
Blackpool Prattle

Image for Blackpool Prattle

Good morning sports fans.

I feel I’m owed about 27 goals from these occasionally shiftless chancers and shall be having one of those more than 2.5 goal bets. This is probably about 5/2 and in event of it coming in I can then begrudge having to shell out so much to see a return and in the event of it not happening it will inspire unchecked anger.

There isn’t too much to say in advance of a fixture that we ought to win handsomely for so many reasons. J**** was in The Evening Standard with a piece to me that smacked of blow softening.

He reveals that we’ve not done well against rubbish clubs, that if you are involved in the Europa Cup you play on Thursdays and Sundays and that we haven’t won at Anfield since 1993. He’s like a crappiest Magic 8 Ball ever. But then at this stage in the proceedings the rehearsed speeches explaining failure are written, simply being fine tuned, eh?

So armed with this gems how will our intrepid contestants fare in this week’s Crystal Maze? Blackpool having nothing to lose. Nothing. There may be talk of abandoned fairy tales, there may be comparisons made with ‘wounded beasts’. I want a win and a convincing one. Blackpool are rubbish and that’s not our problem.

Part of me wishes I wasn’t backing a goal-fest, but was in on the big scam. A crack at the old ‘irregular betting’ one with Holloway taking all 3 points at 10/1. The one where the ‘Seasiders’ throw their buts and spades up in the air at full time. The one were we swerve the Europa and we concentrate on winning a domestic pot and 4th spot next time around.


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  • Wearefukednowarry says:

    gee that o’hara guy looks good tonite… we should sign him :ermm:

  • Wearefukednowarry says:

    & yes that is a bit of poo under my Av :angry:

  • Wearefukednowarry says:

    I’m not trying to say he is any good, I just think ‘Arry’s shit now really do, shame thought he was the Shit, now just shit bit like Jol really…. shame :ermm: :-(

  • Wearefukednowarry says:


  • Disco Darren says:

    HR has a history of joining clubs, raising there profile up a bit and then crashing big time. He then walks away to another job with a shrug of his shoulders saying look what I did, but what more could I do and what do the fans expect.
    Living on the south coast, I have witness this behaviour many times.
    88-89 season near the end of the season, Bournemouth are in the playoff position, then Harry starts spouting off how Bournemouth cannot afford to be promoted, then Bournemouth drop out of the zone and do not get promoted. The fans are a bit miffed as its an oppertunity lost. The next season Bournemouth get relegated and Harry leaves to join Wet Spam and Bournemouth are in debt.
    Every club he has been too had the odd moment of glory only for it to end in tears and recriminations against HR. The only exception is Southamton, no glory, just straight down to the championship.
    Next season Harry will have his mind on one thing and thats the England job. He has his statement ready “look where the club were 2 from 8 and look how far I took ’em. It’s not my fault they play in a small stadium and don’t generated enough revenue to stay at that level. I did the best anyone could of done guv”.
    Personally I get rid of HR by the end of the season before he wrecks more damage to the club.
    Can we afford to get relegated?

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