
11 0’Clocker – Enquiries Made & We Already Have A Song For Him!

Image for 11 0’Clocker – Enquiries Made & We Already Have A Song For Him!

Word just in from one of the most revered windscreen washers on the North Circular…

We have been back in for Adebayor. The suggestion is that both Manchester City and the player are prepared to talk. Which is huge improvement on previous endeavors. Which were about as successful as Amstrad’s vertical record player. Don’t laugh I owned one.

The hurdles? Oooh nothing much. Adebayor would need to take a wage cut, Mancini would seriously need to nail a replacement for Tevez and we’d need to seriously deal with the racist bigots in our number are so funny they could get work as extras in a film about Chelsea Football Club.

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  • adebayor de man says:

    This is best piece u’ve written H. Adebayoooorrr is the mannnnnn!!!

  • Sweeno says:

    My comment has just been mailed to my ISP they will know who I am because I autographed it with

    Try reading the T&C’s of your Internet usage, Sweeno. Oh & ‘Little Hampton’ just about sums a keyboard warrior up :)

  • PeterRidsdale says:

    word on street…

    Man City and Chelsea are only prepared to let us get Adebayor and Drogba respectively (and Arry does want him) if we sell them Modders. Spurs have told Man City that if they throw in Adam Johnson, they are prepared to discuss Modders leaving. Chelsea have offered Drogba and Kalou plus cash, but Arry is not interested in Kalou.

    Parker is definitely a Tottenham player unless he gets an offer from the Top 4. He won’t go to Liverpool as they have too many midfielders. Levy is taking his time as he is forcing West Ham to sell late in the day at a lower price.

    Liverpool have offered Cole to Spurs as they are desperate to get rid of his wages. Levy has told them he will only take Cole if we can have Glen Johnson as well. If we get Johnson, either Hutton or Walker will be sold.

    Arry wants to keep Crouch over Pav but he has to sell one to fund incoming strikers and Crouch is in greater demand.

    • LosLorenzo says:

      Sesame street?

    • Toddspur says:

      Welcome welcome. Oh how we’ve missed you riddlers.

      Your itk sounds way too complicated and hopefully totally wrong. Modders going nowhere is what Arry and levy have said so if any of these deals go through it will be straight cash. Or maybe I’m being naive. Fuckin hope not

      As for adebayor; He’s on 130k pw and I think we only pay 80k so why would he? Personally I’d take him as he gives us a whole new dimension up top.

      Oh and you’d better be right about Parker cos you said the same last summer. For Spur’ sake I don’t think we really need him. A squadie yes and good for Europa but an expensive luxury IMHO

      Oh a

      • Roland Rat says:

        He didn’t say it was “itk” but word on the strret, i.e some hamburger seller he’s been chatting to while waiting for it to be cooked. Sounds like a complete load of tosh.

    • SpoletoSpur says:

      Apparently City, Utd and Chelsea will take Modders but only if we give them Jenas & Crouch. You heard it here first.

    • ken e winks says:

      Parker won’t go to Liverpool cos they have too many midfielders? WTFUUUUUUUUCK have we got. Seriously, has anyone got a revolver for sale. PLEASE..really.

    • Spurstacus says:

      Def not quality.

  • adebayor de man says:

    1. Always score againts us
    2. He deeply hates le arse
    3. A proven PL goal scorer
    4. Retired from playing for Togo, we won’t lose him when ANC comes
    5. He loves animals
    6. Better than 3MP
    7. Better than defoe
    8. Better than pav, no no no different type of player to pav
    Someone else care to add?

    • BaconFlavouredSnackHead says:

      Yes – I agree with all these points, except the most important: #3

      Look at the stats, he’s not a 20 goal a season man (except once).

  • adebayor de man says:

    Adebayooooorr.. Adebayoorrrr His dad was a truthful saint And his mother is so pure!!
    Great song y’all

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