
Modders – ‘Several Offers Recieved, Sale Being Considered’

Image for Modders – ‘Several Offers Recieved, Sale Being Considered’

Good evening and don’t shoot the messenger.

Rummaging through cyber dustbins can be a mixed bag alright. Never more so than today it seems. First the unsettling Modders quotes earlier and now from Niko Kranjcar’s agent Adrian Aliaj has told in response to questions about Niko – and I quote…

I still have to confront with Tottenham, which has not yet decided whether to divest or not Niko. I guess it all depends on what will Modric, where the Spurs have received several offers and are considering selling it.Its future, however, depends on its society, which has a long contract, even though Niko wants to play with more continuity to avoid losing the national team

Even allowing for the translation glitches, this is straightforward enough. Nico wants to play aside from any other reasons to ensure his International spot. He’s happy enough with us but if Modders went that would effect his decision.

Modders’ contract is to 2016 and so any offers will of course have to be hefty. Look, it would have been beyond naive to think nobody was interested and this simply confirms that there is.

*puts mum’s colander on head and hides behind settee*


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  • Billy Fiore says:

    Premier League football agents, eh? Their necks just invite violent stabbing.

  • Finn says:

    Everything is for sale at the right price: Levy knows this as we should too!

    Having said that the following occurs to me. On the one hand I think we have a realisation by Levy that we are now up in the top tier of the EPL and we will not stay there if we help consolidate rival teams positions there at the expense of our own. CL revenues, sponsorship money etc., should easily outweigh any revenue gained from selling the player, especially if we have to pat with a sizeable slab of the fee for an untried replacement.

    Additionally we have a handful of top quality players supported by a strong group of squad players that not only enhances our chances of successs in the League, but also makes us a more attractive and realistic destinantion for other quality players to want to come to…… which in turn further enhances our ability to increase revenues from success rather than player-commerce.

    On the other hand, any player may break a leg, lose form, fall out with team mates/manager: the “top of their game” thing, IS transitory! What do we do if we lose players to injury? Long term planning for both immediate contingency (injury suspecsion etc) and replacement (sale, form, long term injury etc) has to be in place and putting all our eggs in one basket is foolish. If that is so, it then begs the question, IF we have viable alternatives why not use them and cash in?

    I don’t doubt Ferie had the same quandry when his squad started to mature, his answer was to get the best from the player and sell them just after they’d peaked, getting maximum play for them and a top price. (A reason NOT to buy Berbatov back).

    The third thing to consider of course is the PR. Not important? Not much!

    Firstly the value of the club is based upon market perception; being a selling club or stepping stone to ManU will not enhance our overall stock value perception-wise, even if it does have a positive short term effect on the bottom line. Negatives like players not coming to WHL, other star turns questioning the clubs ambitions and ability to realise them will soon lead to other name being on the lips of every lacivious lip in Fleet Street. This will lead to a drop in stock values as expectations of success fall…. the stock exchange is after all just a big up market bookie!

    However the positive PR value of a young star studded team looking to bring in more star turns and with real ambitions to grow organically (as opposed to force-fed, battery hen, billionaire funding), is enormous. Not just for the reasons above, but the new generation of stars are what attracts new young kids to be the next generation of THFC fans. We are growing our grass roots for shirt sales and filling a bigger stadium (and posting on this blog) in 2020 and 2030.

    Can we sell and survive? Of course, but its a tougher road to hoe….should we sell? Not in my opinion.

    • Kluffah Yid says:

      Love the rhetoric but can’t help feeling that the money side is 10 times more complicated than that with external influences we haven’t even considered.

  • melcyid says:

    agree with your opinion based on where we are at at this time,we are definitely a work in progress.I reckon that levy is quite aware of the position that we are in at the moment as a club and of all the presiding young rising stars etc need to expand stadium. and most of all to sit tight on this current team that is being built.I really dont think that at this time he will sell. for two good reasons.
    1 He is a fan first and has been given an opportunity via JOE LEWIS and ENIC to do something with the team he loves with himself at the helm.He has an unbelievable chance to live every fans dream. Do you not think he was frustrated like us for year in year out at never reaching our potential over the years but always trying to play the spurs way. with some great players and some crap players in the same team with some crap owners and some crap mangers also some good managers.never have all the right ingredients arrived in the pot at the same time since the glory days.I think he thinks he can do it.He is a relatively young man to be where he is .If he sells every one and then the club what is he gonna do for an encore,sit back and count the cash?I think he is deeper than that.
    2)he is a business man and his background is firmly in the jewish mind set.To sell only at the most valued moment of the product/ land/ home etc if you have to but not sell while it is not reached its zenith.I have worked for many Jewish customers in the construction field and they are very astute businessmen for instance they rarely sell their properties but rent out and watch the assets grow in value.they dont work on short term plans but long term which can and usually involves generations.Levy has seen Lewis operate at close hand and probably learned a lot from him.This business venture of THFC PLC as far as ENIC and Lewis are concerned is in its early stages and no where near its realised value potential.How much do you think we are worth if we were to be sold today?500 MILLION? 4 0R 6 OR 7. how much if the stadium is built and we have ousted the big four and have been succesfull over the next 10 15 20 are talking how many billions as our BRAND grows.Do you think they will sell their inheritance for a cheap price today.look ronaldo would be sold for 150 million today if madrid found a buyer. where is it going to end ,I dont think it will, its going to continue.we bought Greaves for 99,999 pounds when I was a kid because he said no one is worth 100,000. he never earned more than a 100 pound a week but played in front of 50,000 plus crowds. How much would he earn today and would he be worth 200 million.
    I am going to enjoy some great football to come with some great players to watch.while LEVY and co do their business. coys.

    • Finn says:

      I don’t think Levy’s business objectives and fan objectives are in any way incompatible. I have posted before that there is/will be a race to be in the select few that will form the European Super League, to do that we need success, invetsment in infrastructure like stadium and playing staff and stability. I sense that Levy knows this, knows too that the US media will eventually hijack “the world game” and is positioning THFC as a top tier, US friendly and affiliated club. Smart man and a good Spurs man to boot!

  • davspurs says:

    This is not just about selling our top players but who is courting them. Let me explain Man Utd have just bean demolished on the field by a team who have developed lungs that don’t need oxygen, and they will dominate the champions league because of Messi’s undoubted skill and lung capacity. The 69 year old my favourite position is hurting and when i seen his hands shaking and his chewing going faster i knew he would be plotting another kidnnapping. e have what is massive dept ridden club and his massive ego wants and he will not stop till he bully’s Levey into selling Modric and Bale. We all no what happens players start missing sitters getting phantom injuries making sure we dont get champions league so they have the pefect excuse to leave. I said before the January window closed and the rumours stopped we needed to see who failed us in our hour of need and in spite of Modrics great movement from midfield to the penalty area when he got there he missed some golden chances and his assists where very few if any. Bales back was a mystery that dragged on till Liverpool bound Adams assaulted his Ankle and his form was average the last one i was keeping a beady eye on was the Van Man who was always making noises about how we should be winning yet playing badly by leaving Crouch marooned. I believe all three of these players playing at he top of there game would have seen us finish in Europe big League instead of its poor relation. Having said this Van Der Vaart would be the only player i would let go to Germany not England and even though Bale and Modric could sulk if anyone comes in with a big offer we should not let them go to any club in England also because if we kept them on the bench we would still save Millions by finishing in the top four and i belive we could do this with them missing we only just failed and this i believe in my heart the two players possible three would have got us there King Huddlestone and Woodgate Verdict don’t sell and if they don’t perform and do a Berbatov don’t play them. Coys

  • The time has come for Harry to show some real backbone. This Cockney congeniality is all very well, and obviously has made him popular with managers all over the country, including that thing at United, but when it comes to this continual poaching of other teams’ players when they show their ability and talent in the Premier League, they need to be told to fxxx off in no uncertain terms and the players involved also need to know that this is what will happen. Even now, talk of Berbatov returning to Spurs churns my stomach, and as for Keane, well, why we rescued such a turncoat from his Liverpool debacle I’ll never know.

    It’s always been an accepted fact that teams in the lower divisions can act as feeder clubs for the top clubs – and this has been a sort of lifeline for many of them – but only since money has become the sole criterion, has this also applied to teams in that top division.

    Tell me, what’s the point of a competition where before the new season even starts you can predict who amongst four clubs at the most is likely to win the league?

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