
Stop Me If You’ve Heard It… Prattle

Image for Stop Me If You’ve Heard It… Prattle

Good morning. Liverpool away, God is in his heaven and all is right with the world. Yeah right.

At the very least we’re in for a treat of a pantomime. The matinee is the Dame Comolli starring in ‘The Wrong [Director’s] Box’ and then the 4pm show stars Arold Redschnapps in ‘How To Draw Games & Rubbish People [That Pay Your Wages]’.

Liverpool’s form is tip top. The biggest comeback since Lazarus. If the Bindippers enjoy anything more than looking short changed it’s winning.

The Tottinghams by contrast have been bumbling about like that bloke off that new Yellow Pages advert. Wandering about looking overly earnest to such an extent that within seconds nobody givesĀ  flying puck if he finds what he’s looking for or not.

Dalglish’s revival is built on upon home form that is equalled by City only bettered by Yanited and Cheatski. I hope we win but expect us not to. What I’d like if we can’t win is a passionate performance from the team and a brief, upbeat soundbite from our manager.


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