
Van Der Vaart Out

Image for Van Der Vaart Out

Een kleine kuitblessure houdt me aan de kant voor de wedstrijd Nederland-Oostenrijk. Hopelijk ben ik er snel weer bij.

A small calf injury keeps me on the side for the match Netherlands-Austria. Hopefully I can recover quickly again.

That’s all the news that’s fit to Tweet. According to our dreamy Dutch ace. I don’t have a problem with him being out as long as he’s back in time for the Milan game, eh?

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  • Anlarblud says:

    A loss to Blackpool, a draw at home to everton and wins against wolves (a), fulham (h) & stoke (h) aren’t that scary, the fact they’ve done chelsea is all very well but they still have to play the blue arabs, the orrible lot down the road, manusa and us. I wouldn;t be worrying about them as long as we win our game in hand…

    • Finn says:

      Agree, but I think that Kenny will galvanise them and that they have been underperforming for their squad strength. We are some way off their baying breath, but I feel they will become clear leaders of the trailing pack.

  • Sid Trotter says:

    Calf Injury. There’s a shocker. What happened to the cow?

  • Sid Trotter says:

    ooh, my gravatar changed itself. Harold ….

  • DAVSPURS says:

    Once again we have a team behind us using A king for there sudden surge up the league. Well if you believe that then you must understand this Liverpool went on a good run under Woy till i started calling them Duracell Bunnies there form dipped and he got sacked . The King took over and they where shite and near the dreaded drop so out comes the one thing all the rage in my Area even the post man uses it EFE . If you this is a load of red bull then you would be able to smell the bullshit the only smell you can smell is sweat from running all day if Harry buys some of this stuff i will be like the Bin Dippers fans in my Area confident of beating any team. Remember this we have had horrendous injury’s and we had a great and long squad to help us Liverpool don’t there four wins have one thing in common there work rate has bean very High Like Newcastle Wolves and that is the sad facts desperation is making for shock results. We have not dominated one team in the energy levels even when we have won. Should we fear Liverpool the answer is no But we should fear there Tempo even Carragher is in 6th gear remarkable or is it Bull shit giving him wings . Trust me the records are tumbling record comebacks record sackings record goals record second half wins and sadly record weight loss deaths and Shocks.

  • Anthony In That Number says:

    Saw Peter O`Toole in Man and Superman some years ago in London. As you would expect, absolutely riotous, complete carnage, a few pints of porter too many. Brilliant!

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