
Spurs Supremo Issues Suicide Threat

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I’ve no doubt that Arry takes this job seriously, I just wish he’d engage his brain before sharing his East End homespun witless wisdom with us. “I’m going to go and commit suicide, it’s so sad…”

Nobody likes being patronised yet this clown manages to have a swipe at the good and learned folk that pay his wages virtually every time he gives a postmatch quote.

The shoulder shrugging needs to go. The ‘What can I do?’ needs to go. Stop fannying us about and get rid of those not up to the task and replace them with those that are. What top end managers persevere with under performers? Name an example to me?

He talks to us like he’s the West Ham manager and we’re West Ham fans . Despite this good works, unless he demonstrates some minerals and intent – trust me – this scenario can be swiftly made real.

8 A pretty damn fine performance. A stellar save and very much in the same vein of form as when we bought him. More please, Carlo.

5 Simply too inconsistent for me to be first choice right back, but then his competitor for the place is the rock star Begbie. Too slow, too predictable.

7 Another decent performance apart from the insane challenge that nearly resulted in a penalty and me hitting a high note Freddie Mercury would have been proud of.

7.9 His header off the line was another reason to vote ‘Billy’ in the forthcoming elections. He’s a soldier, he’s a man, he’s a chieftan, he’s a… repeat ’til fade.

6.9 I like this guy  lot. He’s made of the right stuff and wants to move up the pitch every time he’s involved in play.I like that.

8 Much more like it, unfortunately he had no one any good to pass to when he got there. Like Modders he badly needs some quality around him.

9 Wonderous. People use the phrase, ‘He put a shift in’ and Sandro epitomises Bill Nick’s words about coming off the pitch having given it all. Credit to the firm.

9 The absolute manic depressive in me can’t see him staying. I actually think if he went, it would hurt me more than any splitter that came before him.

5.7 Difficult to be critical when you know how much class this guy has, but sometimes he looks like a a tubby burn – out. My fear is that you rest him and you let in Jenas…

5.9 Really enjoy the Sarge and Sandro on the pitch together. He was fighting fires last night. Those Manchester City boys have been going down the gym.

-1 Father, lover, imbecile.

2 Impact sub my bottom.

6 I’ll be honest I don’t know why we bought him. But he was at them last night and credit where it’s due. Not Champions League class and that is where we should be shopping.

More disinformation that a bad line to an outsourced overseas call centre. Arry needs to stop whining and get spending. Crouch is poo. Defoe has become poo. Bring in Scotty Parker, see if I care, but stop mucking about and land two decent strikers.


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  • ToniMontana says:

    Redknapp out? get over yourself darlings. its not gonna happen.

  • hotspurhartley says:

    In nearly 30 years of club management this is what ‘Arry’ has achieved; (League 2) 3rd Division title 1987, (Championship)1st Division title 2003, FA Cup 2008…..He has also been relegated twice as a manager and paid over £21 million on Peter Crouch transfers…..If it wasn’t for the money and the fame I’m sure suicide would have been an option…..anyway he’s dead to me :devil:

    • Ronnie says:

      only 21million pounds on Crouchy. Crouchy is worth atleast 50 million. Haven’t you seen his knockdowns?

  • TMWNN says:

    The bloke’s a joke. Let’s get rid of this classless idiot asap, and get someone in who actually wants to be there and respects the club.

    Can the ‘Harry in!’ mob not see where this is going? It’s all down hill from now on if we stick with this cretin.

    • ToniMontana says:

      who might that be then? who do you want to replace him with?

      • hotspurhartley says:

        What about the Chuckle brothers for now, at least they have a basic knowledge of tactics which would be a start…… me, to you……

        • SPURSINCE82 says:

          why do blind people always ask where ‘you’ have left your glasses….we shouldn’t have to come up with the answer/solution, we are the fans who support the decisions of the club, or not if the decisions are repetitively and detrimentally inexplicable. You don’t have to be part of any mob, to have an opinion, see democracy….

          The points above don’t score individual saddo goals, they are a sign of sheer disappointment and frustration with mutton dressed as lamb!

          Chuckle brothers LOl more like cosmo and dibbs…

      • TMWNN says:

        Anyone. Just get him off the telly FFS!

      • Superspurs says:

        André Villas Boas

    • Chrispurs says:

      Totally agree, he’s reach the end of the line, excuses for every eventuality, whatever happens, its not his fault.

  • Arthur Rowe says:

    We need to buy a top quality centre back. We have conceded far too many goals this season and it is way too easy to just blame the goalkeeper. Dawson and Gallas are always given heaps of praise, but every time I watch them play I see them get caught out of position and gifting chances to the opposition. We have defended set pieces atrociously this whole season thanks to poor positioning and marking from our centre backs. The facts speak for themselves, we conceded far less goals last year when Dawson and Bassong were playing in defence, but for some strange reason Gallas remains one of the first names on the team sheet and Bassong doesn’t get a look in.

    • Chrispurs says:

      If the forwards had taken their chances, the defending wouldn’t matter.

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      Can’t agree with you about Gallas. Due to the injury crises we have had with CB@s this year, I have to say that the signing of the hugely unwanted Gallas was one definite act of pure genius (or amazing luck) by HR. If VDV for £8mill was the signing of the season, WG on a free was not far behind.

      • MysteriousStranger says:

        You ever notice both Gallas and Dawson prefer to play on the right side of the CB partnership, but Gallas gets the nod there? Just acknowedging this so if anyone wants to have a dig at Daws, they should bear in mind his concession in order to accomodate Billy G.

        • Finn says:

          This was the same with Woodgate, Daws and Ledders fitted together whilst Woody and Daws always drove Daws out of his natural position. The poor season he had was when he was paired with Woody. I don’t think its Left/Right though, but who attacks the ball and who covers/sweeps.

  • Spurchrisd says:

    Redknapp’s defence is based upon the fact that we’d never reached 4th before, conveniently ignoring the fact that we’d been the one team that had been consistently hammering on the door. In his mind we started at year zero when he arrived. The vast majority of the players were already at the club and had won a cup the year before. That’s why our expectations are high, and rightly so. Why look backwards?
    If you can’t deal with the pressure and scrutiny Harry, then jog on.

    • Ronnie says:

      …and thats why I cant stand the bastard. He has lowered us down to the level of Pompey and West Ham. Apparently, Tottenham Hotspur should be content with 6th place because “we never had it so good”. Where was the idiot when we were finishing 5th for two consecutive seasons? Oh…he was busy fighting relegation…again!

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