
Prospective £15M Plinth Purchase = Fresh Meat For Baying Arry Haters

Image for Prospective £15M Plinth Purchase = Fresh Meat For Baying Arry Haters

I’m not an Arry out merchant. I’m not. Really I’m not.

But does this Tubby Isaac’s worshiping moron have any hint of ambition other than turning us into Tottingham WestAmSpur? Roger Johnson? Roger bleedin’ Johnson in a Spurs shirt? I rather we opted for a Free Myra Hindley campaign logo as next seasons shirt sponsor.

“He’s a fantastic player, he leads by example.” Redknapp said in The Sun.

Roger Johnson I only know as a guest on Goals on Sunday. A more surly, brain damaged hoofer I have never seen beyond your average Yates Wine Lodge doorman.

Wrong answer Arry. Wrong answer. If you are sincere in your desire to challenge again for Champions League then try looking slightly higher up the food chain. Even passing comment on players like this is embarrassing. He’s not fantastic. Grow a brain.


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  • astromesmo says:

    BTW as for defenders, I remember there being a huge collective ‘Meh’ on Spurs message boards (Possibly even this site) when we were linked to Micah Richards… What experts we all turned out to be eh?

    And yes, he came from Oldham Athletic. A club, dare I say it without vomiting in disdain… From the lower leagues.

    How foul.

  • Billy Fiore says:

    Shouldn’t Harry be on his fucking holidays? Although I guess there are still journalists in Painton.

  • astromesmo says:

    And one last thing before I throw the computer out the window. If KPB was so bloody good why was HE in a team that got relegated?

    If buying players from a relegated team is such a crime then why did Milan buy him (via Genoa) and if buying players from a relegated team is such a crime, why are we using him being sold as an example of why HR’s management is so crap?

    Bloody hell guys, you can’t even fit someone up with a hanging story without giving them a fucking alibi!

    • dancingbarber says:

      Well said -if getting slightly intemperate, but not without reason. That’s if I can introduce an alien concept like reason into the ranting.

  • ehbagumspur says:

    The reporter: what do you think of Roger Johnson.

    Harry: he’s a fantastic player a real leader.

    The mob: sack him, no hang him, no hang him first then sack him.

    Typical Spurs supporters.

    • hotspurhartley says:

      I don’t feel like a member of a mob that wants Harry sacked, I didn’t want him in the first place……… For the most part I have enjoyed watching the football that we have played over the last couple of seasons however, there have been too many games where he has showed himself for what he is…..below average and certainly not a Winner..

      Falling out with Hutton and then leaving him out against Blackpool away (had we won we would have gone 5pts clear of Cheatski and 2 clear of City) when Charlie was injured was just plain stupid and left us wide open at the back and 3-0 down, continuing to play an ineffective Crouch all season, playing Bale on the right and Lennon on the left for long periods in games and not being able to see that Gomes was going through possibly the worst period of his career until it was way too late, signing and then playing a very average Pienaar in front of Krankie when Bale was out etc. etc. etc.

      Add to that, the absolute bollocks that comes out of his mouth everytime he is interviewed and the fact that he will not accept blame for any of his mistakes and you have my reasons for getting rid…

      • Toddspur says:

        And your list of replacements are?

        And your plan to stop modders, bale and Lennon going with him

        Still we wait

        • hotspurhartley says:

          Ancelloti for starters or one of the many younger up and coming English managers…Simon Grayson would be my choice, look at what Holloway has achieved with a very good Sunday league side and compare that to the squad Harry has had to play with. Alex Inglethorpe could be brought in as assistant and then we could have the continuity we all strive for….
          As for losing the players that you mentioned I wouldn’t be too sad to see the back of Lennon who has had plenty of time to prove his worth and apart from the odd spark here and there will never set the world on fire. Bale is an outstanding prospect but if he did leave we would be left with a handsome financial reward. The one I would hate to see leave would be Modric and I believe we should go all out to keep him including smashing our wage cap which I would never have ever considered suggesting before….

        • toddspur says:

          stupid thread, cant reply directly to you Hartley:

          Ancelloti is one I will concede on BUT he wont come to Spurs; why would he take an inferior beast?

          The others you mention (if you care to be honest with yourself) are not even close to taking us further than Arry has…….c,mon?

          Whether we like it or not Modders will go if Arry does unless we get a fantasy manager like Jose or Ancellotti (although something about Ancelloti fails to excite me)

          Losing Arry will be a fucking disaster twofold- we lose him and all the players who like playing for him

    • jfdit says:

      face a few facts, we’re into silly season and ‘arry ended the season calling fans (who think he should of done better with the resources at his disposal) idiots.

      We have a manager with his eye on the next gig who gets his excuses in early when he fails to deliver. our results against the teams at the bottom of the table are a joke and inexcusable.

      all managers are under scrutiny and quite rightly a manager whose paid £3 million a year should be expected to deliver the goods both on and off the pitch. ‘arry has done ok but he’s not come close to winning anything.

      “arry has done well in the last two seasons in getting us playing as a decent team should do, he possibly over performed in the CL but didn’t exactly pull up any trees in the competition that matters – the league. In the other two competitions we got good hidings and did nothing of note.

      Is he immune from constructive criticism? In my opinion had he addressed obvious weaknesses in the squad we would have come close to winning the league but in his opinion a 5th place finish is possibly the best we should expect so be grateful.

      Look at the list of signings he’s made, we’re right to ask questions of possible signings considering the deadwood he’s already accumulated at the club. Personally I can see why levy’s kept the cheque book tucked away.

      • eastanglianspur says:

        Totally agree. Can you imagine Abromavich putting up with Redknapp’s performance and/or his excuses? Ancelloti has been sacked for getting Cheatski to 2nd FFS.

        The question that has to be asked is where will Redknapp take us next season if finishing in a lower position than last year is classed as a fantastic season?

        Not forgetting Fulham in the FA Cup and keeping it on topic, that he wants a ‘fantastic’ Roger Johnson. :shocked2:

        • astromesmo says:

          Can you at least compare apples to apples?

          Abramovic has ploughed in nearly £1b of his own money into that club and uses it like a plaything. Spurs is a Plc, run on a very sound footing.

          The Russian has created an atmosphere so toxic that it would probably be impossible to tempt anyone in there WITHOUT paying them a fortune – And if he decided to leave, the whole thing would collapse like a house of cards under the weight of the wage bill.

          I’d rather have what we’ve got than using Chelsea as a business model.

          On the subject of Redknapp being average and not being a winner, how does qualifying for the CL, winning against both Milan’s and ending a 17 year winless run against the ‘top 4’ stack up against that?

          Please, please don’t start that ‘anyone could have done it’ line again.

        • eastanglianspur says:

          How easily pleased some people are and how they like to cherry pick in order to make an argument – a strawman argument at that.

          I am comparing apples with apples. Spurs has a CEO, Chelsea have a CEO – Spurs has a manager, Chelsea has a manager. One manager deserves sacking more than the other only the one who didn’t deserve it has already been sacked.

          PS I have not used the ‘anyone could have done it’ line.

        • astromesmo says:

          Sorry, do you mean that us beating both Milan’s etc. etc. mean that I’m easily pleased?

          What club have you been following for 35 years? Mine doesn’t do that kind of stuff very often.

  • eastanglianspur says:

    Never mind Roger Johnson, Charlie Adam wants out of Blackpool. What odds that one eh Harry H?

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