
Brummie Prattle

Image for Brummie Prattle

Good evening fight fans.

Sweet Surrender Sundae or something they’re calling it. To quote Derek Jameson, do they mean us? Let’s hope not, eh?

With so much guano flying around the place it doesn’t take the mind of the world’s greatest analyst to work out that what we are looking for is a performance that signifies shame for previously dropped points and an array of knowing looks, man hugs and body language that sends us all off feeling confident.

About something.


Just don’t leave us dwelling upon a bad, bad fantasy whereby we’re being sexually interfered with by a functional alcoholic with a Scottish accent and a cheque book.


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  • Chrispurs says:

    There have been very few drawn games this season, where we were fortunate, to get a draw. we weren’t battling out, holding on, or jammy.Most of those draws, we dominated the play, and created more chances, than the opposition. With a better manager, we most certainly would be in CL next season.

    Signed Mr Another idiot.

  • TMWNN says:

    I’m guessing, but his complete unwillingness to admit that we couldn’t have done better in the league probably stems from a reluctance to admit to Levy that he (Redknapp) made a total mess of transfers.

    We obviously can’t afford to compete wage wise for established stars, which makes it imperative that we have someone at the club who can see the qualities needed in less known players.

    • TMWNN says:

      A case in point being Defoe and Crouch. Defoe spent most of the game falling over yesterday and Crouch has just become a laughing stock. Upgrading on these two was hardly mission impossible for any manager worth his salt, not doing so was a massive fail on Redknapp’s behalf and cost us dearly.

  • greavesie says:

    ancellotti – you have to be joking – you want to watch slow motion sideways football week in week out?

    without a doubt, spurs have been the most entertaining team on the planet this year. the problem is not the manager, nor the tactics, it’s the personnel. redknapp can’t run around and kick a ball – the players do that and the ones up front let us down. they got quality service – plenty of it, but they didn’t convert.

    i see we’ve signed a 16 year old from barcelona – that’s a start – now for a couple of front men who can actually perform in the 6 yard box

    • TMWNN says:

      the problem is not the manager, nor the tactics, it’s the personnel

      Is the manager not responsible for the personnel?

  • greavesie says:

    no – he is responsible for getting results with whatever the club gives him. he may have some input but the final decision is not the manager’s

  • greavesie says:

    “hello daniel, can i come in?”
    “sit down, harry, what can i do for you”
    “we need to strengthen our squad”
    “agreed – any ideas”
    “i want rooney and messi, buffon and a couple more of those dutch blokes”
    “in your dreams, mate”
    “well don’t blame me if we don’t crack the top 4”

    • TMWNN says:

      I see what your saying, but I think it’s extreme.
      It wouldn’t have taken a Rooney or a Messi to improve on Defoe and Crouch.

      I could see they weren’t up to it last season, when we were fortunate to reach the top 4, why didn’t Redknapp?

      Indecision and/or lack of player knowledge cost us, not lack of money.

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