
Levy On Modders Tonight, “It’s Not About The Money, He Understands Our Position”

Image for Levy On Modders Tonight, “It’s Not About The Money, He Understands Our Position”

Guten Abend.

I think my slow burn admiration for Levy & Co may well get me nicked for pyromania.

Courtesy of our boy Danny Kelly on talkSPORT, our Chairman has drawn a line in the N17 sand that I can only coo over,

“It’s not about the money and he understands our position. We are not selling our best players.”

Just a quickie – to give new readers the merest of glimpses into my private life – when was the last time someone like Levy was ever prepared to ‘wind down his Range Rover window and give quotes to the press?

Gotta lurve ‘im!


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  • ken e winks says:

    They can all be right. Luka regrets coming out in the press, but is still wanting out, Levy wants it his way cos he knows how to play these dumb clubs who piss money for the flavour of the month. The red tops have always treated our club like shit but we have another player who has had his head turned.

  • ken e winks says:

    Heres how it could be played…Keep this story going on getting bigger and bigger into a saga, keep the attention off Bale and Sandro, keep on dragging the saga out until finally Chelski blow their wad all over Levy. Big price for Luka, way over value of course, money for a top centre forward plus whoever else required. Thudd and Sandro in the middle and Bale and Lennon on the flanks.

    • MysteriousStranger says:

      Sounds like a reasonable plan. Although I’d push the boat out and see if we can’t pick up someone tidy like Ilicic for the squad.

    • toddspur says:

      why not deflect it completely;

      Who from one of our rivals (see what I did there) could we start a rumour about that they want out; I bet if I made a call with a Manc accent to Manchester eve news saying that Rooney wants to go to Citeh (for example) the redtops will see it as a way of getting out of the modric situation onto another potential trail

      Would also be fun for us knowing we started it!!

  • Niven Frey says:

    Proud to be Spurs tonight! I think maybe I just got my club back! Puff that cockerel chest!

  • chiversmetimbers says:

    oooh! suits you sir! Danny Boy!

  • melcyid says:

    and to cap it all Ian Wright “ar5ne1 are now a feeder club”

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