
Enquires Made For £8M Footballer

Image for Enquires Made For £8M Footballer

Good afternoon to you.

According those terribly nice people at Itasportpress we are in for a chap by the name of Xherdan Shaqiri.

This young man © Ray Wilkins is a Swiss International and to use more footballing parlance he is said to be on the radars of Lazio, Liverpool, Rome, Palermo, Aston Villa and Fiorentina.

The FC Basel player told Sky Sports: “I’m a really special player. Very creative in my approach to the game and I like to take risks.

“Of course, I like to score: I have to score. But I also like to help my team-mates, so everybody else can score.”

Here’s a clip of him in action. Lots of running about and walloping of the ball. That sort of thing. If you don’t like football and Venezualan Death Metal is more your bag, then this video could still be for you.

Benitez was a fan of the player and prior to him getting the heave ho at Anfield a £2M bid was mooted. So his stock is either nicely on the rise or we’re getting the old Three Card Monte pulled on us. That’s something you see less often these days. In fact the last time I saw it was up from Burger King on Leicester Square. And they were Albanian. As is Shaqiri.

Of course what would be quite good is sign him and then get various sections of the crowd to shout ‘Dan. Dan. Dan!’ ala Partridge at him. Just me on that one? Ah well…

On a more serious note I have spent the bulk of this morning looking for my glasses. If anyone either spots them or knows what the flip I did with them – do get in touch.

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  • Onlyme says:

    He likes to wander across the pitch!? Pity we don’t have anyone to get into the box and head his crosses in :freu

  • Mark says:

    Great Drummer, Shite Singer.

    Not sure about this guy.

  • MysteriousStranger says:

    Not so much “Venezuelan Death Metal”, as it is Linkin Park. Unless Linkin Park have a particularly strong following in Venezuelan Death Metal circles.

    Not a fan. Just saying who it is.

    Back to the player, I’m sure if we were to sign him we’d be making full use of all the Under Armour heart/body fat monitors.

  • dec says:

    quality player. plays right side and cuts inside with the left foot. could team up well with kyle walker bombing down the outside of him. scored a cracker against england in the qualifiers and was probably the stand out player in the euro 21’s. anything under 10 million and its a snip.

    • Anthony In That Number says:

      Completely agree. He was the best player at the Euro U21 NOT playing for Spain. He would be very useful. He played at Wembley for the Swiss against England in that recent 2-2 draw and looked very good. I actually thought then that he might be one for WHL but I doubt that getting him will be easy, lets face it transfers in or out of Spurs always drag on for an eternity. We are probably the most stressful team to follow in the transfer windows and officially the most stressful to follow in matches.

  • Fatfish says:

    Here are your glasses. And you’re still wearing them.

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