
Spurs Silence Squealing Scousers [+highlights]

Image for Spurs Silence Squealing Scousers [+highlights]


What a day for a day dream. Not only do we do the Bindippers in there own back yard [and might I add pretty comprehensively] but West Ham are relegated. Officially no longer amongst us. Get in. Merson thinks Fibreglass is off and Aunty Wenger’s days are numbered. Ho hum.

Our lot did well today. Very well. Ratings in the am. Here’s our goals, tuck in.

szólj hozzá: —

szólj hozzá: L0-2T

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  • jerkinmahjurgen says:

    Daws is always good when Ledders plays. It’s official – he must stay. And from those who are turning to those with total hatred, just shut-up and enjoy the evening. x

  • Astromesmo says:

    Thoroughly professional performance from all in White today Their £80m-ish forward line made to look average by a man with one knee and a couple of makeshift full-backs.

    5th in the first CL season remains an achievement in my book – Games in the San Siro have been the undoing of many teams before us. Let’s hope we van carry on next week although Birmingham will be battling (cup run didn’t do them much good!).

    If we are going to be in the blatheringly ridiculous cup mext season, I hope we give the likes of Bostock, Livermore & Townsend a proper run out (and don’t keep JJ as cover!).

  • kojac says:

    yeah the amazing adventures of Ledley King

    you barely heard his name on the radio but we won 2-0

    i’ll never be anti ledley he is unique,he can do what he wants at tottenham

  • Astromesmo says:

    Actually, you have a point now I think of it HH, the ‘Dippers did squeal a lot. Constantly whining the whole bloody game. Made a change to get a result off Webb, although he was probably just trying to keep his mates at Old Trafford happy.

  • onedavemackay says:

    VDV has scored 15 in 28 appearances which equates to 20+ for a full season of him. He has to be ahead of Defoe and we need a 5 man midfield to accommodate Raffa.

    • MysteriousStranger says:

      He never plays a full season. What makes you think this will change?

      • StevenP says:

        Moan moan moan. One result doesn’t make a season but for goodness sake, get over yourself.

        You’ve allowed yourself no joys in life and for that I feel sorry for you.

        • MysteriousStranger says:

          StevenP, thank you for your concern.

          ODM made a comment about equating VdV’s performances in a number of games this season, to the equivalent if he played a full season. I responded, because doesn’t do this. Look it up.

          If Ledley King could play 80% or the season he’d be a tremendous player to have in the team. Fact: He doesn’t.

          Both players have historical injury issues which don’t allow their true potential to be fully realised. And full realisation (potential) was the key point in this particular discussion before you decided you’d volunteer yourself to become the HH Community Mood Police Officer :winke:

      • onedavemackay says:

        You obviously know more about his appearances than I do but he scores more goals in half a season than anyone else in the first team.

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