
Player Ratings – With Added Fluoxetine

Image for Player Ratings – With Added Fluoxetine

Raking through the bones of that game would be as useful as getting a pathologist to examine some roadkill to see if the poor creature had diabetes prior to being run over.

West Ham didn’t squish us so much as relentlessly deny us. It would be churlish to just rant at the strikers. So I’ll have a pop at Arry first if I may. When the team you’re playing changes their strategy, it’s a good idea to rethink your own.

Redschnapps has spoken of hesitancy in the last transfer window. We saw it again today. Defoe was selfish again and again yet H was convinced there was a goal in him. Pav actually offered a touch of 18 yard box creativity but was brought on too late.

West Ham put as many men as they could behind the ball yet we had neither the wit or the imagination to change our plan. Bale drew a minimum of two men every time he got the ball – can anyone recall a decent cross in from him? Wayne Bridge muffled Azza Blud also. But still we ploughed on making no gain from bossing the midfield.

Charlie gave the ball away or made a fist of his possession on virtually every single occasion he had the damn thing in the first half. Again, this was allowed to carry on and on and on.

On this showing Real Madrid must be bricking it.

Gomes 7 Didn’t do much, did it well
A&E 7 Mostly very assured
Charlie 4 Slow & clumsy
Gallas 4 What was with the endless back-passes?
Dawson 6 Sensational. For the first 20 minutes
Sandro 7.39 Triffic
Modric 8 Our Champions League class player
Azza Blud 6 Bar the shot failed to make a difference
Bale 7.92 Intelligent and committed
VDV 6.57 Fit?
Defoe 4 For Sale with any luck
Pav 6.56 Tried
Begbie 6 Should be an 8 – twice as good as Charlie
Chris Coleman – Britain’s Most Stupid Human
Redschnapps – Not to be confused with Mourinho

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  • TMWNN says:

    VdV is a good example of why chairmen ought to keep their noses out of the playing side of things.

    If you’re going to sign VdV and change the teams playing system, you’d better make sure you sign a striker that can complement that system.

    Redknapp could have said he wasn’t required, but to be fair, he probably didn’t have a lot of time to think about it.

    VdV can’t be the sole reason why were not scoring goals, and if you take him out the equation and revert to 4-4-2, you’re left with two shit strikers instead of just one.

    There has been a complete lack of focus and/or execution in the transfer market and it will cost us.

    As great as VdV can be, injuries have obviously taken their toll and it’s becoming clear why Real let him go on the cheap. Not reliable enough to have a team built round.

  • shahaan says:

    Let me reiterate, VDV WAS NOT FIT AND HASNT BEEN FOR A FEW WEEKS! VDV HAS SCORED A LOT OF GOALS BUT WE JUST EXPECT A LOT NOW! He needs to play with a Drogba type figure.. not a child called Defoe who has no pace no strength and no left foot..

  • shahaan says:

    Pavlychenko needs to be put in place at home games because he will win us points.. trust me. Next home game we’ll sing his song until he comes on

    • AS says:

      and all the games I have watched him start and go missing until he is hauled off are games where he has started and not earned us points. Lazy bugger better suited to a super sub role.

      The alternative though is a rank Defoe, off form glass legged VDV, or a non scoring bean pole, so well done to Harry and Levy ! Pair of berks !

  • shahaan says:

    TMWNN – The problem is our strikers, not VDV.. considering he is playing with shit, he has notched up some all important goals.. Defoe is not good enough, I mean have you ever heard his name being mentioned around the likes of Manchester United, Chelsea etc, as you have with the likes of Bale, VDV, Modric even Lennon and Hudd? Redknapp will never ever sign a striker, as he loves Defoe, and its the honest truth.. face it, we’ll get top 6 position

  • shahaan says:

    Not a broken VDV, he is unfit.. give him some time off and we need to play him with a REAL striker.. not a pip-squeak nancy boy. But you’ll soon be singing VDV’s name again.. he has been excellent in the CL and has won us some important points when NOBODY else stepped up to the plate. It should be sin to say he is not required.

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