
ITK Explosion! Cahill To Spurs For PSB, ***** & Others!

Image for ITK Explosion! Cahill To Spurs For PSB, ***** & Others!

Guten abend meine Damen und Herren.

Spurs Odious’ Roger Morgan is a cove. He’s running, shortly before a major newspaper (but awfully good of ‘im to share I say) that we are offering Pointy Shouty Bloke, ***** and two (at this time unnamed) others in exchange for …Cahill.

If this happens I hereby offer to swap my collection of Maggie Philbin nudie pics for an Action Man helicopter. But all goods must be in their original box. After all, Keith was at the time of these snaps.

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  • Acton_Yid says:

    By the way, if any of you mugs were pondering this…I’ll break it you *gently*…GARY CAHILL is sh*t…there, I said it. Now change the f00king record…Now, Tasci, Hummels, Subotic (even Samba, yes !)…and we’re talking.

  • BOB says:


  • Me says:

    it’s Bassong, Jenas, Hutton and Keane. Won’t happen and I doubt it’s true if I am honest. No club in there right mind will trade 4 players for Cahill because that is potentially about £20m we would throw away for an average defender when we have 2 who are better in Dawson and Gallas (when he is actually fit, King aswell)

  • Billy_ITK says:

    Isn’t ITK an abbreviation for the word BOLLOCKS?

  • Sid Trotter says:

    I think we are all missing the point here.

    I know I am. I can’t seem to sleep very well anymore because all I have on my mind is the point. Ah, such sweet love is such sweet sorrow. Come back point, I need you

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