
Aaron Lennon In ‘Lady’s Bottom’ Shocker

Image for Aaron Lennon In ‘Lady’s Bottom’ Shocker

Another day, another intensive hangover.

According to the Current Bun, Azza Blud was out throwing some shapes with his buddy and part time striker, Cartoon Cole in a Fitzrovia night club, Merah. Merah boasts that it offers, ‘a sophisticated social playground for the influential and the jet set.’

So no wonder one reveler, some unnamed dame in a short black dress was outraged when some half cut midget with drawn on hair and go faster stripes in his eyebrows helped himself to a handful of her bottom.

Judging by the picture, the lady involved complete with lolly-pop in gob, looked like the only place she’d be influential or jet set would be behind a till in a supermarket.

I’m not going feign shock that these two morons were out on the lash involving themselves in morally dubious activities. I genuinely don’t care. But the article says they did £15,000 on a bar bill.

Fifteen grand. And the place is only open for 6 hours!

I’m not turning into my dad, surely? But how? How do you do £15k in a night? Having had a butchers at the club’s website I see no hint of a restaurant serving endangered species off of jeweled plates, served by complimentary really hot birds who are absolutely gagging for it. Michael Winner would struggle to do £15k in a night.

What were they drinking? Plutonium?

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  • AS says:

    Pleased Inter got through. Against us they didn’t play act or cynical foul much and they got some decent players too. I hope we get Barca next though. I think we could give them more trouble than the goons.

  • david says:

    Hope we avoid the other English teams.
    How about Real Madrid ?
    Anyone else think this is a bit surreal, Spurs supporters debating who they fancy playing in the CL QF ?
    Afraid I may wake up and discover it’s all been a dream.

    • MysteriousStranger says:

      Surreal and just a way of passing the time. Whoever we get, we get, I have no particular preference really. As long as we give our all and put up a good show. Though naturally I’d prefer that we go on to win it! There are no mugs at this stage, and Shaktar :freu

      Audere Est Facere! 8O

      Just no 4-0 drubbings a la Fulham in the FA Cup, thankyou please.

      • MysteriousStranger says:

        Bloody hell – I had a brainfreeze and his submit as I went to check on my spelling of Shakhtar Donetsk before I was going to add

        “and Shakhtar are certainly a lively outfit, I’d be a little fearful of meeting a team that plays as organised as they are, but either way…”

        is what I meant to say.

      • david says:

        We have 3 weeks till the next CL match and hopefully we will have Bale and VDV fit by then and maybe Kaboul, Hudd, Woodie and King available.
        Only problem for HR then is working out who to drop from the squad on match day.
        No more Fulham blips likely.

  • AS says:

    It does take some getting used to :) Hoping we avoid the English teams too. wld really hate to get manure.

  • AS says:

    Save Madrid for the semi finals after we beat Barca in the quarters.

  • david says:

    Wonder how Berba is enjoying his recent bench warming duties.
    Could have stayed with us, played every game and been a hero.

    • MysteriousStranger says:

      Yeah but he went to Man Utd and is currently the Premier League’s top scorer, so I bet he’s feeling quite upset. :blink:

      He’s still played 5 matches in the Champions League this year, but yeah, if he hadn’t been a c^nt after a season things could have been different, and we could still be in awe of him. He didn’t stick around long enough to even help get us CL footie though, did he? So he’s still pretty much a twat in my eyes.

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