
Prospective £15M Plinth Purchase = Fresh Meat For Baying Arry Haters

Image for Prospective £15M Plinth Purchase = Fresh Meat For Baying Arry Haters

I’m not an Arry out merchant. I’m not. Really I’m not.

But does this Tubby Isaac’s worshiping moron have any hint of ambition other than turning us into Tottingham WestAmSpur? Roger Johnson? Roger bleedin’ Johnson in a Spurs shirt? I rather we opted for a Free Myra Hindley campaign logo as next seasons shirt sponsor.

“He’s a fantastic player, he leads by example.” Redknapp said in The Sun.

Roger Johnson I only know as a guest on Goals on Sunday. A more surly, brain damaged hoofer I have never seen beyond your average Yates Wine Lodge doorman.

Wrong answer Arry. Wrong answer. If you are sincere in your desire to challenge again for Champions League then try looking slightly higher up the food chain. Even passing comment on players like this is embarrassing. He’s not fantastic. Grow a brain.


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  • davspurs says:

    Why are so many fans blaming our strikers, and can anyone who has played football tell me if they missed two months through injury and this happened how many would you score. If you played in a team and you scored two crackers and you looked at the team sheet the next week in a big Championship game and your reward was to sit on your arse how many Goals would You score throw Bales bad back Hudds damaged ankle Gomes turning a winning lead into a draw Wolves West Brom Blackpool Chelsea and Harry in Van out Defoe 451 shake it all about my answer not many.This is why we never scored Goals its not rocket science Crouch knocked it down to Van Van Scored then managers said hit Crouch in the back Harry has told us Crouchies back is worse than Bales so elbows syndical tackles Left Van to do more work he only did it in flashes he left Crouch isolated on his own to get whacked for nothing. Then Harry brought Defoe in and at 5ft7 they just out jumped him no need to foul him meanwhile Van was sat deep watching and waiting for a bigger club to come for him. Not once did Harry play Defoe or Pav or Crouch and Defoe for more than a week and no striker can sharpen is shooting on the bench without Huddlestone we played good football till we got near goals then Modric Van or any other player missed because by the time we passed the ball up the field there was a box full of defenders Huddlestone kept the ball moving an defences busy and he only had one leg. You all need to know this Toure was not alone and neither was paddy Kenny both stop goals and this happened a lot to Spurs West Ham Wigan Blackpool Bolton Newcstle all played in sixth gear while we played in fifth and that is a true fact Defoe could score loas so could Crouch and Pav if Harry plays the right team and in the illegal sixth gear or the FA grow some Bollocks and stop it judging by Kolo snentence they are pussys Especially Maxi Berstein City secret weapon and the real reason City where successful ask Tony Pulis why he was livid his team where drug tested twice before and after the Cup Final and City wasn’t could it be because of Kolo and why wait till the season is over before giving him six month back dated. I no why because he was one of 17 players and because he was on the bench when Rooney scored is shin overhead kick to win a game they would have drawn . So when you call Defoe remember how many shock results there was in a season where only one player filed drug test because he was full of evidence sat on the bench.

  • Finn says:

    I think as Astro pointed out there is no creedence or authority to the rumour and is just being touted as such as an excuse to bash Harry some more. Honestly reading some of the twisted rationalisations and extrapolations over the past week, I can see Harry’s point about “idiots”.

    I do think tho’ we need to remember that the EPL is 10-12 fotballing teams and an additional gaggle of Championship cloggers who take turns to be in the EPL much like penguins in a huddle. The reality of the leagues is tha the Championship goes from Mid table upwards to 12th spot in the EPL, and teh top dozen sides get the dubious priviledge of heading away in January to the nether regions of the British Isles to have lumps kicked out of their legs.

    Given this we do need a contingent of players who can stand firm in the mud rain and snow and hack out points on cold Tuesday nights…..this may extend to lands known to be on the other side of Mordor, for the ropey cup.

    Not advocating RJ particularly, but a few people capable of taking a few souvenir lumps themselves, would not go amiss especially if we lose the sarge.

  • Harry - the real one says:

    Grow up Harry.

    If you can’t sort out the wheat from the chaff, then it’s time you retired yourself to that great big steaming pile of bile that most bloggers without a ‘danny do’ drown themselves in eventually. You’re rapidly convincing me (and it seems a few others) that you seem determined to show you’re past your sell-by date.

    Time was Premier League clubs made an art of taking the outstanding players from smaller clubs, then polished them and turned them into diamonds. Just think Rio Ferdinand, Frank Lampard, Joe Cole, all players who all saw the pain of relegation.

    Just because you appear to know nothing of coaching or how to spot raw talent, it doesn’t mean you’re right.

    Sadly the ‘idiots’ comment appears to have become a self-fulfilling prophesy in some quarters, at least one Harry does know what he’s talking about, can you guess which one?

    Come on H, if you haven’t got anything sensible to say, then don’t say anything, filling your blog just for the sake of it is a sure fire way to make yourself extinct.

  • Devonshirespur says:

    i Hate to say it but i think our current squad is seeing the benefit of having a Director of Football.

    The only thing HR is loyal to is himself and money. He does not look far ahead, in his mind he’d up a leave tomorrow if bigger bucks were offered, whether for Chelsea, England or some obscure desert team in Dubai….therefore he doesn’t do long term strategic squad development. He does, “what players will improve us next season”…hence why he is seen as a manager who spends a lot of money. Sure he knows quality when he sees it and puts toghether a quality sqaud, but he isn’t interetsed in potential, because in his mind, he might not be around when that potential is realises, so what good is it to him now.

    This attitude is borne out in the way he picks his team, how he appears to have favourites, and how he only calls on youth when a crisis hits (Bale, Rose, Sandro only got their chances when injury demanded their selection).

    Long term, we need someone else sourcing youth and spending money on them. We cannot leave it to Harry because thats not how he rolls. It will become more and more essential with the 25 man rule. Our current squad doesn’t comply, and requires 4 or 5 players out just to comly, and thats without buying any further developed talent that we all crave!

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