
No Like Chicken Badge

Image for No Like Chicken Badge

Good afternoon.

I’m pleading the 5th. Not that I might incriminate myself but it was after about my fifth beer I suggested to senior advisers that a No Like Chicken Badge t-shirt would be a just and joyous antidote to global recessions, suffering and er that sort of thing.

And so here she is...

‘What the?‘ I hear a few of you ask.

Well, it was in relation to this blog HERE of last week and specifically this transfer request from our boy, indeed our new captain, Modders.

It’s a pity we’ve shipped in Friedel or a ‘Rush Goalie’ shirt would be hot on this one’s heels.

I trust this is a useful offering to those in the congregation with a sense of humour that allows you to dwell upon the insanity of being a fan of Tottingham Hotspur.

My belief is that he won’t leave, but if he did, this shirt gives us the last laugh. You might be a whizz with a football son, but we’re funnier than you’ll ever be.


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  • jeandefloret says:

    There has to be a ‘JT is a wonker’ shirt out there somewhere. Trouble is – who wants that turd’s name/face on their chest?

    Apologies to Mr W Bridge.

    More like apologies to Mr W Bridge’s missus. Not sure they were into scat (sorry – too soon)?

  • Horny Helen says:

    It is only funny if you have seen the blog. Anyone else won’t have a fucking clue what it is about. Will it be funnier if he stays or if he goes? Better to hve printed the whole resignation spoof on a t shirt

  • Devonshirespur says:


    What was Peanut’s big news?

  • Sir Cecil says:

    They apologised to Chelsea because it was Chelsea that threatened them with legal action. The lies printed related to what an employee was reported to have said during his official duties, in his capacity as club captain.
    Personally, I’d have preferred him to say Modric isn’t wanted at Chelsea and the weasel should stay at Spurs on his one-third wages and continue playing for a non-Champions League club that has won as many Premiership titles in its history as Crystal Palace and Blackpool.

    • essexian76 says:

      Won, how many have Chelsea ‘Won’?, they’ve bought a few mind! but that’s not really winning, then again, you haven’t bought the CL yet. well, there’s always a slip-up(i),when you think you’re home and dry, eh?

    • Astromesmo says:

      Don’t you have children to harass on the school crossing?

    • Mr_Spiggott says:

      well at least he thought more of us than he did Bridge – no “it would be disrespectful” comment there ?

      he’s a chav – classless chav.

      You may not know but we are Tottenham and we play with style, win with style.

      Anyone can get an arab or russian to bring millions and but trophies.

      There’s always someone bigger and you my son are now being done up to poop deck by city who have trumped your roubles.

      Boy I look forward to finishing above you this year.

    • Boy Charioteer says:

      “Not wanted at Chelsea?” Hmmm…a bit like pretentious charlatans who aren’t really wanted on this blog.

    • jim says:

      Cunt is what i thought, and a Cunt you are sir!

    • jim says:

      What exactly is a Chelsea?

    • melcyid says:

      thethil, why dont you ad neymar to your robinho,modric collection of preseason shirts.DADDYS $$$ IN YOUR EYES

    • essexian76 says:

      Do you know?, that John Terry, looks exactly like the tour guide who showed me around Chelsea’s training facilities, yeah, honest and when I mentioned I came from Essex, he said he knew a bloke who could get me some really good ‘stuff’ and a bird who did a great line in knock-off’s if I was interested,I said no ta,I’m skint mate after what you’ve just charged me for this gig!

  • ricewireless says:

    Must be boring on the chelscum blogs if you pop over here Cecil you arse…Oh and weasel that retort will strike him down pure geniuss, he hasn’t shop lifted, snorted buckets of coke, or screwed a team mates wife that maybe is why he hasn’t gone yet over to you? non champions league? :finn: bet your twelve at best, jog on :winke:

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