
VDV Re-signs

Image for VDV Re-signs

Ahhhhhhhhhh come on, some of you must be new. Re-Signs….

But these pics are really good.  Are you honestly telling me they weren’t worth luring you in for? This is VDV renewing his wedding vows.

For the benefit of my BFF Spooky – they aren’t photo shopped.

And maybe Triffic Tottenham, you could re-title your piece, ‘Rafa Re-Signs Pictures’

Here they are. Hold on to your hernias, here’s the goods.

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  • MysteriousStranger says:

    It will be Berbatov again. I agree with this. So either Modders will still go, or we him for one more season when he wishes he was elsewhere.

    For all applauding the chairman, we’ve been here before.

    • ken e winks says:

      Did you just answer me before i made a comment? aahhhh Aliens, time lords,its all happening.

    • Toddspur says:

      Good god. Even when our chairman says he ain’t going you still waffle on about him going.

      You’re a doom monger and total non supporter of our club

      In future I shall simply ignore your posts that way I won’t get so fucking pissed with your negativity

      Grow some

      • MysteriousStranger says:

        Here you are again. And please do, ignore my posts, because your subsequent contributions are not worth reading.

  • ken e winks says:

    NONONO Look again Levys come out and said,”not for sale never sell to chelsea never never” blah blah. Then Lukas saying “i want to leave, i’m meeting with the chairman and if the right offer comes in a deal could be made.!” He wants to play for Chelscum and challenge for titles and champions league. But still be friends with Spurs?????? It Berbatov all over again. Apart from he ain’t started sulking YET. Same old shit. Levy told Fergie to piss off then. What happened? Disrupted the start of the season, and its happening again. TA TA Luka, thanks for NOTHING.

  • ken e winks says:

    As soon as Levy has blagged the price up to the max he can, he’ll have Romans cock in his mouth quicker than you can say..oh shit we’ve sold another world class player.

  • NN says:

    Levy said no to any price under £30m for berba. There’s a difference. Citeh came in with £32.5m on Aug 31st, Manure matched it. Not DL’s finest hour, but Berbs did not have five years left on his contract where Mod does. This is the response we would want from DL, and I for one think he’ll stick to it. He is one of the best chairmen in the league.

  • OL says:

    Please close you blog down. Or does anybody know a way of removing it from NewsNow?

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