
What’s More Important, Wigan Or Madrid?

Image for What’s More Important, Wigan Or Madrid?

The answer of course is that it’s a pretty dumb question.

Wigan’s away section is sold out, so the humdrum of the Premier League has not been entirely dismissed. Equally there has been a bristle of activity on forums from fans wanting advice on manner of European Tour related issues. Where to purchase their Drachma, ‘is it safe to drink the water?’ and requests for a few handy phrases in foreign to get them by.

We have been subjected to the old ‘bare bones’ speech from Arry of course. Dawson and Bassong are our only two fit centre backs. Hang on – who’s on the incredibly long list of unfit ones? I’ll take Gallas, but Woodgate and Ledders have long since been converted into Prit Sticks, tubes of UHU and rolls of Sellotape, haven’t they?

The Boy Bale did his hamstring in enroute to Cardiff. Presumably whilst trying to simultaneously plug his laptop charger in to a near impossible to reach under table socket and prevent his tea being swept of said table by the passing coats and carrier bags of fellow passengers stampeding past him. Well it’s how I did mine.

For those of you still battling the whole ascent of man process, those of us to the far right of the chart have worked out that if we don’t actually win the Champions League  then we must finish fourth domestically in order to qualify for it next time round. It’s true. Scientists did a study on it.

So Wigan cannot afford to be a warm up act, not treated as poor cousin or as a limbering up exercise. Our lot need to go there and show some minerals. To do less would equate to spending your rent money on hookers and fast cars but telling yourself there was nothing worry about as you’d left a tenner to spend on scratch cards and therefore everything would be cushty.

My shirt losing betting suggestion is Pav Anytime Scorer in a 0-2 win at a Vodkatastic 18/1.

My Indian spirit guide Dave tells me to expect Defoe to start.

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  • hugh de paor ireland says:

    look we can win the game in hand,then we still 3pts behind,we can beat arsenal and draw with chelsea and try and win whats left,they all will drop points,media makes these teams invincible, does anyone know when the team flies out,i assume they left wigan for madrid,we under no pressure in madrid although for us watching,its going to be stressful,bale will play im sure,its old harrys style,just hope the pre match meal wont be fish n chips and jellied eels,arry is partial.i think we will become men next tuesday and the massive showdown at the lane,lets hope it will be a massive wet soaking north london night to welcome the tanned lotion boys.think it would suit us better. If you can dream it,you can do it………..walt disney

  • melcyid says:

    If I was arry the man motivator I would pin up the 4 teams above us goal dif on the pegs of our forwards before the remaining games.
    They have no shame and should be totally embarassed to bank their earnings. :angry: :-(

  • AS says:

    Always see Harry Out posters online especially when we lose. But I never meet as many in real life out and about in north London. Maybe it is another one of those internet phenomena that runs on its own steam and does not relate to the big room with the blue ceiling.

    • MysteriousStranger says:

      I tend to find many people dislike Harry. From Pompey fans to West Ham fans, to Southampton fans.

      I also know plenty of Spurs fans who are not terribly enamoured with him and his approach.

      He is a gobshite patter man, media whoring smart arse, for all the positives cited about him you can still find any number of negatives.

      There have been many gushing comments about how he should be the next England manager, from neutrals, to not so neutrals(see “family members”).

      Fine. Let him go and be as disappointing as Don Revie, Ron Greenwood, Bobby Robson, Graham Taylor, Glenn Hoddle, Steve McLaren or anyone else I’ve not mentioned that isn’t Alf Ramsey proved to be.

      Even with the best players in the country, I’m quite confident Redknapp would pick the wrong players, get his tactics hopelessly wrong and fuck up that job. I used to think he’d be good for it. And I actually thought the same when he became Spurs manager. I’m now inclined to think “a change is as good as a rest” applied when he first arrived, and he simply got lucky.

      You perhaps should widen your survey beyond North London. After all, most Spurs fans in the world aren’t actually there, especially not in Tottenham itself!

      • Astromesmo says:

        Keep it N17!

      • Finn says:

        I think the absolutism showed to managers is quite stark when compared to many other people in one’s life. The line between love him and leave him, seems to have no middle ground or grey shading at all…….the wife doesn’t put sugar in your tea? Right, DIVORCE!

        Harry has transformed our team and our club from serious rock bottom underachievers to a side contending for the two biggest prizes in Football, the EPL Championship and the Champions League. Add up all the tasks and comparative priorities and its a job where there will always have to be a few compromises and and the odd risk.

        However when shit happens and I get frustrated with Harry, I’d like to shout at him and occasionally kick him in the bollocks, but that doesn’t mean I want him to leave! I can cry to the heavens at the stupidity of something (in my own wise and infallable opinion), but that doesn’t mean I want someone else, its just that I’m temprarily annoyed at who we’ve got.

        So we get rid of him and replace him with who? I don’t think Martin O’Neill is quite as good an all rounder as Harry, and with one or two obvious exceptions the overseas contingent is limited. Add to that that anyone coming in, is both a risk in terms of settling and would want to change tack to some extent and pull us back a gear in doing so…..and there’s no guarantee they’ll be able to sign a class forward either!

        Discussing micro matters like selection and tactics is fine but changing the manager is a strategic, macro decisions based upon a lot more and we can’t really complain about a few results or about a systemic problem that has already been identified, when we are sitting where we are. Knee jerk calls to sack managers are pointless and in this case plain dumb….bit of perspective needed here methinks!

        • emspurs says:

          I am decidedly lukewarm on Arry myself. :whistle:

          In all seriousness, I think you’ve got it just about right. And by right I mean an opinion strikingly similar to my own.

      • Discospurs says:

        I’d add a further annoyance I have with Harry, which, fair enough, does not really add fuel to the ‘Harry out’ campaign, but it feels good to get it off my chest.

        I’m tired of the same post-match excuses. I’m tired of the ‘one of those days’ and ‘no match is an easy match’. This week he could point at Chelsea and Liverpool; previous weeks he couldn’t. If I were an interviewer next time I’d say ‘Right Harry, so how do you explain Man City thrashing Sunderland? Or Man Utd doing a job on West Ham?’

        His responses are grating. Just once I’d like him to say – look, we’ve been off form in the league all season and it’s not good enough given last season. Or something similar. Anything but the same tired, worn excuses that look increasingly like a man excusing himself, not his team.

  • Kojac says:

    makes me wonder what they do at chigwell,is it our training ground?

    how did blackpool win,wigans 1st clean sheet since time began

    redknapp doesn’t know how to set up a scoring team,we’ve learn’t that this season

    Levy is going to be a busy man this summer,whatever happens in the run in

  • hugh de paor ireland says:

    :sleeping: bray wanderers they always relegated but stay promoted,i understand you,we could do with wanderers fighting attitude as in that play off battle they last won.

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