
Every Single Goal This Season In One Mighty Video

Image for Every Single Goal This Season In One Mighty Video

Good morning.

This piece of dedicated compiling comes courtesy of You Tuber extraordinaire twistedbutlogical.

It’s really nice piece of work. Some of the goals are belters, some are screamers. There are more than a few that whizz into the old onion sack and some by contrast are more delicate in nature. Goodness me, there’s something for the entire family here.

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  • LosLorenzo says:

    Too hard to pick a favorite. Maybe Bale’s volley?

    History will tell whether I’m being a sheep and buying in to Famous Arry & Levy’s Big Gay Boatride, but I’m just about convinced that sticking with Redknapp is what is best for the club. Crossing my fingers that their talk re: keeping the stars is the real McCoy, and that the transfer markets are fluid enough for a clearout of the squad.

    As so many times lately, it’s do or die. With sound judgement and a bit of good fortune we have a great opportunity to improve over the summer. We’ve proven that we can cope with playing against the best and still perform at home. With the lighter load in EL, and the possibility of blooding a handful of talented youngsters and squad players, I think we can improve in the PL. Time and again we have shown this season that we can win under massive pressure against anyone, anywhere.

    Sure, we missed fourth against the bottom teams. But instead of moaning, lets turn that into something positive. It is a hell of a lot easier for the manager, coaches and players to fix that side of our game – at least when compared to the decades long malaise we have suffered against the top teams. That cycle, at least, is broken. And that, I am convinceed, is what I will remember of this season in years to come.

    Hopelessly glass-half-full? Not always. And there’s plenty to be concerned, frustrated or maybe even angry about. But then this is Tottenham. We are Spurs. BIOYC

    • astromesmo says:

      1/4 full, half full, as long as there’s something in there it’s always good. Never be afraid of being an optimist… Although I have just been to see the scan of my soon-to-be Junior Hotspur member so everything looks good to me right now. :-D

      Rose taking leaps forward, the Kylies coming back with real experience under their belts, Thownsend looking like he’ll get to cause chaos in the Europey, Sandro like a new signing… I feel good about it all already!

      As for goals… the third against Inter at home and the away goal at AC Milan for just the sheer euphoria. :-p

      (All I want for Christmas is a striker please Santa x)

  • Fatfish says:

    Time to dust off the old vinyl for a classic from ’78 in tribute to ‘Arry’s achievements this year.

    • forhodssake says:

      I preferred ‘I’m not ready’ – showing my age. Apparently Joe Jordan does a good cover of ‘Sing if youre glad to be gay’ every time Krank or Gio knocks on the door requesting more playing time.

      My fave was away at AC Milan, partly because of the context/importance/overall performance.

      One observation is that Defoe and Pav scored some great goals between them but they were all at a distance from goal – no two yard headers,tap-ins, or penalty box scrambles.

      This suggests that they are either not getting in the right positions or that our midfielders are not providing them with sufficient ammunition.

      When you watch games like Birmingham etc etc we are dominating possession but there are actually few clear cut chances for our strikers – even the most lethal players this year (Tevez, Berbatov etc) miss plenty of chances but that isnt noticed because of the amount they do score.

      If they arent getting chances is it poor reading of the game, lack of workrate, lack of pace to get into the box, lack of service or something else? Just a thought – and I dont know the answer!

      Back on Harry bashing, I wish (today) he would refer to Spurs as ‘here’ rather than ‘there’. Its only a small adjustment but there is a world of a difference in its connotation.

      • emspurs says:

        this is actually a very good point. Aside from the very painful gormlessness of our strikers, for all our dominance, we don’t create as many clear cut chances as we could.

        I think part of this, as you point out, is the running / positioning in and around the box. Pav is an intelligent runner, but hopeless when there’s three or four desperate defenders around who want the ball more than him. Defoe wouldn’t know a clever run if it punched him in the face.

        But I think a lot of it is that we’re far too static and keep our shape far too much when facing two banks of four defenders. We tend to look very very static and easy to defend against in that situation. I watched Real Madrid completely destroy Almeria at the weekend and their movement around the box was constant, fluid and impossible to defend against. Why aren’t we doing this? Now I can’t be sure, but I know I blame Harry! :-p

    • forhodssake says:

      actually Harry’s a Tom Robinson fan – his favourite is a slightly adapted version of 2-4-6-8
      …..I’m sure you know how it goes!

  • CyprusYid says:

    Not allowed to see it in Cyprus! Grrrrr!

  • Devonshirespur says:

    Wow…That Pavlyuchenko looks like decent goal scorer, some real belters…We should by him. £25m should do the job. Who does he play for?

  • willbo says:

    love it.
    Anyone got any truth to share about these Cristian Ceballos rumors?

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