
Dinner Money In Sock – Check. Y Fronts In Bag – Check.

Image for Dinner Money In Sock – Check. Y Fronts In Bag – Check.

What can I possibly tell that you that you do not already know?

Real Madrid indoors and I stand by my suggestion the other day that we clear it with UEFA and our lot wear Bernie Clifton ostriches. At least for the bit when they run out and do the police identity line up number at the beginning.

Having watched the last leg in Stellascope and then had a good look at the other loves remaining in this competition I can reveal that having summoned the wisdom of the ages and decided things look decidedly iffy.

Aside from all our usual idiocies (opposed to idiosyncrasies) we are approximately one million miles away from being genuinely fit to continue in this competition. Hardly resounding proof that I am related to Winston Churchill I grant you, but those other brutes, have you seen them? Some of them have been shaving since they were seven.

Real Madrid – as I alluded after the last debacle –  have that Jose template all over ’em. They aren’t just footballers, they’re marines. Trained, programmed and unforgiving mercenaries, ready to conquer. By stark contrast, we have our dinner money hidden in our sock and our  Y fronts folded up in our bag so that they can’t wedgie us.

And it turned out that Azza didn’t bottle it, more a case of our crack squad of highly trained experts not understanding that a course of antibiotics has to ordinarily to be completed in order for it to work. Years of administering magic sponges and the occasional Junior Asprin can I guess fog even the most finely tuned medical minds.

On an upbeat note, we have a license to go bonkers and play in a somewhat unshackled manner, ‘It’s over here, I’ve got it! Let’s run up this way and shoot again!’ as we are the very definition of people with nothing to lose.

There are some creative bets doing the rounds and if you want to be the one to tell your grandchildren that you had a nicker on us to win and that’s how you set up their trust-fund then now is your moment.

Spurs to win 5-0 is 150/1. If you are unfamiliar with betting parlance then this indicates but by no means guarantees that there is more chance of ‘My Lovely Horse’ being number one in the hit parade next Christmas.

[bet_365 type=’generic’ size=’468′ af_code=’365_061513′]

My genuine belief is that we will throw the kitchen sink at Los Blancos, who will more likely than not, place it down gently to one side before holding us to a 2-2 all draw. Which at 11/1 has some  – however optimistic – basis in reality and a few quid down will at least mean you don’t face the ignominy of tomorrow’s lunch break with home made sandwiches, but can soak up the consolatory beers of the night before with something classy, like a Super Sized extravaganza from Burger Me or whoever.

“May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.”

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  • TMWNN says:

    Swerved! FFS!

    • Finn says:

      The camera angle up the pitch, looking at Gomes straight on shows the shot twist to the right quite suddenly…I think that’s whats called a swerve.

      • melcyid says:

        It definetly swerved and it also spun off behind him.It is the same type of shot at goal that dogbreath scores from, the balls are very light now and dont travel true when they are hit hard.rough for the modern day goalie left looking like a plonker eh Rodney

      • Finn says:

        I’ve tried to find a link to footage of this angle but cannot anywhere. Its the long view down the track of the ball and I am now wondering, having looked at the other angles, if the swerve could have been as it hits his hand …I think its on the box again tonight I’ll check it if they show that angle again….. only saw the snippet one time and it was pretty early in the day here….. I saw what I saw, but you don’t always see what think you see :ermm: !

        • melcyid says:

          I thought I saw some penalties and a sending off for carvalho for taking the player out also the last man.also a couple of hand balls by them in their areas which could have been called but there again.thats what i thought I saw but there again I am a yid

      • TMWNN says:

        Any clown could see it swerved. It should have been saved.

  • TMWNN says:

    Well done to us – the club. With help from a board with real ambition, we’ll move forward.

  • AS says:

    Well done to all at Spurs. That dozen games in the CL has done the club a world of good. Amazing that we have done it on the cheap too without any strikers to speak of. Now lets stick it to the gooners on wednesday and go for 4th again.

  • Yachtsman says:

    At half time I was proud of the lads. And I still am. Despite the Gomes blunder, they stuck to it. Lennon and Bale and VdV came back to help, Dawson and Gallas and A&E were solid (Dawson even sensational), and the Hudd did his bit defensively as well as offensively; we lost possession more than RM did, that is undeniable, but not so much because we were an inferior team but because RM could just jink the ball around, often backwards and laterally, for the whole game if they wished, whereas we had to find ways of getting into scoring positions. So the lads took risks, frequently passing instantaneously, which often resultedin negative results.

    The graph of the last few years shows a steady upward progress. Fifth a couple of times in the PL, then fourth, then the quarter finals of the EC, via the scalps of a bunch of superior teams. We are no flash in the pan. We have solid prospects because, by and large, we have the right foundations.

    More later.

  • kojac says:

    hello,my laptop has broken can i post from this strange place shame azzablud was not in real he really is quite useful,crouch ruined the night what a twit he was,oh well backwards and downwards,lets do the double on the scum COYS

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