
Modders – ‘Several Offers Recieved, Sale Being Considered’

Image for Modders – ‘Several Offers Recieved, Sale Being Considered’

Good evening and don’t shoot the messenger.

Rummaging through cyber dustbins can be a mixed bag alright. Never more so than today it seems. First the unsettling Modders quotes earlier and now from Niko Kranjcar’s agent Adrian Aliaj has told in response to questions about Niko – and I quote…

I still have to confront with Tottenham, which has not yet decided whether to divest or not Niko. I guess it all depends on what will Modric, where the Spurs have received several offers and are considering selling it.Its future, however, depends on its society, which has a long contract, even though Niko wants to play with more continuity to avoid losing the national team

Even allowing for the translation glitches, this is straightforward enough. Nico wants to play aside from any other reasons to ensure his International spot. He’s happy enough with us but if Modders went that would effect his decision.

Modders’ contract is to 2016 and so any offers will of course have to be hefty. Look, it would have been beyond naive to think nobody was interested and this simply confirms that there is.

*puts mum’s colander on head and hides behind settee*


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  • MysteriousStranger says:

    The most on point (and not hysterical) comments are at the top of the page, from David:

    “Believe he (Levy) also said we would not sell Berba or Carrick. He needs to say no throughout the whole of the window and not just at the start of it.”

    and HK_Yid’s response

    “Don’t like this “we have no ‘intention’ of selling” quote that Harry and Levy use. why not just say “we are not selling”? That’s journo language for “make me a fat offer” if you ask me but i’m only fearing the worst, given our recent history.”

    Intention. A declaration of intent. Not a promise, nor a guarantee.

    Seems pretty obvious therefore, that if Levy deems any offer to be sufficient, then Modric will go.

    However, we may as well stop crying until August, cos I sincerely doubt anything will be done before then. The next two or three months will drag. Let’s hope we sign someone worth talking about in the meantime, and not just find ourselves shaking our heads as the likes of Friedel, Parker, Phil Neville are courted. Assuming Harry isn’t going to fuck off to Chelski, of course.

    Cue Harry off to Chelsea whilst trotting out some “couldn’t guarantee “they” wouldn’t sell “their” top players” guff. Then bids £60 million of Abramovich’s money for Modders, whilst taking a percentage fee for his pull, citing to ol’ Roman how having already been the players manager would help Modders make his decision :whistle: :freu

  • MysteriousStranger says:

    Anyway, the Daily Star have run with the Luka comments with the headline:


    “Valued at closer to £25 million now”!

    At least his price is going up. Might well get to £60 million in August at this rate of inflation. Would you sell at that price?!

    • AFelching says:

      I was hoping for his picture to have a pair of comedy tits on, in keeping with the publications level of journalism :finn:

  • Worried_Yid says:

    Can we not just sign a few more Croat internationals to keep Luka happy?

  • Edsspur says:

    Levy says “no” more often than Van Persie’s squeezes and we all know how that went….

  • Worried_Yid says:

    Hmm, maybe Luka doesn’t like other Croatians

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