
No Like Chicken Badge

Image for No Like Chicken Badge

Good afternoon.

I’m pleading the 5th. Not that I might incriminate myself but it was after about my fifth beer I suggested to senior advisers that a No Like Chicken Badge t-shirt would be a just and joyous antidote to global recessions, suffering and er that sort of thing.

And so here she is...

‘What the?‘ I hear a few of you ask.

Well, it was in relation to this blog HERE of last week and specifically this transfer request from our boy, indeed our new captain, Modders.

It’s a pity we’ve shipped in Friedel or a ‘Rush Goalie’ shirt would be hot on this one’s heels.

I trust this is a useful offering to those in the congregation with a sense of humour that allows you to dwell upon the insanity of being a fan of Tottingham Hotspur.

My belief is that he won’t leave, but if he did, this shirt gives us the last laugh. You might be a whizz with a football son, but we’re funnier than you’ll ever be.


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  • Wlocked Fallpaper says:

    Not sure about the Ad on here for a starter flat in Bermondsey hh but put me down for a no like shirt. Funniest thing in a long time.

  • essexian76 says:

    God,how I wish Daniel would talk raunchy to Keano, and God, how I wish I’d have thought of that, brilliant!

  • James says:

    Personally, it was the last line – ‘thank you very I leave now’ – that made me pee my pants…

  • Stephen says:

    Didn’t this hit the forums and decent blogs last week.

    • Spurfect says:

      I think youll find this blog was one of the originators old bean. It was on this blog here… go to near the bottom – post by ‘Vanderfaart’.

      Then here:

      Dont tell me you saw it on TalkS&*tes website first…

      • LosLorenzo says:

        Actually, the earliest I saw of it was on the Spurs Odyssey message board, courtesy of the member ‘alpurser‘. Time stamp 10:17 am on July 14th, which beats ‘Vanderfaart‘ by exactly 3 and a half hours.

        Did you know H, that they’re not very fond of you over there at SO?

        • MysteriousStranger says:

          “Did you know H, that they’re not very fond of you over there at SO?”

          You must have missed the days when Paul Smith used to post his displeasure on the old blogspot.

          Some fun to-ing and fro-ing. Paul Smith would, nigh on every time, come across as a bit of a twit. I believe they actually do know each other?

          Plus, with the “please email us if you want to access our Members Only Message Board”, you can see why they are ridiculed somewhat for their closed shop mentality. I don’t doubt that some of the content has merit within that forum, but what does usually ends up on here or any other blog.

          If only they’d bothered to embrace the public, and update their website since the turn of the century, and they could have been somebody. :whistle:

        • LosLorenzo says:

          I was promptly given a brief history lesson over there when I had the misfortune of expressing a positive inclination to this site.

          As I said then, I have no interest of getting in between. Both sites have merit, as their respective followings indicate.

          • Harry Hotspur says:

            What I found bizarre about that whole thread on SO about me was that Mr Smith was determined to dig out a blog I wrote taking the mickey out of him over four years ago!

            If someone had revealed that I was a asking my readers for money to keep going or to fund a vanity publisher book I’d want that story bloody buried.

            I’ve been offered money by a few readers (you know who you are) and on a good few occasions I can tell you I regretted turning it down. But it’s not the way forward. In my mind advertisers and sponsors owe me money, the readership owe me nothing. If they insist on buying me a beer at some stage I will with the best grace I can muster, drink them dry.

            So here it is:

            Just for the record, my initial dig at SO was a reserves report that they put on NewsNow that took a cheap swipe at one of our players. These kids get paid naff all, are just starting out. Is it really helpful to dig them out on the same platform that one has a pop at John Terry? No, it’s cheap. They ought to be encouraged.

            Look at the bad guy.

        • LosLorenzo says:

          The point is, I was being sarcastic :sideways:

  • rich g says:

    Yes stePhen u mug, this BLOG LAST WEEK

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      rich – pointless even attempting to communicate with retards like ‘Stephen’ mate.


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