
Sunday Sermon

Image for Sunday Sermon

One issue that raised it’s nit laden, dandruff encrusted head yesterday was that of support. Specifically those who were ‘true’ fans, those who were ‘real fans’.

There is a certain type of individual that always unsolicited feels the need to make such distinctions. This type of individual usually has something missing in their own life. Usually oxygen. Sadly they’ve just enough to keep them in a drifting half existence, but not quite enough to allow the sticky toffee pudding like matter they refer to as their ‘brain’ to function at an anyway near an efficient level.

Let’s not get into defending the abused, but who the abusers think they are actually talking about. Their fantasy revolves around the premise that there are characters weaker than they are. Less committed, less efficient with their contribution, less of a man or woman than they. Heh, their premise smacks of National Socialism for a reason.

It’s my experience that fans who don’t live ‘up the road from the ground’, don’t hold season tickets are amongst the most passionate, articulate and interesting. Having been at this game for a few weeks now I have a working knowledge of of other bloggers and website people out there. The best work is done by those who do not claim to be ‘true’ fans, but just support in their own way.

So how a man in Germany, Ireland, Barbados or The USA who doesn’t get to games is somehow less of a fan than someone who goes home and away and most cup games is beyond me. Sorry, but was I in an undiagnosed coma when someone concocted a points scoring system to weed out the folks they viewed as weak and promote  themselves the strong?

‘True’ fans are always bores. I’ve thankfully never knowingly stood in the same room as one, but I would imagine them to be shorter than average, in need of a haircut and not that fussed about their general appearance (‘I’m not that fussed about clothes, I just use them for getting from A to B’ – Fry & Laurie).

Freedom of expression is a wonderful thing. Sometimes one man’s delight is another man’s cue to self harm, but what makes my heart sink is the notion that an opinion is devalued if it comes from someone who somehow isn’t qualified to have one just because they watched a game on a telly rather than a seat in the Paxton.

With the exception of a few folk who are upfront about their whereabouts  – outside of heavily moderated forums –  fans are frequently hesitant to mention that they are in Egypt less halfway through a debate on Lennon’s pubic artwork a booming’ what would you know about it anyway?’ is hurled at them.

The Stratford debate highlighted this. In truth it did serve to reveal the quality of some of the Anti Stratford support. As soon as anyone who couldn’t prove they lived within the M25 was suspected at joining the debate they were sneered at.

Got a season ticket? Go to lots of games? Well done you. I went to the toilet this morning and managed not to fall in. Now it’s your turn to tell us something interesting.

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  • TMWNN says:


    • MysteriousStranger says:

      him and his?

      We’d better hope Jose takes over the reins from King Kenny and not Dodgy Harry then – otherwise we might be running a greater risk of ***** being a 1st team mainstay. :ermm:

  • bruce castle says:

    I think about Tottenham too much. I watch every game, I scour the web for every bit of spurs related news I can feast my eyes upon. I no longer live nearby (I live an ocean away), but I put a lot of energy into this long distance love affair. And like any other, it often breaks my heart.

    • calebray says:

      my sentiments exactly buddy (apart from the ocean)
      but i always forgive em and am always proud to be a spur. Wether the games are at the lane,on the box or a dodgy two bit stream i just wouldnt love football if i didnt love spurs.
      and i thank my dad for taking me age 6 to that game in 81.

      • Chrispurs says:

        we are about where we were in 1980, we were a fair side but needed two strikers. We got Archibald & Crooks, and the rest as they say is history. Get two good strikers ‘Arry, then anything is poss!

  • LosLorenzo says:

    You do see the whole true/real/proper fan BS bandied about a bit. Generally I just skip on the the next comment and disregard what they have to say. If I’m feeling vindictive I might have a go and point out to these mouth-breathers just where they fit in to my world view.

    I have to say HH, this message board, and the regulars/semi-regulars in particular, are pretty damn good at avoiding this particular fallacy. You mentioned the Stratspurs debate. I stated my opinion then, several times. I also mentioned at various junctures that I lived in Norway, and latterly the US. I can not recall a single person using that as debate ammo against me. So pats on the back to most of you.

    • LosLorenzo says:

      Also, have you all heard the great news? Appartenly, after years of recon and covert intelligence work, a C.I.A. black-ops team were able to locate liam diamond, and neutalize him. He had been holed up in a guarded compound about an hour north of Islamabad, Pakistan. The world is now a better place.

  • theresdangerhere says:

    Poor old Liam, life is just not fair… don’t mess with HH and seal team 6!

  • melcyid says:
    this is the type of attitude we need for a manager not someone who gives a public rollicking on the pitch to a midfielder who has just scored a cracker.
    alls im saying for sure :daumen:

    • Brycie says:

      What a Leg End thats the sort you need in the Prem none of this PC shoit we are being served up right now!! Bring back Jose and Warnock!!!

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