
Van Der Vaart Out

Image for Van Der Vaart Out

Een kleine kuitblessure houdt me aan de kant voor de wedstrijd Nederland-Oostenrijk. Hopelijk ben ik er snel weer bij.

A small calf injury keeps me on the side for the match Netherlands-Austria. Hopefully I can recover quickly again.

That’s all the news that’s fit to Tweet. According to our dreamy Dutch ace. I don’t have a problem with him being out as long as he’s back in time for the Milan game, eh?

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  • bukkake-breath says:

    Ok, 2 parrots sat on a perch. One says to the other I can smell fish….

  • melcyid says:

    scumbags cud do with a gallas type player!

  • melcyid says:

    tee hee arf ar :-D f

  • onedavemackay says:

    Why haven’t I been banned ?

    Is it cos I is Jewish ?

    I feel really left out

  • Finn says:

    No point to make…just musings :-)

    Well the good news is we are level with the Chavs, the not so good news is that (as I predicted a couple of weeks ago, in the days when the blog worked properly :dizzy: ), the Dippers will be nipping at our arse given a two day old, half eaten Maccas to chase.

    We have a full 6 point advantage and a game in hand, but they will be there like a dog at a gate waiting for anyone to have a bad run of games; a loss to a mid-table team followed by a draw or two and they are right back in it……and in fairness to them they are doing their own “6 from 8” and we should be the last to rubbish them.

    We are so similarly placed to this time last year its almost spooky. Can we do the run in again? certainly if we can grind out results against all below us we should have a good chance to be anywhere between 5th and 3rd and as Astro said we’re not even playing with a full deck yet.

    We have a few problems to overcome but no more it seems than anyone else, we are in the top 5 and a gap exists below that. Sunderland now is a huge game in determining momentum, but I fear Milan will be a distraction. They’ve lost Bent and hopefully their lack of alternatives will balance our lack of options upfront: dealers choice who starts…up to to our superior midfield to keep carrying both ends of the log, but that should be enough!

    So glad Niko did the biz, I like him and I can’t understand why he’s not been “accomodated” a bit more; accomodation doesn’t seem to be a problem with other players. Thought Gazza has looked tidy on the left, cutting in and shooting seems to suit him better than getting to the dead ball line and fluffing a cross……damn he’s fast!

    Think about how tough it is to play against 10 men..they all dig deep, we actually did that this time last year. I think we have some surgery due for this squad come the summer, but meanwhile we have enough to do the job both here (4th) and abroad…. when all said and done, the final is at Wembley and the year ends in a one.

    • onedavemackay says:

      Unless I’m mistaken (and it wouldn’t be the first time) we were in fourth place most of last year. Either way Chelsea are obviously in free fall so we only need to worry about the Scousers and the fact we don’t have any strikers.

      We’ll probably win the CL and finish 5th.

      • Finn says:

        Hmmm. I must confees I had trouble reading your post without planting an E L Whisty voice-over! :-D

        Did they sort out the debacle of not giving the holders a berth to defend the CL trophy? I seem to remember the Dippers fell foul of this???

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