
Defoe Offer In & He May Well Take Legal Action

Image for Defoe Offer In & He May Well Take Legal Action

Hello fight fans.

Sunday bloody Sunday. Last night was good though, eh? Lots of happy faces, shrieks of delight and that was just my front room.  To counterbalance matters was Gary Neville. Who’s face is a mess. His career in TV presenting could be a short one. Less charisma than Shipman, less charm than Crippin.

Jermain Defoe it is then. Nothing staggering other than Sunderland appear to have decided to turn up the heat on their interest in the form of a preliminary bid. I use the ‘p’ word not to mask this being some made up punt on my part, rather to acknowledge the grim reality that this is us selling we’re talking about here and I cannot imagine any transaction will be either speedy or pain free.

The master swordsman and erstwhile onion bag burster has been splashed all over the News Of The Screws today. The allegation being that his linesman’s flag was up Imogen Thomas.

Mr Defoe has strenuously denied this. And quite right too. The very idea he’d even entertain doing the wild thing with a floozy. He Tweeted: ‘Article about me in today’s News of the World is totally untrue. I am seeking advice and will take legal action if necessary.”

?Imogen Thomas took time out from saying, ‘No comment, isn’t it’ to Tweet her own denial: ‘IM ABSOLUTELY NOT IN CHAMPNEYS WITH JERMAIN DEFOE. IM HERE ALONE & HAVENT SEEN HIM. NOT READY FOR ANOTHER MAN IN MY LIFE. CERTAINLY NOT EXS.’ Presumably they had a rather relaxation tape on at Champneys hence her need to shout.

So that’s cleared that one up. And let’s hope the Black Cats get their man.

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  • kojac says:

    all the strikers must go,remember don’t be fooled by this and that and yes no doubt they will come back and hurt us but we will have moved on to our new loves who we will already be accusing and starting to doubt,its just how we roll

  • rich g says:

    Brad freidel anyone? wtf

  • eastanglianspur says:

    This raises another issue. Has the foreign import lark, at last, back fired? A shrinking pool of players and no home grown talent.

    Possible new thread subject Harry?

  • lecoqhardi says:

    Keep our strikers? Goal difference for the teams above us: plus 41, 36, 27, 29. Bindippers 15. Everton and Fulham both 6. And us? Plus 9. Three better than Fulham. With all that talent at the back and in midfield and Arry’s brilliant tactics, our GD is three better than Fulham’s.

  • southcoastyid says:

    keep the vodka boy and loose the other 3,psb/3mp& defoe have proven to be not worth a wa@k.
    moody bulgarian for 10 mil, only if he promises to be a good boy

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