
We Genuinely Don’t Know What We’re Doing

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What an uninspired load of old tosh. For those of you with any Champions League related memorabilia such as Investec shirts or match programmes etc I suggest you put them somewhere safe as you may have inadvertently stumbled upon a collector’s item.

You tell me.

We are linked with every striker in Europe with two feet and pulse. Our noble leader Redschnapps actually went as far as telling us that he had a chairman who was pushing him to splash out.

What we got was the equivalent of a man throwing himself on his own sword and then as the blade sinks through him – he decides to take – an Asprin. Charlie Adam?  For the love of God, who’s brainwave was this?

This top of the range, executive class donkey was bought from Rangers for half a million quid. Yes he’s had a cracking season. At Blackpool. Blackpool. Rusted fairground rides, white dog muck, unfunny ‘adult’ novelty gifts, racist comics, people living on chips, donkey rides, varicose veins, dripping ice creams, Blackpool. Blackpool.

Levy & Co are culpable here. As the Van der Vaart deal demonstrated, you let Arry do the tapping up when it comes to garbage like Scott Parker, but when you want to land a big fish you need an adult to help you reel it in.

This window was exciting for a number of clubs and a variety of reasons. It reflected the lack of confidence that’s currently doing the rounds. Only Manchester United and Arsenal feel that they can hold a steady course with their current crew.  Cheatski and Liverpool had to trade. They had to.

And I fully believe that Tottenham were in the very same position.

Are we waiting for Defoe to ‘bed in’? For Crouch to find his groove? The Russian is the closest thing we have to a top notch striker and Arry won’t play him because he doesn’t really rate him.

He doesn’t rate him because he can’t relate to him. When he talks to him, the boy just looks back at him. Occasionally smiling. I can picture it. Arry turning to Bondy and muttering, ‘I can’t get frew to ‘im.’

Do we need a Director of Football? Do we need someone who can scout decent players in Europe without literally having his trousers pulled down and his watch and credit cards stolen? Someone who speaks a version of English that humans born outside the sound of Bow Bells can actually understand?

If the rest of this season was a movie it would be called, Day Of The Triffics.

Get ready for a lot of hoofing and a slip down the table. Irrespective of Bale, it just isn’t possible for Spurs to sustain the positives they’ve had with the current squad. This isn’t a delayed rant and rave after the Fulham debacle, this a wimper from a guy who’s depressed  that we were so close, but in the final analysis lacked the gumption to see the job through.

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  • theresdangerhere says:

    What is a “marquee” player anyway? I think we have had enough “marqee’s” over the years.(BTW we have at least 3 in the side anyway)
    We are 5th in the league, still in CL and fighting for a 3rd place spot. The loss to Fulham was a shock, but perhaps it was the kick in the arse we deserved.Perhaps players are getting all too cosy and complacent.
    yes it would be nice to have a new striker- I would love a new Jag, but cannot afford to buy it or maintain it.
    Sometimes as Churchill said “its not enough to do your best, sometimes you have to do whats required” we are, where we are, on merit- lets hope the message from Fulham was learned, and we do whats required from now on in.

  • Yachtsman says:

    As usually happens to us out of the way blokes, this was the penultimate post on the last thread. Too weary – we have another snow storm gearing up here – to alter it in light of what has come before. Still believe it offers a little bit of support to some of the posts. So here it is again, with apologies to those (!!) who might already have seen it.

    Well, let’s not forget that last year we beat each of the “top four” except the manure, plus a pretty strong citeh (yes the Hudd was fit then). And we did it with a determined second half run. Why the heck can’t we repeat?

    At the back, I used to favour Hutton, but Corluka deserves another, longer look. Ditto Kranjkar. Always liked both. Speed can only take one so far, and only for a short time in most games. Skill is always a plus. Look at Beckham in his glory days. Or Scholes. Or our Dave Mackay/Danny Blanchflower. Etc, etc.
    At CB the best and certainly the most honest answer is to say goodbye to Woodie and Ledders. Give them coaching/ambassadorial/community roles. Bring in that good young’un Caulker from loan.

    If Pav could score goals without fuss for the Russkies last year, and Nikko also, plus this year as well, for the Croats, and Defoe was more than O.K. last year too (when fit), and if we could get into the top four then, what’s to stop us doing so again? With the same strikers. We need, in addition perhaps, to bring one of those loanees back. That, or really show confidence/put it on the line to the lot we’ve got. Tell Pav and Defoe they have 6-8 games on a trot to show what they can do. Play in a 4-3-1-2 formation. Train a penalty kicker/set ball specialist, who could be VdV, have Lennon dribble the heck out of them into the box and draw fouls, etc. etc.

    We can still spring a surprise. Being out of the FA cup will help us focus. The one concern is Gomes. We forget how important he was last year. Made as much of a contribution as Bale and Lennon, and Modders. More than Lennon, perhaps. But he’s not near that standard this year.

    “It’s not over until it’s over” as a Yankee immortal once said. Which reminds me, wasn’t there a time when someone here described their shadow as stretching in the WHL direction? Now there’s an outfit that could mix it with the best, dollar for pound, for euro, for rial….That could move forward smoothly with the stadium business, wherever, and pay the wages necessary these days while doing so.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Thanks for re-posting. Appreciated.

    • nicktheyid says:

      “have lennon dribble the heck out of them”???remind me of pele in escape to victory”give me the ball here and ill do this and this……”
      be nice if life was really that simple
      as for the wages,our time will the new fifa rules come into play and others have to accomodate,we will already be there set up and chelsea and city will peg it back i have no idea?the clubs on the continent have already started tightening the purse strings,may have been why nobody wanted to sell there strikers as the replacements would have cost ???????

  • melcyid says:

    There was some good stuff on sale in the shops this january but levy and redschapps were seen hanging around the oxfam shop looking for cast offs.

  • simon says:

    ‘arry is a disrespectful, insulting tax dodger!

  • A_felching says:

    Levy is now signing who he likes, was it the dame who drove Carroll into melwood

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