
See You Under The Lights

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First up – apologies for another collapse this afternoon. I’m not talking about the incident in Asda where it dawned on me that ‘picking up a few bits’ was a poor idea after a morning of perfecting the ultimate Absolute Cranberry.

I understand that the person responsible for HH being offline again was dragged by their ear to a place that everyone else in the static home office could readily view them and severely pistol whipped with a Luger. A fitting repercussion on a day that would’ve been the Fuhrer’s birthday.

So to the football.

Arsenal drift from one fiasco to another. After the humiliating business of their learned manager not understanding how additional time works, we got fresh meat today courtesy of Fibreglass claiming his comments in the Spanish press were ‘misinterpreted’.

‘Lost In Translation’ was a cracking film, but like much of the guff that emanates from the Emptycrates this is just more whinging, whining and the usual cobblers that befits a club that lives in its own cuckoo land of reasoning.

I think we’ll smash them. I don’t just want this to happen but genuinely believe it will be the outcome.

The strategy for this contest ought be a simple one. The French are at their best when they have the ball and the space with which to ping it about amongst their better midfielders. The way to nullify this is by retaining possession of course but also by attacking.

Our wing-back’s contributions worry me. A&E does occasionally great if predictable work. Charlie is bloody slow. Modders will have the space and Dances with scones ought make himself pivotal. Flick that round thing past, over and generally beyond their midfield, Their defense is eminently unlockable, unmemorable.

Prediction? Let’s just do what we do best. Fly by the seat of our undergarments and …do ’em.

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  • jfdit says:

    redknapp needs to change things quick

    gomes is a liability

    we’re fucked if we don’t stop giving them easy goals

  • kojac says:

    big tom with a pearier by the sounds of it,shame we have let in 3

  • Wowsers says:

    The sooner we stop playing 442 against top sides playing 433 the better. This is bonkers. Yet again we are tactically outthought.

    We have had two moments of magic and that is why we are still in this

    My team for next season:

    walker gallas dawnson a&e
    sandro modric thud
    vdv (home)/ lennon (away to track back) pav bale

    • jfdit says:


      you’re joking aren’t you?

      • david says:

        Think he will be gone in the Summer.
        We don’t need Pav and Crouch up front tonight.
        HR should change the shape at halftime.
        Mind you, he cannot be blamed for the soft goals we have conceded tonight.

        • kojac says:

          he can and will be blamed though

          if we lose

        • david says:

          I would blame HR for the team selection but not for poor defending by Gallas for the third and maybe Gomes for the second.

        • Wowsers says:

          Gomes needs a confidence boost. He is dire at the moment, but on reflection I agree with Harry. He saves us more than he costs us.

          The guy is a great character and I would bet that he is a good player to have in the dressing room yelling and leading.

  • spurlative says:

    Bye bye gomes.
    When can kaboul come back into the team?

  • A_Felching says:

    I’m going up to the pub to watch the second half amongst the unwashed scum fans :devil:

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