
We Genuinely Don’t Know What We’re Doing

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What an uninspired load of old tosh. For those of you with any Champions League related memorabilia such as Investec shirts or match programmes etc I suggest you put them somewhere safe as you may have inadvertently stumbled upon a collector’s item.

You tell me.

We are linked with every striker in Europe with two feet and pulse. Our noble leader Redschnapps actually went as far as telling us that he had a chairman who was pushing him to splash out.

What we got was the equivalent of a man throwing himself on his own sword and then as the blade sinks through him – he decides to take – an Asprin. Charlie Adam?  For the love of God, who’s brainwave was this?

This top of the range, executive class donkey was bought from Rangers for half a million quid. Yes he’s had a cracking season. At Blackpool. Blackpool. Rusted fairground rides, white dog muck, unfunny ‘adult’ novelty gifts, racist comics, people living on chips, donkey rides, varicose veins, dripping ice creams, Blackpool. Blackpool.

Levy & Co are culpable here. As the Van der Vaart deal demonstrated, you let Arry do the tapping up when it comes to garbage like Scott Parker, but when you want to land a big fish you need an adult to help you reel it in.

This window was exciting for a number of clubs and a variety of reasons. It reflected the lack of confidence that’s currently doing the rounds. Only Manchester United and Arsenal feel that they can hold a steady course with their current crew.  Cheatski and Liverpool had to trade. They had to.

And I fully believe that Tottenham were in the very same position.

Are we waiting for Defoe to ‘bed in’? For Crouch to find his groove? The Russian is the closest thing we have to a top notch striker and Arry won’t play him because he doesn’t really rate him.

He doesn’t rate him because he can’t relate to him. When he talks to him, the boy just looks back at him. Occasionally smiling. I can picture it. Arry turning to Bondy and muttering, ‘I can’t get frew to ‘im.’

Do we need a Director of Football? Do we need someone who can scout decent players in Europe without literally having his trousers pulled down and his watch and credit cards stolen? Someone who speaks a version of English that humans born outside the sound of Bow Bells can actually understand?

If the rest of this season was a movie it would be called, Day Of The Triffics.

Get ready for a lot of hoofing and a slip down the table. Irrespective of Bale, it just isn’t possible for Spurs to sustain the positives they’ve had with the current squad. This isn’t a delayed rant and rave after the Fulham debacle, this a wimper from a guy who’s depressed  that we were so close, but in the final analysis lacked the gumption to see the job through.

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  • Pussy Cunterminge says:

    Ok, Shnapps has made our bed.

    Now the vdv honeymoon is over it’s time to go 2 (blank-firing) strikers up front.

    Maybe ‘arry should give some of his outcasts a chance again like Charlie and cranks.

    We still have a squeak at 4th if\when woody\King & Hudds come back could just return that confidence that has been drained out of us lately.

    The strikers we have are all decent they just need service for a few goals and some proper playing time & they will score, even the freak giraffe, probably.

  • dRb says:

    Yes it would be good to get an awesome signing…but £35m+ for Andy-fucking-Carroll? Nah.

    Lol at ‘Pool supporters being placated from having their best player sold because Ashley’s taken their boards trousers down and done them hard – it’s a domestic record so we must be on to a winner! Almost the same money as Berba AND VDV’s last transfers, for the not even top scorer in the championship last season…

  • Big Fish says:

    My 10 year old boy reeled in a 170 pound yellowfin tuna, with no help at all. Just saying.

    Like that fish, I’m feeling well and truly gutted this morning. Last summer was the time to do the business and Levy & Co well and truly failed. Given a new opportunity to improve the squad, they turned the whole thing into a joke with last minute bids that were NEVER going to succeed. Man City got it right by tying Dzeko up with days to spare – makes their 28M seem like money well spent, compared to 35M Carroll. Spurs and Newcastle are the teams that have come out of the “window” considerably weaker.

    Think my boy couldve done a better job to be honest.

    • Spursgator says:


      • Anthony In That Number says:

        Agree and it is back to the stadium problem again. Either we get a bigger stadium or investment from elsewhere or we are always going to be 2nd tier .. ie somehwere between CL and Your Ropey League and fighting for places 567 in EPL, with a Carling Cup Final now and again to appease the fans a bit. In a nutshell that is exactly what we have been doing for the best part of 25 years. I honestly thought that this current squad had the quality with perhaps 3 additions to really challenge for the EPL 2011/2012 but I am more inclined to think now that our best players will all go if we do not get CL football next season and it will effectively be back to normal once they are gone… ie 2nd tier again. Just hope I can be proven wrong.. as Keegan said … I would luv it … but I have my doubts.

  • Discospurs says:

    Over the summer I was one of those who thought the alternative strikers available weren’t worth paying over the odds for, and that it was worth giving our existing strike force half a season to perform. They haven’t, and in the meantime our scouts have had half a season watching European football to find the next Berbatov. Do we even have any scouts?

    Deeply depressed here too. Not simply because I feel like I’m missing the high and intrigue new players bring, but because everything about us smacks of also-rans at the moment. We were so close – so close to being contenders; but most of the team is woefully out off the top of their game and we’ve played, on the whole, less effective, creative and entertaining football than last season. We’ve scraped a lot of results that could have gone either way and are the difference between us sitting fifth and fifteenth. Bar the Inter game and the random comeback against Arsenal (and even that wasn’t really a performance) I can’t say I’ve seen us perform as I know we can all season.

    VdV has disturbed things, and it’s a problem now he’s not in the same form he was when he joined. Harry has to see the utter mediocrity of Crouch. Strikers not scoring smacks of mid-tableitis, which is what everything about the club is saying to me at the moment.

    Maybe we just didn’t have the cash, I don’t know. But even the ground issue has become a farce. I am fast losing faith in the leadership at Spurs at every level. If we achieve anything this season I take it back, but unlike last season where something in me told me we could do it, this time my instinct smells a distinctly average, win some lose some end to the season.


  • Hazard's Band Aid says:

    Absolutely, totally agree – best post I’ve ever seen on this blog. The most depressing aspect of yesterday – Suarez and Carroll race to Liverpool – but are ‘staying at’ Ajax and Newkiebrown when Spurs come to call [if Spurs ever did]. Nothing says we’re not rated; that we’re fucking Bolton [not even Villa] than that – and now the back end of the season with one P’ship goal Crouch; ‘why didn’t you pass to me?’ Defoe; Jenas [for God’s sake]; Gomes; and no fit cbacks out of how many??
    The writing has been on the wall since before the glorious run-in last season – 3 maybe 4/5 class players [Bale, VDV, Modric, pos. Gallas pos. even Kaboul] and the rest. After his world cup it was reasonable to think of Gio as a new signing – didn’t get to kick a ball. The team needs a ball-winner; a ball-keeper; and a leader. It needs the class that Modric and VDV have throughout the team – and to not even try in January to address the weaknesses is shameful – what’s the point of saving the cash to build a new stadium if the fan-base isn’t grown by WINNING THINGS!?!

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