
Spurs Supremo Issues Suicide Threat

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I’ve no doubt that Arry takes this job seriously, I just wish he’d engage his brain before sharing his East End homespun witless wisdom with us. “I’m going to go and commit suicide, it’s so sad…”

Nobody likes being patronised yet this clown manages to have a swipe at the good and learned folk that pay his wages virtually every time he gives a postmatch quote.

The shoulder shrugging needs to go. The ‘What can I do?’ needs to go. Stop fannying us about and get rid of those not up to the task and replace them with those that are. What top end managers persevere with under performers? Name an example to me?

He talks to us like he’s the West Ham manager and we’re West Ham fans . Despite this good works, unless he demonstrates some minerals and intent – trust me – this scenario can be swiftly made real.

8 A pretty damn fine performance. A stellar save and very much in the same vein of form as when we bought him. More please, Carlo.

5 Simply too inconsistent for me to be first choice right back, but then his competitor for the place is the rock star Begbie. Too slow, too predictable.

7 Another decent performance apart from the insane challenge that nearly resulted in a penalty and me hitting a high note Freddie Mercury would have been proud of.

7.9 His header off the line was another reason to vote ‘Billy’ in the forthcoming elections. He’s a soldier, he’s a man, he’s a chieftan, he’s a… repeat ’til fade.

6.9 I like this guy  lot. He’s made of the right stuff and wants to move up the pitch every time he’s involved in play.I like that.

8 Much more like it, unfortunately he had no one any good to pass to when he got there. Like Modders he badly needs some quality around him.

9 Wonderous. People use the phrase, ‘He put a shift in’ and Sandro epitomises Bill Nick’s words about coming off the pitch having given it all. Credit to the firm.

9 The absolute manic depressive in me can’t see him staying. I actually think if he went, it would hurt me more than any splitter that came before him.

5.7 Difficult to be critical when you know how much class this guy has, but sometimes he looks like a a tubby burn – out. My fear is that you rest him and you let in Jenas…

5.9 Really enjoy the Sarge and Sandro on the pitch together. He was fighting fires last night. Those Manchester City boys have been going down the gym.

-1 Father, lover, imbecile.

2 Impact sub my bottom.

6 I’ll be honest I don’t know why we bought him. But he was at them last night and credit where it’s due. Not Champions League class and that is where we should be shopping.

More disinformation that a bad line to an outsourced overseas call centre. Arry needs to stop whining and get spending. Crouch is poo. Defoe has become poo. Bring in Scotty Parker, see if I care, but stop mucking about and land two decent strikers.


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  • lammybah says:

    Harry, I won your cockerel shaped competition and emailed you twice about it will you get back to me??

  • ian says:

    is it me or is our bad form not down to bale and VDV but Dawson (nobody wants to buy from us)and defoe
    these two are typical mid table players and will go to West brom and be brilliant, but weekin and out they cannot do it against top teams.
    This was a year we could have got 2nd or 3rd (see points dropped)but we should be mid table , wher eharry belongs

    Chris hughton is looking for work

  • kojac says:

    jesus,he just won’t shut up will he

    I won’t either,1 win in 10 league game is truly awful and seriously bad management at the crucial time of the season when the prizes are dished out,why isn’t anyone mentioning this the media just say oh bad luck Arry,what can you do its hard to beat blah blah,we got one of the best midfields in the country,redknapp needs to remember who he is managing,BMJ was getting 5th with a pile of shite

    • LosLorenzo says:

      A pile of shite that included two strikers who scored over 40 goals per season between them.

  • jim says:

    some spurs fans deserved to be patronised. Yes we have tailed off thanks to fatigue & injuries but how quickly everyone forgets the previous 18 months. But why let that get in the way of a brainless rant. How about taking defeat on the chin like a man? instead of coming on blogs like this and whinging like an old woman. Sadly my biggest disapointment of the season has been spurs fans and their way over the top expectations. Then you get moronic ideas like ‘sack harry get klinsmann’ what utter nonsense. Genius, pure genius. ps.(it seems to be restricted to on-line spurs fans, most i meet in reality are realistic and supportive, but sadly we have this online minority who are just pathetic ). Not Harry out, Spurs fans out.

    • SPURSINCE82 says:

      Mate – you make a very good defence of the manager. it has dignity , pride and loyalty as it’s mpst obvious attributes, the three very things that Harry isn’t. Youve tarred everyone on here withthe same brush, who made you over the authority, any way, he’s no good without money and media influence (recently given)…

      he has no class – no history – no scent of success, so why dont you go away and support west ham or portsmouth where he is at his rtue and deserved level.

      Just an observation.

      never support those who sneer derride

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      I think you’ve got a point Jim.

      Going to The Lane has become a chore as you seem to have to suffer the ‘[INSERT NAME HERE]OUT!’ brigade at every turn.

      Arry is beginning to bug everyone with his attitude. If in a normal workplace you question someone on the slide and they respond with shrugs it’s a good time to start finding their replacement.

      Arry seems to believe that managing a football club means if things go wrong you blame the players and and get defensive if you name is brought into it.

      He needs to have a showdown with Levy and distance all of us from people who cannot aid the cause.

    • Chrispurs says:

      You’re happy with 6th; I’m not!

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      I have often made the same criticisms of our fans, and frequently point out in the general scheme of things, for us to be in the CL is a miracle.

      However, I do have a lot of sympathy with the argument that the team we have at present is so much better than their league position indicates. I am very grateful to HR for rescuing us from “2 points from 8 games”, and then getting us into the CL, but he appears to be ignoring the obvious. We are now one win in twelve games. I can’t remember the last time we had that as a statistic.

      I know that the last 12 games also involve cup games but if we assume they were all league games we would have 10 points, which if extrapolated to a 38 game season, is somewhere near bottom place.

      I always thought Martin Jol was harshly treated by DL, and he never had a run as bad as this. My guess is that based on previous managers, HR might be facing the sack, but DL may well decide to let the courts have the chance of taking the problem of sacking him out of his hands.

      I’d be grateful if anyone can tell me that last time we were 1 from 12

    • Dan Mac says:

      You’re a bit of a muppet… wanted to use the C word really! People are allowed opinions and they are allowed to think 1 win in 10 is awful qwhen you consider who we’ve played in that time. Fatigue my arse… who’s fault is that? we have a massive squad that he never rotates… we’ve had Krankjar on the bench all season… if people are tired he can play right across the midfield and off the striker… so… VDV fatigue, which is plain for all to see but he still starts him every game…

  • kojac says:

    How he can be so pleased with himself on current form is beyond me

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