
Leaked: Arry’s Transfer Strategy

Image for Leaked: Arry’s Transfer Strategy

This is good.

It’s from Surreal Football, a site that Mde de Hotspur gets recipes and self defense tips from. I like it too, but sometimes she leaves the parental lock on.

I’ll be lambasted yet again as an Arry ater, but it’s just a bit of fun. Right, I’m off to score a steak from a meat museum. TTFN.

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  • IanMRL says:

    What kind of a loser posts “First”? Anyway, mark my words, the longer Redknapp stays at Spurs the weaker our squad will get. Signing Parker would have an adverse effect on the development of a player like Sandro, who should be the future of our midfield (with Modric). He has no faith in young players. Also he has less knowledge and contacts in world football than Levy (hence Sandro and VDV), no imagination or vision. He is so fickle with his adoration of certain players (e.g. Nico). Friedel is a great keeper, but his signing is symptomatic of Redknapp’s “go for the tried and tested” policy…

    • Devonshirespur says:

      I agree with your sentiments but you are clearly anti-harry, for some inexplicable reason (probably based on 2 months bad form in 2.5 years), which taints your opinion.

      I do think that Harry in the long term will not be good for any club as he does not put faith in youth. IMO this is because, in his own head, he is loyal to himself only, therefore he will rule nothing out (any move up the ladder, Chelsea, England or to mega bucks, UAE) and therefore sees no point in spending money on potential/youth when he might not be around to benefit from the realised potential. Instead he prefers tried & tested players, to get him the results this season, so his stock remains high and his career can continue to peak. Its quite a pragmatic approach.

      Short term, he can do great things and has done this at many clubs BUT he needs someone else looking at the youth purchase and development because if left to Harry, there would be no youth.

      We are saved slightly by the Squad rules now in place and the fact that Levy has strict control over the wages….as a result the squad MUST be rebalanced to contain more youth and fewer big contract players. As a result the likes of Walker, Rose, Caulker will have to be given a chance.

      • IanMRL says:

        you don’t exactly seem “pro-harry” from your comments. :lol: I agree that he did great things in turning things round after Ramos… but going forward I don’t think he will achieve more than he already has and by the time we realise he has peaked already… we’ll have an aging squad and our moment will have passed.

      • UnkleKev says:

        Whilst on the face of it it doesn’t seem as though Harry has much faith in our younger players, if anyone can point me in the direction of a young player he’s let go who has proved him wrong I’d appreciate it.

        I would argue that Harry’s approach is not to play the players until he’s sure they’re ready — the emergence of Bale, Sandro and (hopefully) now Rose would seem to support this line of thinking. Plus, I’ve no doubts that Walker will come back a better player for his Aston Villa experience and will be our first choice Right Back next year. I’m equally sure that the other youngsters we have out on loan (Caulker, Kane, Townsend etc.) will also be better for playing first team football and, if they’re good enough, will also get their opportunities when they return.

        • MysteriousStranger says:

          The emergence of Bale was down to BAE getting injured, initially.

          Well done Harry for that.

          The emergence of Sandro was an inevitability. He was part of a Copa America winning side – a little acclimatisation and adjustment and that was always likely. A proven winner. Well done Harry.

          Rose looks like he might be off out on loan again. Well done Harry.

          Have you not heard of Adel Taarabt? Bought for @ £3 million, sold for £1 million to QPR, Championship player of the year, obviously worth far more than we sold him for? Let go by Harry. There you go, hope you do appreciate it :-D

        • MysteriousStranger says:

          Re: Sandro, of course I meant “Copa Libertadores de America”, not the “Copa America” :blush: *hides in corner

        • UnkleKev says:

          Sandro was tried early days, was found wanting and was taken out of the firing line until he was better prepared. Reintroduced at a more suitable time he has demonstrated what a good player he is. To not give Harry credit for that is churlish.

          Anyone who seriously thinks that the only reason Bale made it is because BAE was injured is guilty of believing the anti-Harry spin at best and an idiot at worst. Like Sandro, he was going through a rocky patch and Harry’s management skills saw him through that. The fact that it happened at a time when BAE got injured is purely coincidental.

          As for Taraabt — is this the same Taraabt that is still reportly firmly ensconced in Robbie Savage’s back pocket following a recent game with Derby or a different one? Shining against the likes of Scunthorpe and Doncaster is one thing; we’ll find out just how good he is this year.

          I remain to be convinced.

        • Tiggerspurs says:

          let’s not also forget that Harry said he didn’t want to sell Taraabt, but was forced to by Levy just as he was forced to sell Kevin Prince Boetang. Contract issues and non-stop grief from there agents made it impossible to do otherwise.

      • Ribu says:

        There’s no such thing as faith in youth anymore. Look at arsenal, too much faith in youth and you go trophyless 5 years straight in comparison to manu who has been buying carrick, berbatov and keep upgrading with proven players. Thats how you win things, not by being budget conscious. Even Wenger’s big buys when he moved to arsenal such as henry and vieira are the reason why they are such a force in wenger first 8 years of arsenal reign.

        Youths are overrated, proven players are everything…

    • sniftywoof says:


      • ken e winks says:

        On the subject of Taarabt, He was looking good at 18 when he came on at Chelski at and West down, definately was not one to sell for 1 MILL?? Next season the pudding will be the Prem and Taarabt will most certainly be the proof i fear.

        • Roland Rat says:

          Taarabt is a selfish arrogant prick and doesn’t fit into the requirements of a top premier League team. He was “Championship” player of the year, playing second rate football does not make you a world class player. I have no time for the guy, he would be a nightmare as he does no defending which you can not do in the Premier League as a midfielder. He was and is a liability we did not and do not need.

          VDV was to expensive, he was not found by Levy because Harry gives him a list of the players he would like if they were available. Real Madrid contacted us through Levy who asked Harry if he wanted him, Harry made the decision he did.

          Personally i think Devonshirespur is closer to the mark than most who bleat on here.

          The Mysterons – Where has this “it looks as if Rose might be going on loan again” come from? You are the only one who knows anything about that because I see no “sign of it” whatsoever.

          BAE has been excellent so quite rightly Bale had to wait his turn but what you don’t seem to appreciate is that he was slowly developing from the wimp “mummy iv’e cut my knee” player he was into a more robust premier league standard player. had he come in earlier there is no guarantee he would perform as he does now.

          Stop complaining and get behind your team.

        • IanMRL says:

          Taarabt may or may not be the world class player (New Zidane :lol: ) that he was hyped as… but the point is that he was never given the chance to show it… similarly Gio. You don’t bring a young player in for 2 games then decide they are not up to it. Ferguson/Wenger give their young players a decent run.

        • IanMRL says:

          “VDV was to expensive, he was not found by Levy because Harry gives him a list of the players he would like if they were available. Real Madrid contacted us through Levy who asked Harry if he wanted him, Harry made the decision he did.”
          That isn’t even how Redknapp himself described it. He admitted at the time that it came out of the blue when Levy called him and said “Harry, I’ve got you a present…”

    • Roland Rat says:

      The loser at the start of course!

      • ken e winks says:

        Roland, c’mon, steady on… i’ve already said errol the hamsters death is sad but you can’t keep lashing out. Taraabt’s form owed a huge amount to Faurlin and especially Derry, their system allowed him to shine which can translate to the prem. We will see if it does. I don’t think anyone suggested him world class? He was a kid with us and did not look outta his depth, course he will lose the ball and do a Paulo Futre primadonna type affair. I’m not gutted about it but these kids don’t get games.

        • ken e winks says:

          On the subject of second rate football, one of the best games technically or entertainment wise i have seen this season was the CHAMPIONSHIP play off 2nd leg Swansea vs Forest.

  • MickeySpurs says:

    Redknapp should not be allowed to handle transfers. He shops in the bargain bucket and does not have the foresight to pick out gems. He chooses old players or people he knows. Commoli may have picked up a few duds, but his gems far outweigh them.

  • Harry Hotspur says:

    Too funny: Clicky

  • IanMRL says:

    Let’s pray for the “guilty” verdict that could save us :shifty:

  • TMWNN says:

    Jol was dodgy tactically, but I’d sooner have him at Spurs than rent-a-gob. It’ll be good to see him back.

    • eastanglianspur says:

      Re Jol agreed, I’ll never forget how he lost us that game at Cheatski when 3 – 1 up.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      The Dutch Napoleon. I love Jol. He bear hugged, smoked fags and embraced our ever searching love.

      But as manager he had obvious limitations. They way Levy & Co dispensed with him was rotten. A PR feck up they will never recover from.

      Hey ho.

      • Roland Rat says:

        Thought they already had by getting into the Champions League something Jol couldn’t manage. And before evryone bleats I’m a Jol fan.

        It depends on whether you cling to the past and drag yourself down or look to the future.

        • IanMRL says:

          Roland – Many Spurs fans think that if we truely want to look to the future, we need to lose Redknapp. IMO he was a good antidote to Ramos because he could communicate with players… HOWEVER he has already taken us as far as he can. He will always buy dodgy Pienaar-type players and alienate existing players because he opens his mouth before he engages his brain. He is not clever enough.

        • TMWNN says:

          The future is definitely not Redknapp. I’d like to see him slung out the door pronto.

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