
Spurs Silence Squealing Scousers [+highlights]

Image for Spurs Silence Squealing Scousers [+highlights]


What a day for a day dream. Not only do we do the Bindippers in there own back yard [and might I add pretty comprehensively] but West Ham are relegated. Officially no longer amongst us. Get in. Merson thinks Fibreglass is off and Aunty Wenger’s days are numbered. Ho hum.

Our lot did well today. Very well. Ratings in the am. Here’s our goals, tuck in.

szólj hozzá: —

szólj hozzá: L0-2T

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  • Rocket Ronnie says:

    And Dean Austin… Oh no Edinburgh… Nethercott… It’s all coming back to me. Sad times.

    • Alspur says:

      Tell me about it: I sat on the Shelf for 15 years (from 1994-2009) during which time we won two Carling Cups and had a few foreign trips to places like Seville…

      Less than two years later, we’re entertaining the likes of Real Madrid, AC Milan, Inter, Bremen etc at the Lane… we beat the Arse & Liverpool at their gaffs (and should’ve beaten Chelscum, too…)

      I know the league was weak and we coulda/shoulda done better, but to write this off as a “bad” season is utter madness… plus, there is massive potential in the squad for a continued surge…

      The future’s bright, the future’s Lilywhite – if we get a couple of decent strikers, that is…

  • Billy Fiore says:

    Shame about West Ham losing and going down today. I was hoping we’d be the ones to send them down with a home defeat to the Brum next week!

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      You just made me laugh thinking about this.

      I can just imagine the Brummies WERE saying, “Of course Spurs will be desperate to beat us. If they lose, they have to take Robbie Keane back”

      • Billy Fiore says:

        We’ll probably just loan him out again to Brum :)

        Sometimes it’s more soothing to think about putting the cold metal in your mouth, eh, Brummies?

  • Finn says:

    We beat Liverpool at Anfield and given their current form (and ours), not a result to merely shrug the shoulders at. Whoever said up thread that we are a work in progress is undoubtedly correct and I think we don’t have a massive amount to do to push on further next year…

    This has been a developmental season which has seen us have some fun away-days in Europe and raised the club’s profile and if we finish 5th or 6th, we are still there, in and around the top table. There is little doubt in my mind that the top four/five look at us as a tough fixture, tho’ we DO need to ensure that the bottome four/five see it the same light too!

    We need a quality striker who can work with our style of play and a backup for same. A nice add on would be an emerging left back. The rest is less of a problem, we worry about conceding soft goals and slip ups in defence, but if we were 2-0 or 3-0 up at half time with a striker converting the dozens of chances we make each game, maybe we’d have a decent mmargin for error and the opposition would have the pretensions of getting a result already knocked out of them.

    As for Harry we need to do two things; firstly try to discover his loyalty factor, ie, will he take the England job if offered: Levy has to sort this out soon. Secondly, have a plan for both contingencies; if he wants to stay I doubt that Levy would want rid of him but even if he did OR he takes the England job some sort of idea of what we might look at as alternatives.

    So far no-one baying for his head has produced anything like a reasonable or practicle alternative. The desire to get Harry out seems far greater than the desire to improve the position of the club….expressions about spite, noses and faces come to mind.

    Much as some don’t like Harry, he and Levy have turned the club around and even if we finish 5th, 4th, 6th, 5th etc for the next few years we are at the top table and getting the top prize money from league positions and sponsorships and extra games in Europe. Who is a reasonable alternative who could step in and take the club further?

    We have room to improve, surely that’s something to look forward to: I feel a bit sorry for the Mancs…another championship..ho hum (yawn). Not really that exciting for them anymore is it!

    A note on West Ham (I assume they’ll drop the “United” in favour of “West Ham Atheletics”). Schadenfreude should be employed sparingly but really the whole set up, from Coe and the other wankers who couldn’t see beyond their naive and probably corrupt noses, to the Councils and politicians and of course the pretension of a club, wallowing so close to the brink of the abyss, is a right royal cum-uppance for the lot of them. The Stadium is now effectively dead with West Ham likely to wither under it’s weight of expectations…I mean how will they fill it each week, what sort of atmosphere will it (not) have and how much will they sell the opera glasses needed to watch for?

    Anyone with any common sense had to know this was a likely occurence even when the vote was taken and that a championship team in such a stadium was a child in a grown man’s suit…. I really hope the embarrassment that such incredulous decisions-making deserves gets meted out fully by the Fleet Street pack of slaverers.

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      Some good points made.

      One thing that I would raise is not whether HR should go “but first we need to find someone better to replace him”, but that HR needs a good dose of reality as well as humility. This year our team has failed abysmally to live up to it’s potential, and HR has to take some of the responsibility for this, instead of insulting those who contribute towards his wages. In my view, if he can’t do that, then he needs to move on.

      There is a precedent for this with Glenn Hoddle who lost the England job because of crass insensitivities.

      • greavesie says:

        “This year our team has failed abysmally to live up to it’s (sic) potential”

        what utter garbage – beating Inter and AC is “failed abysmally” is it?

        give us a 65K stadium and/or a rich benefactor and then you’ll see potential. We are fighting, and winning, above our weight at the moment. Remind me – how much did Chelsea, Liverpool and City spend to beat us?

        some people here need a reality check. 5th, 5th, 10th, 4th, 5th – only 4 clubs have a better record over the last 5 years – now look at their cash flow and turnover. If you evened out the playing field (salary caps, draft systems, quotas etc) as many other professional sports are doing – we’d be number 1

        the world game needs to get up to date – not just with technology where it is 50 years out of date, but also in its structure which is at least 25 years out of date. Even cricket is better organised.

        • toddspur says:

          I’m with you mate; some real vomit on here since easter; real nonsensicle vomit at that

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          This is a team that should have had 70+ points this season and should have finished in third place or possibly even second.

          This is a team that took 8 points from it’s opening six games when 18 points was more than possible.

          This is a team that until yesterday, had a run of one win from thirteen games.

          This is a team that took three points against Wigan, West Ham and Wolves.

          This is a team that showed it’s true potential with it’s European football and the occasional domestic win.

          This is a team that in terms of resources, had another great season.

          Do you still think my statement is “utter garbage”?

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          BTW; What happened to the 8th place in Hr’s first season. If you are going to be so derisory of other’s posts, it would be useful if you got your facts correct.

        • astromesmo says:

          Spurred, you could also add into that list…

          This was the team that was supposed to get knocked out of the CL qualifiers.

          This was the team that was supposed to finish bottom of the CL qualifying group.

          This was the team that was supposed to get battered by AC Milan.

          I think everything you’ve said would be entirely right if we weren’t in the CL this season but to finish where we have AND learn our way round the CL in the same season is a positive thumbs up. So many teams have suffered massive losses in league form due to cup runs in Europe and, up until Milan, we were still looking good.

          I just think the inexperience finally showed when we got to the knockout section – And that’s where the experience of someone like Fergie or ManU having Giggs & co. in the dressing room pays off. At our squeaky bum moment, we had Billy Gallas to turn to. Great player as he’s been this season, his past ‘escapades’ have shown him to be less than a reliable motivator!!!

        • kojac says:

          5th 11th 8th 4th and 5th if we beat the brum by my stats

          i agree with refs being out of date with the game but salary caps and drafts what are you talking about we are not a franchise sport or a college system how would it work,we are towns and cities with relegation and promotion with cups and europe

        • kojac says:

          @ astro

          the team forgot how to score this season and thats redknapps fault as far as i’m concerned and a major problem too

          also fergie was winning titles with kids

        • SpurredoninDublin says:


          I accept all that and even referred to it in my list. I am not criticising the CL run, I am criticising our inability to consistently get the best out of our team in the PL.

          Before someone tells me that Europe is a different game, We put in two good performances against Manure (L+D) We should have had six points against Chelsea but for them being awarded THREE illegal goals, we gave good performances against Arse and Pool and were the better team against Citeh twice. That was us playing to our potential, even though the real results did not reflect a fair reward for our efforts. We still managed to take 13 points from these games.

          At the other end of the table, we have managed 8 from 27 so far against the bottom five.

          I happen to think that this current team’s potential is being competitive in the top six, not bottom of the league against the bottom five.

        • Devonshirespur says:

          Every team in the league can moan about points they should have had….We are not far from being a ruddy brilliant team. Check these stats out:

          JOINT BEST AWAY RECORD in the EPL (better than Uts)

          1 DEFEAT AT HOME all season (only Utd have lost fewer than us- none)

          These stats could mean we’re champions, but it sadly was not to be BUT it just illustrates that we are not far from being very competitive at the very top of the league.

          We are developing. Its a leaning process. Just like Bale has to learn and adapt to how teams now play him, so does the team have to learn and adapt to play against teams that come and park the bus. I honestly think we did not have the personnel to deal effectively with the tactics of the opposition at WHL….hopefully we will learn from this season and be better equiped next season.

          If we fail to learn and fail to remidy the errors, only then can we be critical of Harry/Levy

          I am sure now of you were felling anything less than positive after the Jan window shut, and we sat 4th. We then won our next three and could have gone third…then things went wrong and this summer is the first opportunity we have to address the issues that were raise through March and April.

        • SpurredoninDublin says:


          Don’t disagree with you. We put in a very creditable performance against the top six. If you disallow Chelsea’s three illegal goals, and if the league was then based on these results only, we would be champions with 18 points out of 30.

          That shows our potential. However, 8 out of a possible 27 points against the inhabitants of the relegation zone shows how frequently we played abysmally below our potential.

  • Brycie says:

    Good day yesterday my birthday got cake Spurs won Le French lost Wet Spam relegated and PSN back online oh and had a Oriental meal for tea !!

  • Gerry Rowland says:

    just think we have we have murdered teams this year and got nothing ( Man city 1st game ) west ham etc etc.
    What would we have achieved with a few less injuries and 2 top strikers and coco the clown in goal.

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