much on his radar! Also we have a fairly good string of fixtures against the bottom teams and taking 15-18 from the next 6 games is a distinct possibility: that might just give us enough head to catch the Goons and draw down on ManU who have a few tough games to come.

    Whilst we are all entangled in fixtures at the death, a good run may (in SurAlix’s view), put us well into contention come April/May.

    He’s playing games with us now because he can see we have momentum, position and a potential good run…… he is a past master remember, what he did to Keegan?

    • NYSpurs says:

      Finn – Spot on re our up coming PL fixtures.

      Blackpool, Wolves, Wet Spam, Wigan and Stoke.

      Am I the only one who expects 15pts from these games on our current form. OK I know it will be dashed at Blackpool on Tuesday – This is Spurs we are talking about!

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      This is exactly what’s going on the quicker Sluralix is put back in his box with a quick, ‘no tah’ the better.

  • NYSpurs says:

    Shit – I’ve just bought my daughter a shirt with his name on the back.

    Suppose this will make Levy decide if we have regular CL and top 4 aspirations or we are happy to settle for a domestic cup every 10 years.

  • SpurredoninDublin says:

    I for one am absolutely fed up with those lazy ponces who call themselves journalists and work for the tabloids. In my book, they rank just above paedophiles, and below bankers, lawyers and politicians.

    The latest rumours doing the rounds is Sandro, who has played a handful of games for us, and is now being targetted for a big money move on the basis of one game against AC Milan, by AC Milan. The chances are that the ponces who write this crap had never even heard of him until last Tuesday.

    If you want to judge the credibility of a story, look to see if there are any attributable quotes by someone who has control of the club chequebook.

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