
ITK Explosion! Cahill To Spurs For PSB, ***** & Others!

Image for ITK Explosion! Cahill To Spurs For PSB, ***** & Others!

Guten abend meine Damen und Herren.

Spurs Odious’ Roger Morgan is a cove. He’s running, shortly before a major newspaper (but awfully good of ‘im to share I say) that we are offering Pointy Shouty Bloke, ***** and two (at this time unnamed) others in exchange for …Cahill.

If this happens I hereby offer to swap my collection of Maggie Philbin nudie pics for an Action Man helicopter. But all goods must be in their original box. After all, Keith was at the time of these snaps.

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  • edspur says:

    I’m reliably informed by another tributary of the gutter press that PSB is off to Blackburn. This does not compute at all :hae:

  • edspur says:

    Ok I’ve worked it out now. He’s going to be doing his pointing at Blackburn and his shouting at Bolton – that is after he gets out of hospital when his missus has finished with him.

  • Hmm not to sure about this one…Cahill has been available to the top 4 clubs for sometime and none of them have gone in for him.

    His performance cost Bolton the game against Stoke, dont know if he is worth getting rid of 3 or even 2 and not sure whether 15-16 mill is to much…Im certain he wont get a top 4 club.

    • Lil' Wayne says:

      Think it could be the price tag scaring them off, only A*****l really need a centre back. Do the deal before they sell Fabregas if Cahill is worth it.

      • If I’m not mistaken Arsenal were one of the clubs that turned down the chance to sign him. They went abroad to buy a defender.

        I dont think Wenger thought he was good enough then and Im certain he wont sign him in this window. my feeling is we should respect Wenger judgement on players and this could be one of them…after all its 15-20 million!!

        • UnkleKev says:

          Wenger’s judgement when it comes to central defenders is matched only by his knowledge of goalkeepers.

        • Lil' Wayne says:

          Respect Wenger’s judgement on players?! He’s not signed many decent centre backs on his time, the basis of his success was built around centre backs he inherited, English ones in fact. He no longer has them or the success, go figure.

  • edspur says:

    Makes sense to me. Notso and 3 darts at last seasons team photo. Eveyone’s a winner!

  • Lil' Wayne says:

    Get surplus players off the wage bill, if they have no market value (Keane), have few quality options (Jenas), and are a competent replacement in the same area of the pitch (Bassong) then it makes sense for all involved. Those three players are going to be pulling in well in excess of 100k p/week and could be unlikely to make a 25 man squad. Cahill is young, English and already a full international. In the current market Bolton are going to be pushing for £20m in return. Straight ca$h money not spent on Cahill will mean more to spend elsewhere, I would hope!

    • The V says:

      Buuuuuuuut…. he is shit. He’s worse than Dawson of 3 seasons ago.
      A decent CD is always welcome. Kamalo might yet be good?

      Give Jenas Christ to bolton or anyone who shoes the slightest.

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